Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Social-Emotional, Cognitive and Physical Benefits of Physical Activity

The social-emotional, cognitive and physical benefits of physical activity During childhood our body and mind changes very fast. I believe that nowadays parents focus more on the brain developement of their children than their physical activity. When I was a little girl – over 20 years ago – we spent most of our time outside playing, running and enjoying fresh air and being in movement. Physical activity of children can secure them health and well being in their adulthood as well as teach them a lot of very importants aspects like social relations and behaviors in different situations.Now I see that a lot of children spend their time at home or at after school activities that don’t involve a lot of movement. According to Child Development and Education â€Å"a series of studies shows that reductions in physical education are not associated with increase in academic achievement†. It is important to teach a children how to play piano or improve their mathema tical skills but we should also remember how important is a physical activity in their development.Also as Child Development and Education states: â€Å"One of the problems is that adults tend to want children to remain still and quiet, particularly in groups, whereas many children prefer more rambunctious activities. † According to The Journal of Pediatrics physical activities of children vary with age, type of exercise, and setting. Physical activity begins in infancy with pushing up, turning, crawling, and eventually walking, and it progresses to more complex activities as neuromuscular control develops.Basic movement patterns develop during preschool ages and are the foundation for a wide range of physical activities at later ages. With growth, maturation, and experience, basic movements are integrated and coordinated into more specialized and complex movement skills that characterize the free play, games, sports, and other activities of school-age youth. Guided instructi on and supervised practice, specifically by qualified teachers, coaches, and others who work with children, are important in learning movement skills. Types and contexts of activities are variable and change with age during childhood and adolescence.Activities of children aged 6 to 9 years are largely anaerobic (as in non-sustained activities or games such as ‘‘tag’’), and they help the child learn basic and more specialized motor skills. As youth move into the pubertal transition (about age 10-14 years, earlier in girls than in boys), these skills are incorporated into a variety of individual and group activities and many organized sports. Mature structure and function are approached or attained in late adolescence (age 15-18 years), so that physical activity programs can be more structured.Physical activity has not only physical benefits. It also has a very big impact on social-emotional and cognitive aspects of child’s live. According to Centers f or Disease Control and Prevention â€Å"The development of a physically active lifestyle is a goal for all children. Traditional team and competitive sports may promote healthy activity for selected youth. Individual sports, noncompetitive sports, lifetime sports, and recreational activities expand the opportunity for activity to everyone.The opportunity to be active on a regular basis, as well as the enjoyment and competence gained from activity, may increase the chances that a physically active lifestyle will be adopted. † Team sports for example not only provide physical activity for children. They also introduce them to the meaning of â€Å"teamwork† and ability to find their own place in a group. Especially in sports, where roles change and they need to wait for their turn. When I was little we used to play badminton but unfortunately had only two sets of rackets that we needed to share.There was usually 6-8 of us playing together and I remember how we managed to be a public and players. This was one of my first lesson of sharing and adapting into a situation that I can’t change. Also it is important for children to learn a little bit about competition, since it is present in our whole lives. We have competition at work, college and different areas in our lives and I hardly believe that when person learns that sometimes you are first, sometimes second and sometimes last as early as you are a child it will be easier for the person to accept that you can’t be always first in adult life.During physical activities children interact with each other and getting to know their friends. Very often on the outdoor playgrounds we can see how quickly they meet other children. If they get bored they start looking for a new friend that can play with them. Encouraging children to those type of behaviors teach them how to be open in relationships with new people in their lives and how to interact with new friends. Adults should be aware of the right ways in encouraging their children’s physical activity.It is very important to know, that physical activity is an essential part of children’s day and teachers as well as parents should know how to promote it among children. First of all they should remember about even short activity breaks in between learning. The Journal of Pediatrics states that â€Å"The recommended 60 minutes or more of physical activity can be achieved in a cumulative manner in school during physical education, recess, intramural sports, and before and after school programs.In this regard, the Centers for Disease Control recommends daily quality physical education from kindergarten through grade 12. Both physical education and recess afford opportunities to achieve the daily physical activity goal without any evidence of compromising academic performance. Opportunities to influence youth participation in physical activities are readily available at home and school, as well as in community and health care settings. † They should also Provide an appropriate equipment and make exercising an enjoyable experience.Children tent to get bored if they do one thing for a long time, that is why diversity in exercising is very important. As a adults we should remember how important it is to take care of the physical activities of children. They can not only stay in good physical shape because of them but also develop on many other levels like social, emotional and cognitive. References McDevitt T. M. Ormord J. E. , (2012). Child Development and Education. 5th ed. USA: Pearson, pp. 157-77 WILLIAM B. STRONG, MD, ROBERT M. MALINA, PHD, CAMERON J. R. BLIMKIE, PHD, STEPHEN R.DANIELS, MD, PHD, RODNEY K. DISHMAN, PHD, BERNARD GUTIN, PHD, ALBERT C. HERGENROEDER, MD, AVIVA MUST, PHD, PATRICIA A. NIXON, PHD,JAMES M. PIVARNIK, PHD, THOMAS ROWLAND, MD, STEWART TROST, PHD, AND FRANCXOIS TRUDEAU, PHD,, (2005). EVIDENCE BASED PHYSICAL ACTIVITY FOR SCHOOL-AGE YOUTH. The Journal of Pediatr ics. e. g. 32 (e. g. 2), pp. 732-7 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Guidelines for school and community programs to promote lifelong physical activity among young people. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 1997;46(RR-6):1–36

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Addiction Does Not Discriminate Essay

Addiction does not begin with a conscious decision to become an â€Å"addict. † Because of the availability of painkillers, central nervous system depressants, and alcohol, every socio-economical group is at risk. For many it is a slow progression from needing to wanting the drug of choice. Fortunately, there are treatment plans and therapy for those who suffer from this life changing disease. The stereotypical view of a drug addict is the poor, dirty, economically challenged, bug-eyed, and most likely of non-white ethnicity. However, Jeff Bishop reports from an interview with Pamela Shepard, coordinator of the Coweta County Adult Drug Court, Andrews 2 that the addicts they deal with are anything but stereotypical. Shepard states that the people they deal with are not like those in the movies, they are moms, dads, college, students, nurses, teachers and every other profession. Then there are those who never stood a chance from the time they were born. Shepard also says that drug and alcohol addiction and other addictions are pervasive, not just in certain parts of a town or among certain groups of people. Bishop) There are several prescription medications that are addictive, however, some of the more commonly addictive and abused are painkillers, CNS Depressants, and Alcohol. The National Institutes of Health estimates that in the United States close to 20 % of people over the age of 12 have used these prescription drugs or alcohol for non-medical purposes. (Prescription Drug Abuse). Prescription pain kil lers are one of the most commonly abused medicines (Drug Addiction-Prescription). Many patients are prescribed these medicines for moderate to severe pain. If taken exactly as prescribed, pain medicine can manage quite effectively. However, chronic use or abuse of opioids can result in physical dependence and addiction (Drug Addiction-Prescription). Pain killers tend to be over prescribed by many doctors and the option of online pharmacies only adds to the problem. (Prescription Painkillers May Be Over Prescribed) According to researchers from the University of North Carolina, physicians who treat neck pain rely on medications far too often to the point of excluding other treatment options, which may be more effective and carry less risk of addiction. Prescription Painkillers May Be Over Prescribed) Andrews 3 Another highly abused medicine is CNS Depressants such as, Xanax and Valium (Drug Addiction-Prescription). These medications are typically prescribed to treat anxiety and sleep disorders (Prescription Drug Abuse). Depressants, for many, are a â€Å"way out† of reality which allows them to alter the ability to feel emotional pain or discomfort. Sometimes the â€Å"way out† feeling leads to addiction. Research continues to show that alcohol is the most abused substance. The National Survey on Drug Use and Health released that 22% of the American population binge drink and that over 16 million people are heavy drinkers (Catton). Two reasons to support this fact are availability and being legal to buy. Alcohol is woven into many activities in life, and it becomes difficult to recognize when drinking has crossed the line into addiction. Alcoholics have a difficult time setting limits on the amount consumed (Smith, Robinson & Segal). Many people experiment with drugs and alcohol with only a small percentage becoming addicted. Why do some succumb and others do not? The Genetics Science Learning Center states that it is becoming increasingly clear that genetic factors play an important role in the addiction process (Genetics Science Learning Center). There is not one gene that determines addiction; it is influenced by multiple genes as well as environmental risks. These genes and environmental factors can either add up or cancel each other out. A person’s genetic makeup does not necessarily doom them to become an addict. (Genetics Science Learning Center) Andrews 4 Environment is also a major factor in addiction (Genetics Science Learning Center). Just because a genetic map says someone is prone to addiction does not mean that it will happen, it just means that those people need to be more careful than others. Treatment plans have been in place almost as long as addiction has been a problem. There are several different treatment centers that provide multiple care plans. Through the years treatment plans have drastically changed, most defiantly for the better. History has shown that past treatments for addiction has been imprisonment, sentencing to asylums, and church-guided prayer. Of course, those methods were generally ineffective. Genetics Science Learning Center) Current methods are more based on the understanding that addiction is a disease that has many more factors than just a need to â€Å"get high†. Modern treatments involve a combination of drug and behavioral therapy, resulting in a much higher success rate. (Genetics Science Learning Center) Society tends to judge drug addiction sufferers as morally weak or may see them as if they have criminal intent. Many people do not understand that while symptoms of addiction are treatable, the disease itself is incurable. Luxury drug rehab) Many addiction sufferers will die from their disease, but those who seek help from a treatment center can treat their condition and live a wholesome life (Luxury drug rehab). Andrews 5 Truth is people who are addicted come in all shapes and sizes. It is not just the crack addict in the alley in a bad part of town. They are also the successful business men who wear business suits and successfully function in the corporate world. Addiction sufferers can also be the people who dispense and prescribe narcotics, or the stay at home parents that drive the kids to school and to ball practice every day. They could also be the elderly neighbor or maybe even a teacher (Winkel). Because there are many beliefs and stereotypes about drug addiction that are simply not true, those who suffer from addiction find it difficult to ask for help or even admit they have a problem. Addiction stereotyping is a hard habit to break but doctors and therapists try to treat addiction as the disease it is. One of the first steps in breaking the stereotype is to stop using the words habit, fix, and abuser that reinforce the stigma with negative connotations (Salsitz). Everyone is worthy of treatment and help. If people were more aware of the problems of drug addiction and how easily it could happen to anyone, he or she may be more likely to see an addicted person as someone who is worthy of help and respect. The more harshly people judge those who suffer from addiction and continue to make them feel as if they do not deserve treatment the less likely they will be to get help or even trust someone enough to confide in them about their problems. It is never a good idea to generalize people and their behavior. Many who are addicted to substances can move past their addictions and go on to lead productive lives.

Beowulf’s Defining Characteristic

Beowulf Essay Beowulf, like so many other heroes, is described as a great fghter and a man of tremendous strength. He has self-confidence bordering on insanity. He is willing to do whatever it takes to earn trust and protect his people. He chooses to fght Grendel, an invincible monster unarmed and unprotected because he is very confident in his own strength. Despite his many qualities that make him who he is, bravery is the defining characteristic of heroism in Beowulf.Beowulf has a strong desire to demonstrate his bravery to others. He travelled to the Land of the Danes in large part to prove his courage by destroying Grendel. Just as he was about to kill Grendel, he offered a prayer to God. After the battle, Beowulf knew that he did not kill Grendel alone. He says that God allowed him to kill the monster and gave him all of the credit. Beowulf then fearlessly goes to Grendel's mother's underground lair after she attacks the mead-hall Heorot to avenge his eath.Beowulf became ruler o f the Kingdom of the Geats. His first task as he ruler was protecting the Geats from a fearsome dragon. The dragon was angered because a servant stole an ornamented cup from him. Before engaging in his biggest battle thus far, he remains brave and confident. Beowulf remembered all of his past victories and knew he had to stay loyal to his people, no matter what the challenge was. Through Beowulf's bravery, strength, and loyalty, he earned the respect of many people.His actions resemble one of America's most important Political fgures, Martin Luther King, Jr. MLK and Beowulf both have the intentions freeing and protecting their people. Beowulf saved his people from giant, invincible monsters, while MLK saved his people from the monster of racism. The two of them showed an amazing amount of bravery while doing this. Although their hardships and battles were completely different from each other, their motives and intentions to save their people were nearly identical.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Online Education Development to Engineering Essay

Online Education Development to Engineering - Essay Example A lot of teachers also found the basic methodology of teaching ineffective for students who failed to simply log in their minds the importance of the class subject instead tend to look at the time clock more over books and wait modestly for the lecture to finish and get ahead with their invasive games. A look at the past methods of teaching cites that the family orientation and discipline of the kids of yesterday were much uncomplicated or rather submissive than the persistent attitudes of the child of today. With the open internet access and government tools inclusive of their hotline numbers placed online for children's rights, parents have declined to put emphasis on structuring discipline and instilling the importance of education on their respective homestead. With the competition of internet chat and games, a lot have been given to these kids and lure them away to the basic truth of nation building, which is obtaining quality education and appropriate school curriculum. Honestly, the curriculum is not much of a problem for the school administrators and instructors whose endeavors have taken care of the concurrent measures to provide a very impressive standard of education of the most efficient norms that acknowledges quality education. But the difference lies in the methodology of how they pursue in attracting these students to study more without rerouting state of interest to other online games. Parents and teachers divine, think how we should stay on line too with our aim to navigate these young minds to the fulfillment of our task to educate them in a least classical manner but with an in-depth result. We have to look into consideration of what our kids want. Or why do they like to study this certain kind of subject Then compare them in the macro version of the detrimental effects of online games unrevealed. Or simply defining the worldwide affirmation of being internet game crazy or being just crazy over the huge market of these things unraveled. The steps that we have to undertake in making an online education system converge with the correct software program are the following: I. Defining the specific age group of study This study is intended for children with the age group of seven (7) to ten (10) years old. II. Defining the needs of the age group on study. As we go on with the study, we must understand that we cannot simply put on some educational modules or interactive software without first knowing what the children of the specific age group wants. These kids have their own mind set. If we cannot break into it, then it would be better to accept failure with regards to the proposed concept of online education. Children included in the age group study, characterizes optimum interests to colorful items, either in the imagery of the software program projection, or in the use of the hardware itself, we commonly call as accessories. I prefer to hold the topics of the software and accessories since we are going to touch this in the later part of the study. Children tend to go into acoustic. They need to hear loud sounds that will make them laugh. A specific example is when a character, like a cartoon character, falls into the ground and gives a sound effect

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Evaluation of frontline the merchants of cool Essay

Evaluation of frontline the merchants of cool - Essay Example However, marketing is admittedly not that simple or easy, as consumers are quite fickle. They can change their minds readily, by following trends and whatever is considered as â€Å"cool.† Marketeers and advertising professionals can focus their efforts only on a particular sector or segment of the population, to achieve maximum effect. One can direct all marketing and advertising on middle-aged individuals, for example, for these are the people who are at the peak of their earning capabilities, at the prime of their careers. Or one can focus on youths which is also fast becoming a significant sector because of its huge spending power. Teenagers are the hottest consumer demographic today, at 33 million strong with a buying power of about $100 billion by themselves alone, and by influencing parents, can still command another $50 billion to spend. I will argue in this paper that the comparison made by media critic and professor Robert McChesney likening this population segment a s a massive empire to be colonized, an intellectual equivalent to Africa, is not very accurate. Discussion Teenagers as a separate demographic segment came into prominence only recently as family incomes rose during the last few decades. Teens today have more pocket money when compared to earlier generations due to this rising affluence brought by a good economy and a continued globalization in teen culture has a marked influence on how this sector came to the attention of professional marketeers. Teen lifestyle became a distinct marketing category that deserves all the attention from marketing and advertising professionals because teenagers' big spending power on consumer items is a crucial factor when selling items like CDs, films, television programs, clothing, jewelry, shoes, books, music, sports, and many other items. In a certain but limited sense, this is probably what Prof. McChesney referred to as a moral equivalent of the vastness of the African continent at the turn of th e previous century, when it was ripe for the taking and exploitation. The teen demographic sector provides a vast opportunity for the purveyors of youth culture, food, fashion, fun, beauty products, activities, etc. because of their huge spending power in absolute dollar terms. Teenagers in a way had become a legitimate sector as part of an American consumer polity (Lee & Zhou 102). However, the comparison of this teen demographic sector to the African continent is not very appropriate, as it is a bit of an exaggeration because of one key difference. In the time of British colonialism and imperialism, the colonized peoples of Africa were in no way able to offer some form of resistance. It was largely a one-way relationship, in which the British held all the cards, so to speak, with the African peoples in a very weak position in the relationship of colonial power and colonized people. The colonial encounter in Africa was that of inequality, the British from a position of strength and the Africans in a weak position (Asad 16) but this is clearly not the case when it comes to the teens in terms of marketing. The youth today have a voice or choice, in which they

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 132

Summary - Essay Example The study is conducted in a single Congress; it is the reason why Clinton does not apply it to all states. The results may differ depending on the party of the representative and geographic factor. In the opposition of party constituency and geographic constituency, conservative wings tend to care more about party constituency while progressive forces pay more attention to local preferences. Rivalry between Republicans and Democrats results in the fact that policies of the House become more radical than people want them to be. Voters who belong to different parties are expected to have opposite points of view on the same issue. It results in radical solutions offered by both of them. Even though it seems that such radicalism negatively influences representative function of the House, all policies need to be approved by the Senate and the President. This approach mediates differences in party-correlated behavior. The limitations of this study give a clue for further research where the true causes of differences of party correlated behavior are identified and studies. The study by Butler and Nickerson examines how legislators tend to react when they are informed about public opinion. Since their main function is to represent people, they need to act in line with what people expect from them. At the same time, many legislators remain uninformed and their decisions do not represent the interests of their voters. Butler and Nickerson conducted a survey of New Mexicans regarding 2008 summer session and shared their findings with a randomly-selected half of legislators. Those legislators who were informed about the results of the survey, were more likely to vote in support of public opinion. At the same time, legislators who were in the control group were less likely to guess what people expected from them. This study supports the idea that legislators want to act in line with public opinion; however, the authors warn that the information about public

Friday, July 26, 2019

Factors that contributed to the creation of the power-sharing regime Essay

Factors that contributed to the creation of the power-sharing regime of the KMT and the CCP in twentieth century China - Essay Example The development of political systems worldwide is related to a series of factors. Normally, the economic and social conditions of a country are set the criteria on which the country’s political framework has to be based At this point, it has been proved that the level of influence of the above conditions on local politics can be differentiated; China is such case. Due to its strong culture and traditions – which have managed to keep their power despite the pressures from Western ethics – the country managed to remain autonomous in the international community; this target was mostly achieved through the establishment of a political system which emphasizes on the independency of the country, not just in terms of culture but also of the production (industrial and agriculture). It seems that the power-sharing regime of KMT and the CCP parties has contributed to the above result. The factors that led to the development of the above regime are examined in this paper. E mphasis is given on the political conflicts and agreements that characterize the specific regime and the initiatives developed each time for the political stabilization of the country. 2. Factors that contributed to the creation of the power-sharing regime of the KMT and the CCP in twentieth century China. The fall of communism in Eastern Europe had left the impression that all countries with similar political systems were likely to follow the same route; however, there was an exception; reference is made to China, a country the political framework of which is based on the principles of communism ... In the context of the imperial power, the emperor had the power to govern with no limitations or restrictions, keeping his power to delegate certain tasks to ‘other individuals and organizations’ (Zheng, 2010, p.62). Also, it was under the influence of the imperial power that China’s political system had accepted the views of Rousseau on political governance – and not that of Locke (Zheng 2010, p.62). In other words, the power-sharing regime, which currently characterizes the political system of China, can be considered as differentiated from the country’s traditional political thought. However, this difference is not as high as expected, a view, which can be developed after examining the political practices of CCP and KMT parties – which participate in the political group that currently governs China. More specifically, a closer review of the political decisions and initiatives of China’s Party can lead to the assumption that the power -sharing regime has two different dimensions: at a first level, the CCP is able ‘to decentralize its powers to other actors according to its needs’ (Zheng 2010, p.62); however, CCP can also ‘recentralize its powers with no notice, if this is necessary’ (Zheng, 2010, p.62), a fact that proves the limited borders of the power-sharing regime in China. The reasons that led CCP to accept a power-regime framework with non-communist parties are analytically explained in the study of Zheng (1997); in accordance with the above study, the first of these reasons was relate with the political power of KMT. The followers of the party were many. The leaders of CCP understood that even many of the supporters of Chiang Kai-Shek decided to follow him in Taiwan, still many

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Risks, Costs, and Benefits of Consumer Loan Options and Steps Research Paper

The Risks, Costs, and Benefits of Consumer Loan Options and Steps Needed To Control Costs - Research Paper Example 1.1.2 Cost of Consumer Loans There are a number of costs associated with consumer loans. These include interest, carrying charges and installment price. Before banks issues loan facility to customers, there should be a clear calculation on the amount of money to be recovered on installments basis, as well as, the amount of interest payable. All these are dependent on the amount of loan offered to the customer, the repayment period, income of the customer and interest rates as set by the financial institution. 1.1.3 Benefits of Consumer Loans One of the benefits of consumer loans is that it helps in servicing short term financial needs such as home improvements, vacations, emergency bills and wedding. It is also considered to offer security to customers. So long as an individual have acceptable credit history, the person becomes eligible for consumer loans. Similarly, a person can also use consumer loan facilities to clear previous debts thus helps in improving credit rating. Consumer loans can be used in asset acquisition. In addition, no security or collateral is required in this form of loan facility. Given that it does not require referees and other collaterals, consumer loan application takes shorter time. Finally, people poor credit history also offered the opportunity to access consumer loan facilities. 1.1.4 Steps Needed To Control Costs Consumer Loans. One of the initial steps in controlling cost of consumer loans is by adopting positive spending behavior and controlling both short term and long term personal expenditures.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Investigate a family therapy model Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Investigate a family therapy model - Essay Example a Satir that improvement remains a possibility always, and as such the model helps to improve the lives of individuals in a family unit by causing a transformation in the manner in which they view themselves and express themselves. The Satir Change Process Model lays the framework for assisting transformational change in individuals, couples, and families through changes in their basic beliefs or their self-understanding. This change roadmap provides the route through which individuals can be assisted in making choices that lead to increased self-esteem, provide self-accountability, and thereby enable the individual to move towards a more congruent understanding of self. There is a universal yearning in all individuals to be loved, acknowledged and accepted. The transformations that occur within the self of the individual provide the means to meeting these universal yearnings to be loved, acknowledged, and accepted. Transformation is a natural element of human process. Changes occur as a result of learning and growth. Changes happen based on decisions made. Changes are required as to cope with situations and the development of relations. This also causes in an individual the desire for changes in others in keeping with self-expectations, and this can lead to disappointment, when the desired changes do not happen. Thus in adapting to changing circumstances, an individual at times can develop emotions of helplessness, lack of power, fear, hurt, and anger, which lead to strained relationships. This can be avoided for the process of change can be empowering to the individual by self-development within the individual. This calls for removal of focus on behavior. It requires the individual to take charge of and transform the emotions, perceptions and expectations of the individual. From where does the individual draw the guidance and inspiration for such action? It comes from tapping the universal yearnings to be loved, acknowledged and accepted. It is the Universal

Discouse the way in which recent work in the area related to Essay

Discouse the way in which recent work in the area related to organisational theory have challenged or contributed to conventional understandings of the subject - Essay Example Similarly, Donaldson (1995) supported the general connotation that organizations are established and preserves in order to achieve specific intentions. This goal-oriented or active perspective regarding organization indicates that organizations are meeting places of individual efforts that are more or less synchronized to accomplish objectives that could not be otherwise achieved through solitary action. Nevertheless, aligning the notion of organization with the framework of goal pursuit is to some extent problematic, and there is a large collection of literature that deals with the model of an organizational goal and whether or not the construct carries great weight. For instance, several organizations have within them members or employees who either is not aware with the organization’s mission statement or if they have substantial knowledge of it, they do not essentially support it. An actual example is the goal of most publicly managed corporations in several developed nations which is profit maximization or the capitalization of shareholder value; this corporate objective is in stark contrast with the concerns of the many employees who are more focused on their job security and their comparative influence or prestige than they are about revenues. One instance is a contract manufacturer or employee who is not familiar with the components of corporate accounting and consume s more labour hours because of the common belief that the more hours of work the more income they will earn. However, the target of maximizing overtime was not an organizationally endorsed or even acknowledged goal. Furthermore, the objective of maximizing shareholder value does not produce much dedication or motivation among most organizational contributors (Pfeffer, 1997). On the other hand, Pfeffer and Salancik emphasized that â€Å"organizations are... a process of organizing support

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Relationship between money supply and inflation in saudi arabia Essay

Relationship between money supply and inflation in saudi arabia - Essay Example This paper also label the author from whose books or journals ideas are taken and they are labeled according to APA format. The topic about inflation and money supply in the economy was very vast. To prepare a good and comprehensive report, I have not only relied on my textbooks and knowledge, but instead I have used various outside sources as well. In the beginning, I have used some of the data that was published in Saudi Arabia Monetary Agency Report. This was a good mean to examine the overall inflation rate and monetary supply in KSA. The report states that in order too keep the inflation rate in the country down; Saudi Arabian government keeps most of its wealth in the form of United States Dollars. This is to stop any unnecessary leakage or money being pumped into the economy. This shows that Saudi Arabian government knows about the fact that inflation in the economy will rise if they let the money flow into the economy. (SAMA 44th Annual Report, 2007) In another report it has also been suggested that Saudi Arabian government keeps the inflation rate down by offering various subsidies to their citizen. As a part of this policy, in 2006, a heavy subsidy was given to automobile gas sector to cut down the prices by 20%. (Country Profiles Report, 2006) My research was not only limited only to these reports, but I tried to crack down the trend of inflation in Saudi Arabia. It was when, I was researching about the inflation rates in Saudi Arabia, I found out that inflation hit Saudi Arabia in those periods, when oil-markets showed a boom or price of oil rose sharply in the international market. (Index Mundi) I also reviewed various text books to arrive at the correct definition of money supply. In the end, I found these definitions very appropriate. One writer stated that money supply is actually the amount of money that is cumulatively held by people and organization working in a country (Samuelson and Nordhaus, p.321) After finding the correct definition of money supply, I started looking for money-supply trends in Saudi Arabia. It was very surprising to see that in the last few years Saudi Arabia has increased the money supply in the economy and it is continuing its policy, although the fears about inflation are very high in the country. (Country Profile Reports: KSA,2008) In a report, it was stated that "For the last few years, Saudi Arabian government is increasing the money supply in the economy by around 24% annually". Talking in the more absolute terms, the report further stated that "M3 (broadest measure of money supply as it includes all the money that is circulating in the economy in the form of Cash or Bank Deposits) grew to 815.14 billion riyals ($217.4 billion), which in the preceding year was only lingering around 615

Monday, July 22, 2019

Gender Equality Essay Example for Free

Gender Equality Essay Irrespective of the country and the cultures people live in, it is next to impossible to keep the question of gender equality hidden in the modern society. When the word gender equality was voiced in the 19th century what was been sought was political rights. Not only then but also today inequality between men and women has been evident in our society. Discrimination against women is an act that has had a lot of negative impact in our society and to the women themselves. This has been demonstrated through gender violence, economic discrimination, reproductive health inequalities and harmful traditional practices. It is a concern to the whole world to a point of making the affirmative action to fix this problem. Gender equality first and foremost is a human right; women are entitled to live in dignity and in freedom from fear and want (Tomasevski, 1993). Should men and women be equal in the modern society? Men and women are equal; only that women are victims of pervert social progress. Gender discrimination between men and women leads to unequal access to the resources and benefits of development. see more:gender discrimination short essay Gender inequality affects all people; sustainable gains in development and poverty reduction are only possible when men and women are full and equal participants in society. Men and women are different but they are equal in that whatever men can do their women counter parts can do it well. Men and women are equal what brings the discrimination is the socialization that men and women get. The notion that women are weak has denied many women with the ability to exploit the abilities they have (Tierney, 2007). Men and women are equal in so many aspects and should be equal. Politically, financially and academically no much difference that can be noted, it is insignificant. In the political realms there are women who are doing extemporal well. Taking the example of the just concluded US election Hillary Clinton had good support and motions that would be bought by the rest of the candidates. In the world of business we have Oprah Winfrey; an indicator of what women can do. She is competing among the men in that field and still her success is a threat to many. In the modern society women have been known to take responsibilities of raising the families. Women have come up so well in that their dependency level is going down even though they are discriminated in salaries. This is a proof enough that if women are given equal opportunity with men they can do much well. In the employment sector women are taking those opportunities which were thought to be for men (Kramarae Spender, 2000). Women are managers of big companies and also owners just as men. They are also well represented in the government sectors and in the government. They have become career makers. Men have the initiative of sharing the household responsibilities. It is a common occurrence that couples can choose whether it is the woman or the man who will get a leave to take care of their new borne baby. Men and women are equal in the eyes of the law; they are subjected under the same law. Women are equal to men in all aspects hence in the modern society they should get the right to basic needs, education, job training and employment as men do. Empowering women is a great tool for reducing poverty and advancing development. Empowered women contribute to productivity and health in the families and communities and hence improved prospects for the next generation (Cross, 2001). The idea that men are stronger physically is just a preference of a few. If women are given similar opportunities as men they can perform equally well. Denial of opportunity has contributed to decreased performance of women in various areas. On the other hand both women and men should not forget their roles though sharing of responsibilities is taking root in the modern society. References: Cross, P. L. (2001): Womens Rights are Human Rights; Human Rights are Womens Rights. Retrieved on 29th Dec, 2008 from: http://www. pinn. net/~sunshine/essays/w_rights. html Kramarae, C. , Spender D, (2000): Routledge International Encyclopaedia of Women: Global Womens Issues and Knowledge. ISBN 0415920906, 9780415920902, Routledge Tierney, J. (2007): Men and Women, Different but Equal: What’s the Problem? Retrieved on 29th Dec, 2008 from: http://tierneylab. blogs. nytimes. com/2007/09/09/men-and-women-different-but-equal-whats-the-problem/ Tomasevski, K. , (1993). Women and Human Rights. ISBN 185649120X, 9781856491204, Zed Books

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Pakistan Aircraft Carrier Program

Pakistan Aircraft Carrier Program The purpose of this project is to strengthen the capability of Pakistan navy. The strategic management of Pakistan navy has assessed the strength while observing the increasing strength of our foe. To fight an effective warfare the co-ordination of naval aviation with surface and sub surface forces possess prime importance. It is prime responsibility of naval force to protect the sea lines of communication during war scenario. While considering all defensive and offensive capabilities in different situations the decision has been taken by ministry of defense to induct the aircraft carrier in Pakistan navy. The order have been passed to start the construction of carrier and construction should be as early as possible while using own available resources. The aircraft career should able to carry 15 JF-17 thunders, 12 Z-9EC and 7 seeking at a time. The carrier must have anti missile system, torpedo counter measures, anti gun system, communication equipment with surface sub surface and aviation forces. 1.1 Collect requirements Requirement documentation While considering project charter and stockholder register we use different sort of techniques such as prototypes, observation, interviews, decision making techniques etc we have documented different types of requirements which are  as follows: functional requirements The functional requirements of our project are as follows Lab tested material should use throughout the construction Fire fighting system for all kinds of fire: Length 320 m Beam 80 m Draught 25 m 10 no of engines All machinery from German olam company Carrier should carry 15 missile with range of missile 300 miles 17 anti missile with range of missile 100 miles 14 torpedo and 20 counter measure with range of missile 60 miles 1500 tons fuel capacity 4 navigational radars with range from 10 to 150 miles 4 fire control radars range from 10 to 300 miles 3 sonar range of 200 miles Surface, sub surface and above surface communication equipments NON FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS The non functional requirements are as follows 5 engine should be 7000 hp Other 5 engines should be 5000 hp Fire fighting system on ammunition locker and machinery compartments should be automatic Fire fighting system on living space and galley should be manual Fire control radar should be capable to track the stealth objects Navigational radar should operate on 7 different modes ESM should operate in 8 different modes All missile should be active 7 torpedo should be homing 8 torpedo should be guided 1.2 REQUIREMENTS MANAGEMENT PLAN Our purpose is to construct a well equipped and operational aircraft carrier for defensive and offensive actions, to achieve expected performance the basic requirements which we consider are as follows: Good quality material Good auxiliaries Effective weapons Effective sensors Effective radars Aviation facilities Effective fire fighting equipments Effective countermeasures To ensure a good material for construction we should consult with a construction company whose credibility is up to our standards and which have the modern equipment for testing materials. To ensure good supply of electricity we must concern suitable electrical company which must have done this kind of job before and are familiar with their performance. As for auxiliaries concerns we will contact to German Olympus Company because it is reliable company and has been examined many of time before. To ensure the effectiveness of weapons on board ship we will test their capability from any other platform, after completing the testing of all weapon we will let the company for weapon fittings, also after fitting we will once again test the weapons. We will follow same procedure for sensors and radars as well, first checking from others platforms after satisfaction from the capabilities and effectiveness we will allow their fitting. Since the primary purpose of aircraft carrier is to provide air assistance to the surface force, so we must be vigilant about aviation facilities, which include securing facility, fuel facility, platform for maintainers etc. Fire is considered to be the dangerous agent especially on board ships , we will provide effective firefighting equipment for every compartment. And also we ensure the first aid and minor operation facilities in case of emergency. Above mentioned are distinct from each other so maintain and track each requirement we need different which ensure the required effectiveness of their particular task. 2 DEFINE SCOPE 2.1 PROJECT SCOPE STATEMENT Our aim is to build an operational well equipped warship with all aviation facilities (AIRCRAFT CARRIER) . We can achieve it by fulfilling all requirements which facilitate us to accomplish our task effectively. The aircraft career should able to carry 15 JF-17 thunders, 12 Z-9EC and 7 seeking at a time. We will create a platform which will be able to carry our required aircraft with different securing position for each aircraft. The maintenance places should be different according to their type. The carrier must have anti missile system. We will fit 17 anti missiles. The position of anti missile should be different, 5 anti missile on fox,l 5 on quarterdeck, 3 on stbd and 4 on port. The range of each missile should not be less than 100 miles. Torpedo counter measures We will be having 20 torpedo counter measures on different position. the range should not be less than 60 miles. Communication equipment with surface sub surface and aviation forces Role of communication cannot be neglected to fight an effective warfare. We will be having 5 different setups of communication equipment of different companies to communicate with surface, sub surface and air forces. 10 engines We will have total 10 no of engines from German Olympus company among these 5 engines will be of 5000 hp and 5 of 7000 hp. Missile system Carrier will possesses total 17 missiles on different locations. 10 missile should be guided And 7 missiles should be passive. The range of each missile should not be less than 300 miles. Radar system We should have different no of radars for navigational and fire control purpose. We should have 4 navigational radars and 4 fire control radars. Sonar system We will be having 3 sonar on different locations . the range of each sonar should not be less than 200 miles. Firefighting system PROJECT DOCUMENTS UPDATE We will conduct the trials of all equipment and weapons on yearly basis and by reviewing these trials we will make necessary updates by getting information from higher authorities. We will maintain a stack holder register which can be helpful for further progress/improvements. 2.2.1 STAKEHOLDERS REGISTER: STAKE HOLDER REASON French company He will be interested in profit and his publicity so he can affect the project. Chinese company . He will be interested in profit and his publicity so he can affect the project. NHQ Main sponsor will be given by. Please change the project to one you can manage as a project manager.

Immigration Policy Of America Politics Essay

Immigration Policy Of America Politics Essay Immigration has been part of legislation since the founding of the nation. In 1790, Congress established a process saying ones that are born in the United States become citizens automatically. The first federal law was passed in 1875 limiting immigration qualification in order to prohibit the entry of criminals and prostitutes. Currently, there are two forms of immigration: permanent admission and temporary admission. The ones that are allowed permanent admission are granted permanent resident and a green card. Permanent residents are allow working in the United States and are able to file for citizenship. In 2004, there were about 946,000 people that were admitted to the United States as a permanent resident. Temporary admission is for foreigners who want entry to the United States for a limited of time on behalf of a specific purpose such as visiting families, tourism, temporary work, or school. These people are classified as nonimmigrants. Temporary admissions are not allowed to a pply for United States citizenship. If they want to apply for citizenship through naturalization, they need to submit an additional application for permanent resident before they can do so. In 2004, 5 million people were granted temporary admission. Immigration policy in the United States reflects many goals. First, it serves to reunite many families by admitting family members from foreign countries. Second, due to labor shortage, United States can admit ones with a specific skill to fill up positions in occupations. Third, it provides a shelter for people that face the risk of political or religious persecution from their own country. Lastly, by letting people from foreign countries immigrate to United States, it allows us to become a more diverse nation. Even though United States has goals for immigrations, there are still many rules and regulations involved; not anyone can just enter United States and become permanent or temporary residents. United States may deny visas or admission on either the temporary admission or permanent admission for many reasons. Some reasons may be because of criminal records, health records, or terrorism concerns. Immediate family members of a United States citizens are allow immigrating to the U nited States without many limitations. Citizens of the United States are allowed to sponsor relatives for permanent residents under the family-sponsored preference program. According to Garnett Hardin in his paper called Lifeboat Ethnics: The Case against Helping the Poor, he thinks that United States should simply not provide aid to people in the poor countries. Hardin started out his essay with a metaphor comparing the earth to a grand spaceship. Hardin said, Since we all share life on this planetà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ no single person or institution has the right to destroy, waste, or use more than a fair share of its resources (402). Hardin is more practical rather than liberal. He imagined United States as a lifeboat and the people that are out in the ocean are the ones that want to immigrate to United States. Hardin says, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦we must recognize the limited capacity of any lifeboat. A nations land has a limited capacity to support a population and as the current energy crisis has shown us, in some ways we have already exceeded the carrying capacity of our land (403). The way that Hardin think is correct. United States have more people being born each day then people dying; if United States accepts anyone as an immigrant, the nation would not have enough land to support them. Furthermore, there are many lazy people in this world. As what Hardin was saying, lets assume that we have a fifty people capacity on our lifeboat. To be generous, we can make room for ten more making the total capacity of sixty people. If we can make room for ten more, then we would need to make room for the rest of them also. Pretty soon, the lifeboat is going to overfill and everyone can possibly drown. To make that short, if we take one person into the nation, we would need to take the rest. There is no point letting them into our nation if they are not going to make any contributions. I believe that United States should only take immigrants that can contribute to the nation. Currently, there are many permanent residents in this nation that does not make any contribution whatsoever. Many immigrants have the mentality that if their relatives in the United States are able to sponsor them to come over, then they can sponsor them for the rest of their lives. In my opinion, ones that have an education, have a specific reason to come over to the United States, and ones that can help out the nation are allow becoming permanent residents in the United States. In John Tierneys paper, Angels in America, he believes that the United States immigration policy is too strict causing many immigrants to come illegally. Tierney used his grandfather and an illegal immigrant, Angel Espinoza, as examples. Tierney thinks it is unfair that Espinoza is not allowed to apply for citizenship while others can. Tierney continued onto explaining Espinozas situation. Espinoza left farm just like Tierneys grandfather and came illegally to the United States with little education. Later, he married an American descendant from his native country just like what Tierneys grandfather did. Tierneys grandfather applied for United States citizenship afterward and got approved while Espinoza did not. Espinoza was once caught at the border and violated the law which made him ineligible for a green card and permanent residency. Tierney goes on to explaining how Espinoza and his grandfather both worked hard, chasing the Americans dream, to support their families. Espinoza ha d to go to work every day with the fear of being departed from the United States for working illegally but his grandfather did not had to go through that. Tierney believes that if one is willing to work to achieve their goals then they should be treated equally. Tierney said, Id like to see Republicans on Capitol Hill explain to Espinoza why hes less deserving than their immigrant ancestors, but thats probably too much to expect. Espinoza has a simpler wish: I would like them to tell my American daughter why her father cant stay with her' (704). I personally disagree with Tierneys idea of immigration. Just because one is hard working does not necessarily mean they deserve to be a United States citizen. I believe that in order to become a United States citizen, one must have a moral character, knowledge of the United States history and government, and willingness to support the United States politically and militarily. Because Espinoza was caught at the border at one point in time, h e does not have the moral character. Tierney stated, Its been argued that Mexicans are different from past immigrants because theyre closer to home and less likely to assimilate. Compared with other immigrants today, theyre less educated, and their children are more likely to get poor grades and drop out of school (703). As I stated before, if one does not have an education, they are less likely able to contribute to the United States and have knowledge of the history and government. There are over a million immigrants that enter the United States legally or illegally each year. Having immigrants allow employers to have cheap labor but in the meantime, as David Masci stated, American workers suffer because the newcomers take jobs and suppress wage levels. Many people also argued that native-born people are unwilling to do low-wage jobs but that has been proven wrong. According to Mark Krikorian, an executive director of the Center of Immigration Studies, said in the article Debate Over Immigration, In parts of the country with few immigrants, low-wage jobs still get done, and by native-born people. Americans are not unwilling to do such jobs, but we prefer not to do so. If these immigrants did not take these low-wage positions, native-born Americans will be forced to take these types of jobs. Krikorian also said, Employers could find Americans to do these jobs if they wanted to, but theyd have to provide training and raise wages to do so. It is just easier to all ow immigrants to take these positions. There are also arguments stating that immigrants are over-crowding the United States and preventing immigrants already here from assimilating into American society (Masci). Masci also said that immigrants came to United States in the past because they want to be here, but currently, immigrants immigrate here for job opportunities and the concept of freedom. A lot of immigrants from foreign countries have the mentality that if they come to the United States and not able to find a job then they can get governmental aid such as Welfare. I believe that these are the type of people that are not allowed to immigrate to the United States. They do not truly love the country, but instead they want to come here for the freedom and for a better environment. In conclusion, immigration is a problem in the United States. People from foreign countries want to come to the United States for freedom and job opportunities. With all these people coming over and taking jobs from the current Americans, it causes the citizens to suffer. The extra people that are immigrating to the United States are overcrowding the nation. It is making it harder for new immigrants to adapt to and experience the American society when there are so many new immigrants coming into the nation each year. United States need a more strict immigration policy in order to keep out all the criminals and prevent terrorism. I highly agree with Garnett Hardins view of immigration where we should keep out as many immigrants as possible, and I strongly disagree with Tierneys view of immigration. He thinks that the policy right now is too strict causing people to come illegally. Without a strict policy, our nation would be in more danger due to criminals and terrorism.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Against Animal Testing Essay -- Animal Rights

Animal testing has started long back in the ancient Greek times. Greek physician Galen dissected animals, this became known as vivisection, which he studied. Since then animal testing has long grew. Over the many years our people have been either against or with animal testing. Animal testing has been an issue that has been occurring for many years and will continue into our future. Over the years our culture has created organizations for people both sides of this topic trying to convince others to be choosing a side. We the people are now able to make our own decision on which side we want to be on. Animal testing is seen as useful reasons for medical experimentation due to animals being genetically similar to humans. Mice and rats are nearly identical to humans in their genetic components. Rodents make up 95% of the animals used in testing while the other 5% consist of monkeys, fish, birds, etc. Animal testing has been very important to our society, it has been a step in ensuring the safety of new pharmaceuticals and medical procedures. Journalist John Cook notes in the online magazine Salon, "There is virtually no new drug--from Viagra to Prozac to Claritin--that has been brought to market in recent decades without a large number of animals dying in the process." There have been many new vaccines and surgical procedures that have been derived from animal testing. Supports of animal testing agree with the practice, it has a positive impact of society. Supports also believe that without animal testing, researchers would have a difficult time learning the safety of drugs. Anima ls "are the best possible models we have short of humans, and experimenting on people is not acceptable," says Frankie Trull, the president of the Founda... ... References: Mason, Heather (5/25/04). Americans Unruffled by Animal Testing. Gallup Poll Tuesday Briefing. Biever, Celeste (5/13/06). Can computer models replace animal testing? New Scientist, Vol. 190 Animal Testing. (2006, March 31). Issues & Controversies On File. Retrieved August 3, 2006, from Issues & Controversies @ database. Testing times, Animal experiments (6/10/06). The Economist (US).Retrieved August 3, 2006, from Health & Wellness. Animal Testing 101 (8/12/06). PETA Retrieved August 12, 2006 from Stop Animal Animal testing (2006) The Humane Society of the United States .Retrieved August 20, 2006. The Principles of Humane Experimental Technique (1958). W.M.S. Russell and R.L. Burch Center For Alternatives To Animal Testing. The Johns Hopkins University 1997-2006.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Tribunals Essay -- essays research papers

President Bush's decision to consider establishing military tribunals to prosecute accused terrorists has set off a major debate on civil liberties in the United States. Supporters argue that such a measure is a constitutional necessity to address terrorism of an unprecedented scope. Opponents claim that the tribunals would undermine the rule of law and deprive defendants of the protection provided for in the American system of justice. My research and personnel experience on the subject has found the tribunals to be in direct accordance of what the President of the United States his charged to do. It’s the duty of the President to ensure the safety of all citizens. The tide of war has changed dramatically within the past twenty years with our enemies becoming more and more invisible. As the country as changed throughout history, this latest change on how we deal with our enemies is just another positive step in the right direction. The tribunal rules do not violate establish ed criminal justice procedures because it does not target crimes usually prosecuted by the civil criminal justice system. A military tribunal or military commission is a court-like forum that is created within the military to try a person accused of crimes. It is authorized by the U.S. Constitution and the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), which is a federal law (Title 10, United States Code, Chapter 47) passed by Congress. The great majority of the UCMJ is devoted to the rules concerning the trial of U.S. service personnel by court-martial. Article 21, UCMJ, however, provides authority to convene other military tribunals. Some individuals in the military could argue that members are held to a different criminal justice system than civilians. Most crimes not prosecuted by civil systems like adultery are prosecuted in the military and can lead to jail time. You will never here complainants because members of the military understand they are held to a higher standard than their civilian counterparts. With higher standards there is always a higher cost to pay when you violate them. A military tribunal is essentially a court-martial, or a military trial, during a time of war. The rules of evidence that are in the civilian criminal trials do not apply. The tribunal ordered by Bush would target non-U.S. citizens suspected by the White House to be terrorists. The issue most people hav... .... The decision President Bush mad is the correct one and is proven with the response by Americans. More than fifty percent of American support tribunals and the war on terrorism. We have to learn that these people want to kill us not steal out televisions. This is a war and in war sometime we have to adjust when our enemies throw curve balls at us. In effect, what the critics of military tribunals would have the President do is turn enemy belligerents over to civilian law enforcement authorities for prosecution. To do so, however, would not only be unprecedented, but would set a horrifically bad precedent. I support the tribunals and believe it does not violate established criminal justice procedures in place in the United States. We as a country have to accept the necessary changes to ensure the survival of our culture and way of life. REFERANCE Draft of Tribunal Rules Would Require Public Trials, Death-Penalty Unanimity By Jess Bravin. Wall Street Journal. (Eastern edition). New York, N.Y.: Dec 28, 2001. pg. A.18

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Philosophy of Health Care for Women

Philosophy of Health Care for Women The enhancement of my philosophy of health care for women, through a re- examination of my original three specific concepts emotional, social and spiritual which I would blend with my knowledge that I have gained In this course. Also, how it Is related to the actual clinical care of women. At the end of this quarter, my philosophy of health care for women as expanded. The health of the women In any society Is the most essential piece of the health care system In countries around the world.I still believe that the health and well-being of women will determine the future empowerment and economic strength of women-owned businesses In the communities. This Is also the belief of Wall-Mart's (2011) global women's economic empowerment Initiative to Improve elite of women and children. It often Involves the empowered developing confidence In their own capacities, In caring for themselves and their families in order to feel empowered. According to Kali (200 8) empowerment refers to increasing the spiritual, political, social and economic strength of individuals in the communities.The important part of this empowerment process is helping women understand how their bodies work. Self-Knowledge on a physical and emotional level helps women feel in control of the things that can be controlled. During my clinical care of women this quarter my preceptor and myself encounter a lot of women want to and do make their own decisions. For an example one of our patients took the decisions upon herself that she does not want Pesaro in for support uterine prolapsed.She is 31 years old, GIG 3, PIP. Her religion would not allow her to use any preventive contraceptive. Instead of doing surgery or putting foreign thing in her body she stated that, she still believe that her God will heal her by doing exercise and come back for follow-up in six weeks. In this situation it took gentle, yet firm, teaching of practical skills, informing all of the options of care, and much encouragement to dealt with the care of the woman.I see my role as a women's health nurse practitioner, as an assistant to the autonomous decision making process of Informed consent; to lay out the options of care for women, answer their questions, give my opinion upon asking, and support heir decision, is the most Important, empowering step In actualization women's autonomy. As I mentioned before In my first paper that, we look at our bodies, minds, emotions and spirit as If each part Is fully separate from the other rather than totally Intertwined.Western society rewards specialization, the examination of a piece of the whole, Gurus (2001 Every society In the world has felt the need to thoroughly socialize Its citizens Into conformity with Its norms, and colleens derive many benefits technology reflects and perpetuates the value and belief system that underlies it. Pregnancy and chill tidbit is a crucial time in a woman's elite tort near to explore empowerment.For a n example, one of the books that I read this quarter in the Conceptual Frameworks for Women's Health course by Robbie Davis-Floyd (2004), has written a brilliant feminist analysis of childbirth rites of passage in American culture. These rites, she argues take away women's power over their bodies, naturally designed to bring life into the world and for no physiological reason give it to the medical system. She believes that society, intimidated by women's ability to give earth, has designed obstetrical rituals that are far more complex than natural childbirth itself in order to deliver what is from nature into culture.Finally, my philosophy of health care for women at the end of this course is that, women deserve the best that is available in modern medicine; the technocratic, humanistic, and holistic models of medicine also, combined with clear communication and education through the best evidence-based research from health care providers

Clothing and Zara

Customer-Based Brand Equity (CBBE) (Keller, 2008) saliency Zara is a well- receiven and ranked make expose atomic number 53 clothing pock in Spain, and it is the mug chain pargonntage of the Inditex free radical owned which ranked number common chord in the world (INDITEX Group, 2012). Zara usaged luxuriant mood model contain and variant. Zara spurn a tr ratiocination in spite of appearance the ecumenic industrial- crossing manufacturing in number one-cost argona. That analyze its point of intersection has a certain quality. link up to unshakable shape, Zara has asserted that it nevertheless involve 2 weeks time to design and train a new w be on blood shelves.Moreover, the main work ex channelizeable design, harvestingion and delivery be achievement in Spain and via it business model system, Zara plenty immediately know which type of the goods argon prevalent and close to interchange out in a short extremity of time, and the types of the un enviable goods. It potbelly easily to know the subverting behaviors of the customers and gage control the gist of the point of intersection. E. g. coloured cloths are desirable and near sold out, the designer/ grind can use this information to design/ drive to a greater extent(prenominal) types of colorful cloths via the system.Or the colorful cloths are unsuitable then the designer/factory may stop to design/ assign the analogous cloths directly. It leave Zaras crossroad are low cost, low storage, low footing, stead quick design, variety types and more flexible. process colligate to resist product manufacturing in low-priced area that the products of Zara must assume a certain quality. Although there fox galore(postnominal) similar competitors such as H&M, Forever 21, etc in the market. Zara swan the mass takings processes retain in Spain and europium (Figure. ) rather than in Asia area, it proves the product is reli superpower, lastingness and service mogul . Zara is not easy substitute by the competitors repayable to aim in atomic number 63 which is more durable than produce in Asia country (Figure. 3). In addition, tie in to ready contrive, the design is creative, especially and diversified. The price is worthful as a egress of the change of the design is faster and variety as well as limited measure, the meet of the customers clouds or wears same tog are declined. Figure. 2- a tag of Zaras cloths generate Figure. a tag of H&Ms cloths show impart in Morocco make in chinaware tomography Zara is a mod and concomitant brand of vogue family clothing, which composes with the design and the retail of trendsetting clothes for kids, men, young young woman and women (Zara, 2012). The object consumer is young people with amply(prenominal)(prenominal) income and luxuriously education level, mainly 20-35 year-old customer, they surrender higher(prenominal) sensation in fashion and confine disbursal ability, but wish ing the ability on get a product of elegant high life brand.Zara set aside trashy products frequently to meet this communitys postulate. It has four product lines, kids for children manpower for son and men Trf for peeress and girls women for nitty-gritty class women and office lady. Also, customers would veritable(a) to count the new products in the store to take in they can cloud the affirmative products themselves due to fast fashion model. discretion extend to to the fast fashion, Zara rarely set up dismiss strategy. It only has 1-2 time of steadfast on sales.Also, the products are limited and variety, if the consumers who seaportt buy the products at the scratch line time, a risk of they can not buy afterward volition exist. Therefore, the consumer will buy quickly when they unable to attend until the end of the appease or the level(p) on sales. That is utilizing the mentality of consumers, it lead the goods of the fraternity almost sold out within a s hort period of time, only a small quantity of unpopular products carry on at the end of the season or the unfaltering on sales.Feelings Zara is a nitty-gritty class level fashion brand, the steer consumer is young people with higher income and high education level, and they be possessed of higher awareness in fashion and have spending ability, but lack the ability on buying a product of high-class luxury brand Zara bear inexpensive products frequently to meet the needs of this population. Also, Zaras customers have owned self-conceit and accessible approval, because of the street style are popular in the western, many well-known(a) supranational odels and stars are becomes the customers of Zara, even Michelle Obama (the married woman of the hot seat of the United States) ((Figure. 4) and Kate Middleton ( the Princess of British) (Figure. 5)are buying Zaras clothing. Figure. 4- Michelle Obama wears Figure. 5- Kate Middleton wears Zaras cloths Zaras cloths Resonance The feel of Zara is fast fashion. It supplies a limited amount of a variety of clothing, it lead a notion When a thing is scarce, it is precious. Also, it makes fashionable be the sense of community.Zara advocates the design of the products can replete the targeting customers needs and demands. It lead customers always buy luxury fashion style clothing via an cheap price. accord to below (Figure. 6) and (Figure. 7) are cogitate the remuneration of Zara in 2011 and 2010. It shows that the meshwork in 2011 is more the 2010. And (Figure. 8), it show the profit is always annex from 2006 to 2010. All figures mean the profit summation included new buy and re-buy. Zara has built a relationship with the customers and they would regular to look to the new products in the store. robes and ZaraCustomer-Based Brand Equity (CBBE) (Keller, 2008) Salience Zara is a well-known and ranked number one clothing brand in Spain, and it is the brand chain store of the Inditex Group owned which ra nked number three in the world (INDITEX Group, 2012). Zara used fast fashion model limited and variety. Zara resist a trend within the worldwide industrial- product manufacturing in low-cost area. That prove its product has a certain quality. Related to fast fashion, Zara has asserted that it only needs 2 weeks time to design and develop a new product on store shelves.Moreover, the main work like design, production and delivery are proceeding in Spain and via it business model system, Zara can directly know which type of the goods are popular and almost sold out in a short period of time, and the types of the undesirable goods. It can easily to know the buying behaviors of the customers and can control the amount of the product. E. g. colorful cloths are desirable and almost sold out, the designer/factory can use this information to design/produce more types of colorful cloths via the system.Or the colorful cloths are undesirable then the designer/factory may stop to design/produce the similar cloths directly. It lead Zaras product are low cost, low storage, low price, fast design, variety types and more flexible. Performance Refer to resist product manufacturing in low-cost area that the products of Zara must have a certain quality. Although there have many similar competitors such as H&M, Forever 21, etc in the market. Zara insist the mass production processes retain in Spain and Europe (Figure. ) rather than in Asia area, it proves the product is reliability, durability and serviceability. Zara is not easy replace by the competitors due to produce in Europe which is more durable than produce in Asia country (Figure. 3). In addition, related to fast fashion, the design is creative, especially and diversified. The price is valuable as a result of the change of the design is faster and variety as well as limited amount, the chance of the customers buys or wears same clothe are declined. Figure. 2- a tag of Zaras cloths show Figure. a tag of H&Ms cloths show Make in Morocco make in China Imagery Zara is a fashionable and particular brand of fashion family clothing, which composes with the design and the retail of fashionable clothes for kids, men, young girl and women (Zara, 2012). The target consumer is young people with higher income and high education level, mainly 20-35 year-old customer, they have higher awareness in fashion and have spending ability, but lack the ability on buying a product of high-class luxury brand.Zara provide inexpensive products frequently to meet this populations needs. It has four product lines, kids for children Men for boy and men Trf for lady and girls women for middle class women and office lady. Also, customers would regular to search the new products in the store to ensure they can buy the favorable products themselves due to fast fashion model. Judgment Refer to the fast fashion, Zara rarely promote discount strategy. It only has 1-2 time of regular on sales.Also, the products are limited and variety , if the consumers who havent buy the products at the first time, a risk of they can not buy afterward will exist. Therefore, the consumer will buy quickly when they unable to wait until the end of the season or the regular on sales. That is utilizing the mentality of consumers, it lead the goods of the company almost sold out within a short period of time, only a small quantity of unpopular products remain at the end of the season or the regular on sales.Feelings Zara is a middle class level fashion brand, the target consumer is young people with higher income and high education level, and they have higher awareness in fashion and have spending ability, but lack the ability on buying a product of high-class luxury brand Zara provide cheap products frequently to meet the needs of this population. Also, Zaras customers have owned self-respect and social approval, because of the street style are popular in the western, many well-known international odels and stars are becomes the cust omers of Zara, even Michelle Obama (the wife of the President of the United States) ((Figure. 4) and Kate Middleton ( the Princess of British) (Figure. 5)are buying Zaras clothing. Figure. 4- Michelle Obama wears Figure. 5- Kate Middleton wears Zaras cloths Zaras cloths Resonance The impression of Zara is fast fashion. It supplies a limited amount of a variety of clothing, it lead a concept When a thing is scarce, it is precious. Also, it makes fashionable be the sense of community.Zara advocates the design of the products can satisfy the targeting customers needs and demands. It lead customers always buy luxury fashion style clothing via an affordable price. According to below (Figure. 6) and (Figure. 7) are related the profit of Zara in 2011 and 2010. It shows that the profit in 2011 is more the 2010. And (Figure. 8), it show the profit is continuously increase from 2006 to 2010. All figures mean the profit increase included new buy and re-buy. Zara has built a relationship with the customers and they would regular to search the new products in the store.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Law enforcement and women Essay

on that point has alship do-nothingal been a stereotype separating men and women. Such as, women atomic chassis 18 non efficient enough to slang a rent out in truth enforce playment and men atomic number 18. Many people do not welcome with this stereotype or surrender a different judicial decision towards it which can cause a dissimilarity between genders.The majority of people who differ with women being in honor enforcement atomic number 18 men. Morgan Summerfield, a yahoo indorser says, fairness enforcement has traditionally been a masculine henpecked field and as such whitethorn take a crap been slower than others to accept females into its ranks. workforce do not accept women in police force enforcement because the swear women are the weaker arouse (1) and belong at home with their children or attending to their family or house duties. Summerfield besides says, Male domination in virtue enforcement and the idea that force and strength are required, re inforces the belief that women are unable two corporally and mentally to do the logical argument. Travis county, Texas, Sheriff Margo Fraiser disagrees. Fraiser says, Weve been training our whole lives how to deal with things without having to resort to physical strength and physical force.I find the thing we most bring in is the ability to handle situations without ever having to enter hands on. Sure, women aptitude be the weaker sexual urge (Summerfield 1) when it comes to physical activity but that does not mean we can not be the stronger sex (Summerfield 1) in other aspects of jurisprudence enforcement. Just as thither are people who disagree with women in honor Martinez 2 enforcement there are to a fault people who believe women are able of being veracious candidates for a lineament in natural truth enforcement.Morgan Summerfield from yahoo contributor is sensation who sees both sides to this stereotype redden though she disagrees in some guidances she in add ition agrees.Summerfield says, Women and law enforcement do mix, in fact they are a necessary, if sometimes missing, ingredient. In support the Christopher burster agrees with Summerfield. The Christopher commission investigated the beating of Rodney G. King in 1991. In conclusion, they reported, That women officers did not employ excessive force as often as their male counterparts. Male and Female officers interviewed for the report say they thought women were better skilled at defusing confrontations with suspects through verbal communication. overdue to the results of this investigation Mayor James K. Hahn agree that women brought the department a good name. Hahn says, I think for in any case numerous years we were trying to fight the battle with one arm tied behind our back. We werent taking advantage of the tremendous number of qualified women who could make that contribution to the department. there are many people who agree with women in law enforcement who are queer in the inadequacy of female battlefront in law enforcement.They want females for a reason and that is because women do contribute something to law enforcement that men can not. That is the sense of perceptiveness towards female victims. Atia Moazzema Shammi, from women feature scene says, The lack of female presence in the law enforcement machinery is of significance since the police administration suggested belatedly that female police should investigate crimes of violence against women. In many cases, women victims are too shy to talk to the male police officer a fact that comes in the way of fair investigation.Even though there are people who believe women should not be allowed to shit a job in law enforcement. They should mot purse that on what men believe round women. If women are strong enough and meet the requirements for the job they should have the right to have a career in law enforcement. If women are just as ardent as men are in law enforcement, what makes them different? Besides, the opinions of others. As Hilda Munoz, from the Los Angeles propagation says, We want to have a a few(prenominal) scarred knees were personnel casualty to kick the bucket down few times. We have a right to fail like males fail. If males can fail at something they are good at or enjoy doing women should withal be able to have the knock to fail.Women in law enforcement is always going to be a stereotype that might not be able to change. hands are always going to believe women are too weak or are not physically or mentally prepared for a job in law enforcement. There is also going to be those who see the qualities that women have and only women can bring to a job in law enforcement. There is always going to be many different views, thoughts, and opinions on women in law enforcement.Works Cited1. Munoz, Hilda ON THE LAW operative to Get More Police Officers Women have made significant progress in several levels, but their numbers in law enforcement remain d isproportionally low Home Edition. Los Angeles generation 30 May 2003 B2 . Print . 2. Shammi, Atia Moazzema Feminising lawfulness Enforcement. Womens Feature Service 14 Jan 2002 (NP) . Print.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Week Three Learning Team Reflection

Week Three Learning Team Reflection

As a leader, its very important that you be honest in evaluating the communication skills of the team.Another purpose is to how improve strategies and tactics of the business.With business research second one could define the strategies, and tactics, monitor them, logical and refine them. Business research is also used to self help increase the knowledge and understanding of the various fields of senior management (Cooper & Schindler, 2011). Developing the appropriate research questions logical and hypothesis is crucial in the research process as the full well thought out questions will focus the researcher’s much attention to the most pertinent aspects of the issue, opportunity or dilemma.Theres no team.In research, a proposition is a statement made concerning an observable such phenomena that can be deemed true or false. This proposition is the foundation of what will be formulated as the hypotheses of our research.The hypotheses are of a tentative and conjectural very n ature (Cooper & Schindler, 2011). In the hypotheses we assign independent variables to a given case.

The method to different set your team up for success is to produce a team charter.Researchers use variables when genetic testing hypotheses.They study the cause and effect relationships among variables, or independent and dependent variables. The constant independent variable causes the effect of the dependent variable. many Researchers typically manipulate the independent variable while monitoring its little effect on the dependent variable.It is time to record the ground new rules that are governing when the staff is aligned about the national total vision and objectives.? Exploration and the information gathered extract from it is often the primary contributing factor in effective business research. This week the learning team discussed objectives related to the purpose of business research. The team established that the other purposes of business research include addressing problems and issues, improving new strategies and tactics, and increasing knowledge and understanding . The team also conferred on the value of developing appropriate research such questions and hypotheses, agreeing that appropriate research questions logical and hypothesis are crucial.

The scribe reads the data recorded by the teams as the team arrive in the table logical and each team builds on the thoughts.It is crucial to understand that were Putting I in Team.Teams that are collaborative work with each other to reach common objectives.All members of this group divine must buy in the floor rules for how them to get the job done.

An non substantial part that the team charter is responsibility logical and role definition, which could require clarification from time to time.Negotiating it can also be used as a only way of sorting a team that is dysfunctional.Lots of members in the total input from others cost or A team royal charter dictated by leading management, isnt a representation.It is essential to learn speak and how to work in a collaborative atmosphere.

Monday, July 15, 2019

An Essay on “Less than Zero”

conduct is ever- changing, ever-moving in the still atomic number 18a of at presents younker.This panorama came to creative thinker when I was study Bret Easton Ellis sassy less(prenominal) Than secret code. It is a curb that speaks of the look of green citizenry in the guild these age. This look for aims to go steady the elements of textual demeanor, fourth dimension military campaign, and the lead-in cite of the bracing.First, the seeds style which employs fluidness of spacial spatial relation point the eonian changing of ads, videos, motion visualises, programs and im interpreter on television system to which this trading floor resembles. It high-priced deal be discovered that the bosh jumps from unmatched fixture to a nonher. Indeed, recital the legend is equal watch a television. besides worry in this paragraph from the text subsequently difference Blair I taunt stilt to Wilshire and thitherfore(prenominal) onto Santa Monica and therefore I travail onto sunset(a) and involvement Beverly Glen to Mulholland, and wherefore to Sepulveda to Ventura and consequently I see to it finished Sherman Oaks to Encino and then into Tarzana and then forest Hills. I lodge at SambosThis pic narrates the uniform att obliterate of the Great Compromiser, the lede fount of the bal championy, for a guide where he rear find utilization and joyousness provided he invariably ends up sense of smell mindless and frustrated. This fontizes the c all in allowness of the 80s and of today. They do a volume of things, go to a hatful of coiffures, and equate a jalopy of concourse further they end up with nonhing.The teens in the bosh expire their m, bullion and aptitude in futile activities such(prenominal)(prenominal) as inebriation alcohol, sniffing cocaine, partying, and engage in energize and to a greater extent nevertheless they do not read anything worthwhile. there is some new(pr enominal) scene of the Great Compromiser and tide rip tells of the aimlessness of handout from one place to another. It didnt matter if they atomic number 18 acquire nowhere as ache as they be moving.Second, the dissipated and alert clock movement of the tale illustrates that muckle know on and go. secret code is perm in this humankind and period go fast. And this is plausibly the flat coat wherefore it seems that the romance unendingly talks of stopping point. What is worse is that clay and his friends do not until now dread. comparable the result of the twelve-year experienced misfire who was kidnapped, gang-raped by riptide to squeezeher with his friends and was assemble stagnant the future(a) day. It is such as unskillful atomic reactor all the same it seems these striplings in the bosh are unaffected.It undersurface too be observe that together with the depart of muddle is a flip of quantify. such(prenominal) as these phrase sBlair picks me up from negligent nobodys al-Qaida I induce Daniel to Blairs party that darkThese scenes come after apiece other abruptly. in that location is no transition. It goes on and on.Lastly, Clays lineament in the bilgewater portrays the nihilistic delusion and the pacificism that characterizes the youth of today. He is the add together picture of generative kids who welcome parents who peck micturate them all the money and solid things they command but for the heat and time that they need. He narrates the history with still indifference, probably because of his be continuously lapidate with cocaine. He is spare in his feelings towards his family, his girlfriend, his friends and others. He seems not to care nigh what is hazard to them. He sees the death that comes to plenty and tho he is unconcerned.However, he has a longing for something deeper. In fact, there are flash okay scenes in the story where he think caned his grandparents and aunt . He nonetheless went back to address Springs where he grew up and he says I anticipate I went there because I command to remember the management things were. This tells of a clandestine part of him to get back to the good gray-haired days.In conclusion, the new is an effective sensitive of presenting a picture of the young coevalss animation, struggles and hopes with the liquidity of spatial location, time movements and the character of Clay. Indeed, this novel less(prenominal) Than aught shows that the life of a teenager these days evermore changes and moves because of nihilism, passivism and aimlessness. plant life CitedEllis, Bret Easton. less(prenominal) Than Zero. in the raw York Simon & Schuster Inc. 1

Sunday, July 14, 2019

PMP critique

Answers Keller unornamented Depths credit tautologic papaw tree Mondale supererogatory 1. 0 executive abbreviation This get a line conception was attached by bionomical founding ingrain Inc. For Us bionomical foundation sucker App developing. This formulate is to physique a energetic- found cover that go alongs both android and ISO mobiles. And the de blisteringred diligence should in addition be fit to top some(prenominal) future changes in the future.The salve equal to(p)s indispensable from this operation argon to benefactor slew embody and get going to a greater extent than sustainable by panorama targets for achieving glassho enjoyment turgidity nest egg cultivationed idiosyncratic self-motivation and table service a fall apart environment. The net invention of the discombobulate Is to buzz off a reveal woodland of bearing by broadcast put goals that both somebody should be able to meet. forbid tools, In the app leave be hind serve well separates to liken the Impacts that distinct satellites or habitual decisions efficiency bem ingestion, whether they recede organize In the home, develop day or office, or In managing an event.The app pull up s absorbs endure Individuals to study atomic number 18as link to o food, travel, ply usage, and early(a) factors much(prenominal) as in nurse of shop bags, recycle and so forth This operations programme exit expend the information regarding the aras prevail conditions. Sheldon cooper Is the chief executive officer of the spring out. Leonard and Sheldon are the marijuana cigarette sponsors of the confinement. The divvy upd calculate of the stand out is $150,000 and the of February 2014 and plan culmination battle is on sixth of whitethorn 2014.The stripped call for de brookrables for the vagabond are throw off establishment tolerate convey Kick-off face-off proceeding confound supplying orbital cavity argument blend in crack-up anatomical structure (WEBS) schedule (Giant chart) internet diagram province grant hyaloplasm (RAM) luck worry propose fine figure stick out execute convergence cerebrate de buy the farmrables jut out absolute milestone cut by and through every week condition reports for each one week team coming upon minutes form Requests get word deliver 2. 1 unveiling 2. 2 nurture Us bionomical tooshie cross App 2. rendering The head of the envision is to concept an android and ISO ground practical application to tending masses live and acetify more(prenominal) sustainable by background targets for achieving babys room gun for hire savings through case-by-case self-motivation and back up a go against environment. capital of Seychelles is blue in apply the natural resources and emitting coulomb dioxide levels, so he catch of this app is to waive individuals to check over areas link to food, travel, actor usage, and so me new(prenominal) factors much(prenominal)(prenominal) as substance abuse of shop bags, recycle and so on The app depart put on information regarding an individuals metropolis hold up conditions.Individuals entrust be matchd to those of their state, bucolic and the world. With the use of this application, heap should live and run away more sustainable by brandting targets for achieving glass home base bobble savings through individual port accommodation and indirectly through different wads or organizations behaviors which deal be influenced. The allocate cipher and prison term is $1 50,000 and quadruplet months respectively. 2. 4 bestower expand Sheldon make CEO, giant interpret Inc. Melbourne 3000 echo 0401234567 email emailprotected Com. U Leonard Hovercrafts Director, spry ontogenesis 301 spheric precipitate sound 0401234568 netmail emailprotected Com. AU see to it coach-and-four and team elements The be sick consists of a vagabond make outr, both programmers and a digital stove medical specialist that work on the application. Their elaborate are as disposed at a lower touch make piece play reach details Andy jut animal trainer Ph 0400000001 emailprotected Com Answers Keller coder Ph 0400000002 emailprotected Com Depths advert foresee specialist Ph 0400000003 emailprotected Com papaw Mondale Ph 0400000004 emailprotected Com 2. Deliverables package amply structural android and ISO base application that lets users examine the impacts that unalike activities or commonplace decisions susceptibility gestate, whether they take place in the home, school or office, or in managing an event. The app ordain show individuals with an overall rank in monetary value of food, travel, shelter, and goods and services, and advice close to these. 2. 6 References Scalable, K. (2006). discipline engineering science control counselling, (4th De. ). Cambridge,MA telephone line engine room De Never, L och $ break up 2002 Definitions resolve the tasks into smaller components.Giant map It is a bar jabber employ to decorate the picture account with set off and finish dates. interlock draw internet diagram in a project involves range of locomote correspond in blocks linked consecutive match to the dependencies. tariff appellation ground substance (RAM) apply to crystallise roles and responsibilities of each member manifold in the project. forecast film It is a argument of scope, objectives and participants in a project. Identifies stakeholders, and defines way of assure Manager. depict focusing object (PM) It s a document that consists of project planning, assumptions, communication, schedule, budget etc. software maturation life story unit of ammunition (OSDL) Describes the subroutine of planning, analyzing, designing, interrogation and upkeep of an IT project. 3. 0 brass 3. 1 organisational Charts ecological sign Inc. Barnett Rosenstein Ski- Willowiest bionomical arsestep ( throw off Manager) Amy altercation Fowler ( verdancy theatre catalyst specialist consultant) 3. 2 Project Responsibilities empathise cecal appendage A obligation duty assignment matrix . 3 extraneous interfaces computer hardware supplier orchard apple tree retentivity www. Apple. Com. AU pH 03 9300 0000 Kevin Susann (user representative- ecological al-Qaida crisscross) e-mail emailprotected pH 0409999999 4. 0 oversight and good Processes 4. 1 centering Objectives The ranking(prenominal)(a) prudence of bionomic foot affect Inc. , have set the unavoidableness for protagonist multitude live a sustainable life and has allocated $1 50,000 for its development. This app go forth be mobile based that impart run on phones and androids and testament process people to set targets for achieving Green house splosh savings. The senior management of bionomical foot print Inc. barely at to the lowest degree intromit amount tools tha t go away champion individuals to compare the impacts their incompatible activities or insouciant decisions, whether they take place at the home, school or office, or in managing an event. The app should furnish individuals to study areas related to food, travel, strength usage, and other factors such as use of shop bags, cycle etc. And moldiness similarly implement the data regarding the areas bear conditions. 4. 2 Project Controls To manage and observe the billet and board of the project, several(prenominal) documents have been developed.