Monday, September 30, 2019
How Does Infection Enter the Body? Essay
How does infection enter the body? Infection control is about controlling the spread of communicable diseases between people. Some of the individuals we support will be particularly vulnerable to infection and this means you need to be extra vigilant! In order to spread infection, there needs to be a source, a host, a means of transmission and a point of entry. The source could be a person or the surroundings; the host is the person at risk. Transmission could be through contact with another person, equipment, food and drink or pests. The point of entry could be through breathing, eating, drinking, cuts, wounds or medical procedures like catheters or injections. The five main routes are: * Contact – * Direct transmission involves direct body surface-to-body surface contact and physical transfer of microorganisms from an infected or colonised person to a susceptible host. This may occur between patient and carer during patient care that involves direct personal contact, or between any two persons (patients, carers, others) in the health care setting. * Indirect transmission involves the contamination of an inanimate object (such as instruments or dressings) by an infected or colonised person. The contaminated item or environment may then transmit the infection to a susceptible host via contact. * Droplet – Coughing, sneezing and talking can generate droplets. Procedures such as suctioning and bronchoscopy are also a source of droplets. Transmission occurs when an infected or colonised person generates droplets containing microorganisms which are propelled a short distance through the air and deposited on the conjunctivae, nasal mucosa or mouth of a host. Droplets do not remain suspended in the air; so special air handling and ventilation are not required to prevent droplet transmission. * Airborne – transmission occurs when either airborne droplet nuclei or dust particles disseminate infectious agents. * Common vehicle – Common vehicle transmission applies to micro-organisms transmitted by contaminated items such as food, water, medications, devices and equipment. * Vector borne transmission – Vector-borne transmission occurs when vectors such as insects (mosquitoes, flies) or vermin (rats, mice) transmit microorganisms; Sometimes a microorganism can be transmitted by more than one route. With our clients there are additional points of entry – the stoma sites and it is your responsibility as a HCSW to prevent cross contamination and promote good infection control procedures. The following diagram outlines how following the practices and protocols put in place by the company can help to ensure infection is not introduced by breaking the chain of infection by being conscious of your actions – safeguarding the health of yourself, your clients and others.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
School Find Ways to Save Money
Carlson (2009) wrote an article, â€Å"Conservation helps schools spend on students, not energy†, that clearly defines the benefits of energy conservation in reducing school districts’ utility cost while saving a huge amount of taxpayer’s money. With the recommendation and help from the consulting firm, Energy Education, Inc. a program was created to monitor the usage of utilities and to implement proper ways of conserving electricity, gas and water. Oxnard School District, Las Virgenes Unified School District as well as the school districts in Ventura County have taken a bold step in hiring energy educators and managers. The risk that these school districts have taken proved to be a worthwhile endeavor as the savings generated from limiting energy use was rerouted towards the improvement of classrooms and educational services. The success of the energy conservation program in a limited number of districts is a wake up call to the rest of the school districts nationwide as current economic crisis and high cost of gasoline will have an impact on the school budget. In addition, a similar scheme may be applied to household and business establishments as the cost of utilities is a major concern of entrepreneurs and family members. The article shows that there are practical solutions in reducing operating expenses without sacrificing school districts’ budget that may be intended for classroom purposes, teacher’s salaries, in-service trainings and other educational programs. The solution often lies in the administrator’s willingness to keep an open mind, to take a concerted risk and to accept a new concept. The reluctance in changing a behavior that can make a difference may impede the growth of a sector that relies heavily on taxpayer’s money to meet the budgetary requirements of a system that is responsible for building a solid future for students who will be in charge of shaping the growth of our nation. Reference Carlson, C. (2009). â€Å"Conservation helps schools spend on students, not energy†.  Retrieved April 2, 2009 from
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Explain T. Adorno and M. Horkheimers critique of the culture industry Essay
Explain T. Adorno and M. Horkheimers critique of the culture industry and discuss whether these are still relevant for understanding cultural production today - Essay Example Therefore, culture is produced and consumed like any other industrial commodity. According to Theodor Adorno, commercialisation of culture is a capitalistic idea whose main goal is to maximise profit. Culture is the slave of the corporate which is used to gain profit. To achieve their goal, the culture on the market must be attractive to the larger segment of the group or society (Adorno & Horkheimer, 1979). Theodor Adorno and Horkheimer have critically analysed the concept of a culture industry. They view the idea as a continuation of a capitalistic system, which aims to reduce cost of production while increasing profit. In a pure capitalistic setting, the factors of production are used efficiently to attain maximum benefits. For example, workers are paid according to their input contribution, which encourage high labour utility. Marxist theory predicted that the capitalist system will eventually fall because it will trigger a social revolution from the exploited workers. The work o f the two scholars is pointing out why the social revolution did not happen as anticipated by Marx. Mass media technology is the main factor of production in industrial culture, which includes; use of radio, television and publications. Mass media technology allows information to spread quickly to a large audience (Bottomore, 1984). To understand the critic of Adorno and Horkheimer, it is important to note that they are products of the German culture, which they viewed as superior to the popular culture of many western nations. They referred their culture as high culture that educates and motivates people. On their observation, popular culture is not exciting, and it enhances uniformity in a society. To these analysts, culture industry leads to standardisation in the society, which refers to being accustomed to the products of the culture industry. This makes the public to be addicted to the mass culture and forget to challenge the inequality of the ruling economic system (Marcuse, 1964). In their theory of pseudo individuality, they claim that the culture industry makes an individual a commodity of trade, which is produced and sold in mass. For instance, a music work of an artist can be reproduced in mass and sold to consumers. The artist involved is advertised and treated like any other industrial product making person lose their individual identity as a human being (Adorno, 2001). According to two scholars, the mass culture is the trickery system that politicians use to attain their desired goals, so the popular culture is the tool that enables them to gain support of the masses. For example, during the Second World War, the mass entertainment and information was used to rally Americans to approve and support a war that was long and costly (Kellner, 2003). According to Jarvis (1998) mass media is a deception idea which is meant to enslave the public. Popular culture is the product of all the social classes in a society, but commercialisation of culture diff erentiated the structure so that they can sell to the larger group in the market. The corporations involved in production and marketing of culture are inherently capitalistic hence they propagate capitalistic ideology. The theorist found the mass media to be blind of the social inequalities in a society. It makes people forget the plain truth of economic and social differences, making them appear as if they are living in a dark cave. Just like in a capitalist system, culture industry uses its own ways of dominance to ensure the control of the masses and the continuity of the system. Therefore, the mass media is the main tool of dominance in the culture industry, which ensures people consume the products of the industry (Martin-Barbero, 1993). It encourages people to forget
Friday, September 27, 2019
Roman Empire Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Roman Empire - Essay Example 136 ) marks a significant episode in Rome’s military history, for they nearly lost the war to Hannibal, a great Carthaginian general. With the defeat of Hannibal at Zama by the Roman general Scipio, and the experience gained during the war, Rome appears to have learnt a lot from it and harbored bitter feelings at least for Carthage for the damages Hannibal caused; ravaging much of their homeland and leaving it in a deplorable state. The effect of this was to be seen in the manner in which Rome later formulated strategies, for tactical reasons, in handling her allies and foes in an attempt to expand and consolidate her empire. Indeed, it is the Punic wars that saw the rise of the Roman Empire and echoed the thud falling of the republic. With the fall of Carthage, The Romans inflicted severe punishment on her, an attempt which was meant to ensure that Carthage remained subservient. In the treaty signed between the two, Carthage agreed to Scipio’s terms which required her to pay Rome an indemnity of 10,000 talents in the subsequent five decades. In addition, Carthage was not to enter into any war without Rome’s consent and was to surrender her navy; all her warships and elephants (Koeller 2005).This defeat, coupled with the unfriendly Scipio’s terms, humbled Carthage and the Romans felt that the punishment rendered her toothless and that she was never to bite again, leave alone bark at Rome. In using this approach, Rome successfully managed to tame and robe Carthage of her political power making her to coil her tail, but not for long. Rome was not done with Carthage just yet. In a move seen as one to expand its empire, Rome turned its rage on the Kingdoms that did offer support to Hannibal during the war. Such were the kingdom of Macedon and some parts of Greece .This also saw the Mediterranean islands and Spain cede to Rome. Another score card at Rome’s disposal that came into effect during this period was the adoption of a rapa cious and brutal foreign policy: diplomacy based on trickery rather than on true valor. Lewis and Reinhold 1990 p. 202-203 provides succinctly how Rome, with their act of deceit, hoodwinked king Perseus, tactfully, with a scheme that saw him disadvantaged in a war Rome undeservingly won. Reporting their mission to the senate, notes Reinhold and Lewis, Marcius and Atillus were acknowledged for having shown skillful management in the execution of their mandate and their mission was approved. Though not a unilateral senate decision (with the older senators not amused with this decision terming it contrary to Roman traditions), the cunning diplomacy saw the day. It is in light of the above perhaps, that ruthless oppression became synonymous to Roman rule as seen in the acts of such individuals as Servius Salpicius Galba, the praetor of Farther Spain. Galba, during the war with the Lusitanians, committed a terrible atrocity, one which Reinhold terms as ‘treacherous annihilation of a disarmed populace.’ Disguised as a peace maker and a sympathizer to the Lusitanians, Galba cunningly laid a snare in which his prey unsuspectingly got trapped. Defenseless and disadvantaged as they were, the Lusitanians were easily slewed by the Roman soldiers. This unfriendly Rome’s foreign policy subjected onto uninviting kingdoms appears to have worked in Rome’
Thursday, September 26, 2019
James Joyce's The Dead Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
James Joyce's The Dead - Essay Example n in the following lines: â€Å"A light fringe of snow lay like a cape on the shoulders of his overcoat and like toecaps on the toes of his goloshes; and, as the buttons of his overcoat slipped with a squeaking noise through the snow- stiffened frieze, a cold fragrant air from out-of-doors escaped from crevices and folds†. There are other common allusions to the near freezing Dublin weather in which the story is set. The instance when Gretta Conroy, Gabriel’s wife caught cold infection is again a literal citing of the word â€Å"cold†. The sole occasion when â€Å"cold†was used in the metaphorical sense is when Gabriel replies unenthusiastically to Gretta that â€Å"You can go if you like, said Gabriel coldly†. Talking of the dark aspects of the story, in the context of Gabriel’s address to the gathering, he mentions how â€Å"our path through life is strewn with many sad memories†and continues in a morbid tone, how â€Å"were we to brood upon them always we could not find the heart to go on bravely with our work among the living" and further in the narrative he says â€Å"His soul had approached that region where dwelt the vast hosts of the dead†. This poignant remembrance of his own past had shaken up his composure. Gabriel had now been overwhelmed by a sense of losing his love and the pain associated with it. Joyce depicts the state he is in with the following dark imagery: â€Å"into a grey impalpable world", "all the living and the dead". As for the â€Å"light†in The Dead, there are again two interpretations – one is light as in humor and frivolity the other is insight or revelation. There are plenty of instances of both cases. Phrases such as â€Å"laughing very heartily†, â€Å"There was a great deal of confusion and laughter and noise†, â€Å"The table burst into applause and laughter at this sally†, â€Å"She laughed herself this time good-humouredly†, etc represent the light-hearted elements in the narrative. Light as brightness can be seen in
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Food and water supplies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Food and water supplies - Essay Example 20th century saw food economy going global and there came an immediate requirement for food security2. Cambodia's land resources are not enough for considerable food production. In addition, the country is facing persistently unfortunate landmines, wars, floods and the displaced people are yet to be rehabilitated. Royal Government of Cambodia is not highly enthusiastic about their resettlement or about the proper distribution. But it has doubled its efforts in increasing the food production to feed its rural masses, which is its urgent need. 1. Rice production has to be encouraged, assisted and increased on top priority. Legumes, vegetables and other profitable crops with nutritional and income value should be grown with as much assistance as possible from central and local governments. 3. Increasing fish resources in lakes, rivers, open-water bodies, and by pond culture, rice-fish culture in scientific and participatory management way maintaining ecological integrity is another method. Making more land available for food production, monitoring its use and increasing food production in every possible means, seems to be the best way of targeting this problem, mainly because, live stock and fisheries could bring an additional income; but never could take the place of major food substitute.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Leisure and recreation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Leisure and recreation - Essay Example The media boom has definitely resulted in the "active" forms of entertainment taking a back seat. Leisure is time spent in non-compulsory activities. Because leisure time is free from compulsory activities such as job, running a business, performing daily chores, academics and other routine tasks, it is often referred to as "free time". The distinction between leisure and compulsory activities is not strict, as compulsory activities may be done for pleasure as well as for long-term utility1. Capitalist societies often hold a positive view towards active leisure activities. Many active leisure activities require an investment of time and money. Thus, it is more difficult for the e lesser privileged to engage in such activities and they remain confined only to the affluent section of the society. Capitalist societies often accord members who have more wealth with greater status. Some types of inactive leisure that also require an investment of time and money, such as "doing nothing" in a vacation atmosphere, are also viewed positively. On the other hand, an individual who "does nothing" at home is often referred to as "lazy" by others in the capitalist society, regardless of their financial and socio-economic status. The wealthy person who does nothing but lounge around the pool at home is seen as lazy. However, the individual's financial investment helps assess the level of status an activity can give a person. So it is that "doing nothing" by your own pool has higher status than "doing nothing" watching television without cable. The term "Workaholics" describes those who work compulsively at the expense of other activities. These individuals prefer to work rather than spend time socializing and engaging in other leisure activities. Many see this as a necessary sacrifice to attain high-ranking corporate positions. However, these days increasing attention is being given to the effects of such imbalance upon the worker and the family. Historically, "workaholics" would not have been considered a negative asset , rather they would have been highly commended in the US. In earlier days, American society was driven by the Protestant work ethic which was inspired by the Protestant preacher John Calvin. There are a variety of Protestant sects that stem from Calvinism. A socialist society would probably tend to view activities that do not contribute to society in a negative manner. However, there are different forms of socialism. According to Kent State University professor Marcus Verhaegh, there were Americans who believed in the concept of leisure socialism in the 1960s and '70s. The general belief was that we live in a world of plenty. Thus, if everyone is content with a smaller piece of the pie, everyone can then have their basic needs met. If everyone's basic needs are met, many in society can use their free time to pursue the arts, mysticism, athletics, various hobbies and other leisure activities. Socialist writer E. Belfort Bax wrote in 1884 of a similar vision for socialist Europe in the article "Socialism and the Sunday Question" for Justice Again that work should be spread about so that everyone is provided with times of rest. His focus was on the elimination of one universal day of rest, but the general ideas are quite similar to those that emerged in nineteenth century America. Recreation is defined as the employment of time in a non-profitable way, in many ways also a therapeutic refreshment of one's body
Monday, September 23, 2019
Business ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1
Business ethics - Essay Example Based on ethical theories and literature, this paper will attempt to show that it is important for companies to embrace the concept of sustainable development in order to grow their bottom line and ensure future growth. Companies are required to embrace sustainable development because by doing so, they will be fulfilling their ethical obligations to sustainability. In order to understand these ethical obligations, this paper analyses the ethical theories related to sustainability and how they apply. In an article by Mohamed Eid (2012) on sustainable development, the author relates the four major ethical theories to sustainability. These theories help understand how sustainable development is critical to any company. The first ethical theory supporting sustainable development is utilitarian ethics, a theory that focuses on the need to maximize good and the promotion of happiness. Based on this theory, sustainable development is approached by looking at the balance between economic, social and environmental welfare. Companies are thus required to engage in actions that will promote the overall good by striking a balance between these aspects. Companies have to focus not only on themselves and the maj ority in society but include the minorities as well. This requires that future generations are considered when making critical decisions. This also demands a focus on the economic gains of the company that meet the needs of all stakeholders (Najam, 1999 p. 70). The utilitarian theory requires companies to use approaches and methods that promote happiness from the individual level to the wider society. Companies thus need to create an environment that guarantees a better future for everyone. Secondly, sustainability is also tied to the deontological theory in which it is argued that actions are either right or wrong irrespective of their consequences. In this case, actions need to be justified by accepted universal principles. Currently,
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Unauthorized Sale Of Starbucks In Japan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Unauthorized Sale Of Starbucks In Japan - Essay Example Previous record of the company indicates that, 'a customer would buy at any given time was 66 cases and majority of the buyers would only buy 1 to 11 cases to an order' (Black Market Sale). Black Market has been real issue for the brands of international standards and repute. IN the case of Star Bucks, the brand although is not considered to be brand of international repute, however the product of the company has been black marketed, it was reported to the company's scheduler through an email that the product of the company were being sold unofficially in Japan, the informer was official of brand protection for Beam Global, the function of the protection company was to keep an eye on the sales of different products in the international market, and in case of any malpractice, the practice was reported to the company authority. Star Bucks was although selling its brand to different countries, but it was surprisingly to observe that the products of company was being sold in Japan, a country where the company never distributed its product. It was reported to the company's official that, different products of the company including Starbuck Coffee and Cream Liqueur that were being produced in company's private industrial unit in Frankfurt, were being sold in Japan illegally. The company has previously no direct contact with any of the distributor in Japan, and the company was not authorized to sell or market their product in Japan, it was therefore complete interference in the company's production and distribution department, and it was doubted that the company's personal authority and black marketer must have purported the plan and execution of this illegal practice. The company official had the task to revamp the case and locate the responsible official or means involved in this malpractice. The case of the company was personally handled by the scheduler. COURSE OF ACTION After the intimidation of the corrupt practices with reference to the distribution on the product in the unauthorized region, the scheduler ceased the production facility of those particular brands on immediate notice. The scheduler took the Plant Manager and the Manager Operations into confidence prior to taking any such step, and all steps were taken after taking both the controlling authorities into confidence. The company officials stopped all production facilities, and instructed the employees not to involve or associate themselves into any production related activity for short period of time. The company officials decided to review the previous shipment lists for the particular interval, during which the email was sent. The employees were requested to involve themselves into gathering and maintaining the lists of all the shipments that have been made by the company to their local and international customers. The company officials wanted to apply this method so as to trace whether shipment to Japan has been made on record or not. EVALUATION OF THE COURSE OF ACTION
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Culture Discrimination in School Essay Example for Free
Culture Discrimination in School Essay Magdoline Asfahani.s â€Å"Time to Look and Listen â€Å" is a descriptive essay in wich Magdoline explains how she expirience Culture discrimination in school and try to balance her identity in ways that honored her parents cultures while embracing American-born values. Magdoline states that , is painful and hard to keep emotions under control , her anger , resentment , pain can breack though and overwhelm what she try to portray in a cool, rational manner . Magdoline explains how she deal with discrimination in her school because of her culture . In the essay , Magdoline expands the reasons of been discrimanate because of her ethnicity , race and for be an immigrant at school. First , Magdoline describes ethnicity as culture discriminatio in school . She explains that as a younh child immigrant raised with a conscious respect for America that many people take for granted. . She further explains that discrimination is not unique to America because it occurs in any country that allows immingration . Magdoline clearly states that â€Å"Anyone who is unlike the majority is looked at the a little suspiciously , dealt with a little differently. â€Å"(68). She affirms that everything change for her U.S Marine barracks in Beirut had been bombed, at school her classmates ataunt her with cruel names , attacking her heritage and religion . She said that after a while she try to forget her ethnicity because her classmates told her that she came from an uncivilixed , brutal place .Magdoline did feel like to murderers. Second , In the essay Magdoline expands on the reasons that race is a culture discrimination in school . She affirms that beacuse of her race she stopped inviting friends over dinner , because she thought the food was weird. She said that it is humiliate for her to let her friend know where her parents come from because of their accents . Magdoline further explains that she felt exclude and began to turn into someone without a past. She states that â€Å"Why should an adolecent be asked questions like is it true you hate jews and you want to destroyed? â€Å"(69). She explain that her parents never said anything even alluding to such snetiments . Third , Magdoline iliminates that to be an immigrant is a reason for be discriminate in school . Sje explains that while she was at shool one teache bulling her when she told the proferor that she is goimh to the Meddle East . Magno states that â€Å" who knew nothing abouth Arabs and Muslim except what they saw on television seemed like a bad dream â€Å" ( 69). She affirms that she realize now that she come from a culture that has a rich history . In conclusion ,Magnoline explaind that culture discrimination in school still but it needs to be done , not for sake any particulare ethnic or cultural groups but for sake of our country .She enlightens the education is hey to undestand an as Americans we need to take a time to look and listen carefully to what is aroud us and not rush to judgment without knowing the fact .Magnoline affirms that expirience Culture discrimination in school is because we have differnet ethnicity, race or for been an immigrant but discrimination is not unique to America because it occurs in any country that allows immingration.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Ataxia Telangiectasia Mutated in Glucose Transport
Ataxia Telangiectasia Mutated in Glucose Transport A role for ataxia telangiectasia mutated in insulin-independent stimulation of glucose transport Abstract Literature reports suggest that ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) can activate the AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), a protein that can stimulate glucose transport in skeletal muscle. We hypothesized that 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide ribonucleotide (AICAR), an AMPK activator, would increase glucose transport in mouse extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles in an ATM-dependent manner. AICAR-stimulated glucose transport was prevented by the ATM inhibitor KU-55933 and in ATM-deficient (ATM-/-) muscle despite normal stimulation of AMPK phosphorylation. S231 of TBC1D1 matches the sequence motif of ATM substrates, and phosphorylation of this site is known to inhibit TBC1D1 and lead to increased glucose transport. Accordingly, we assessed TBC1D1 phosphorylation and found that AICAR-stimulated phosphorylation of TBC1D1 at S231did not occurin ATM-/- muscle. However, activation of ATM without activation of AMPK was insufficient to increase TBC1D1 phosphorylation.The data suggest that AT M plays a role in AICAR stimulated glucose transport downstream of AMPK. Keywords: AMP-activated protein kinase; ataxia telangiectasia mutated; TBC1D1; AICAR; glucose transport; skeletal muscle Introduction The serine-threonine kinase ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) appears to play a role in glucose homeostasis. For example, recent genome-wide association studies have found that genetic variations near the ATM gene are related to glycemic responses to metformin [1, 2], a commonly-prescribed drug for blood glucose control. While the mechanism for metformin’s effect on blood glucose levels is under debate [3-6], it is known that metformin acutely stimulates glucose transport into skeletal muscle concomitant with activation of the AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) [7]. Activation of AMPK is sufficient to stimulate insulin-independent glucose transport into skeletal muscle [8, 9]. Intriguingly, ATM dependence has been reported for activation of AMPK in response to DNA damage or insulin-like growth factor 1 in HeLa cells and fibroblasts, exposure of lung cancer cells to ionizing radiation,exposure of lymphoblaststo H2O2, or treatment of HeLa cells and mouse embryonic fibroblasts with the adenosine analog AICAR [10-14]. Despite these suggestive data on the role of ATM upstream of AMPK, the potential role of ATM in AMPK-dependent stimulation of glucose transport has not previously been investigated in skeletal muscle, the predominant whole-body storage depot for glucose. Accordingly, the purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that glucose uptake stimulated by the AMPK activator AICAR would be dependent on ATM in skeletal muscle. Methods Materials Antibodies against TBC1D1, AMPK, phosphorylated AMPKÃŽ ± T172 (P-AMPK), and phosphorylated ATM S1981 (P-ATM) were purchased from Cell Signaling Technology (Beverly, MA, USA). Antibodies against phosphorylated TBC1D1 (P-TBC1D1) S237 (S231 in mouse) were purchased from EMD Millipore Corporation (Billerica, MA, USA). Antibodies against tubulin and ATM were obtained from Sigma-Aldrich Corporation (St. Louis, MO, USA). Horseradish peroxidase-conjugated secondary antibodies were obtained from Pierce Biotechnology (Rockford, IL, USA). The ATM inhibitor KU-55933 was a generous gift from Dr. Graeme Smith (KuDOSPhramaceuticals, Cambridge, UK). The AMPK inhibitor Compound C was provided by Merck Co., Inc. (Rahway, NJ, USA). Doxorubicin was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich Corporation. Radiolabeled 2-deoxyglucose and mannitol were purchased from American Radiolabeled Chemicals, Inc. (St. Louis, MO, USA). Collection and Processing of Animal Muscle All procedures using live animals were approved by the Saint Louis University Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. Transgenic mice expressing a truncation mutation of ATM [15] were obtained from The Jackson Laboratory (Bar Harbor, ME, USA). Mice that were heterozygous for the transgene were used to breed wild type (ATM+/+) and ATM deficient (ATM-/) mice. After weaning, each mouse was anesthetized with ketamine/xylazine (55 mg ketamine and 5.5 mg xylazine per kg), and a tail sample was obtained for genotyping as previously described [15, 16]. Mice were anesthetized with sodium pentobarbital (50 mg/kg) and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles were removed and incubated in vitro as described previously [16, 17]. The incubation media for the muscle consisted of Krebs Henseleit bicarbonate buffer (KHB) containing 8 mM glucose and 32 mM mannitol. Vials containing EDL muscles were gassed with 95% O2 : 5% CO2 and kept gently shaking at 35 ºC. Muscles were incubated for one hour to allow recovery from dissection. Muscles were then transferred into KHB containing 32 mM mannitol and 8 mM glucose in the presence of 0.1% dimethyl sulfoxide vehicle (DMSO) or 1  µM KU-55933, a concentration sufficient to inhibit ATM [18, 19] but low enough to avoid inhibition of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase [19]. After 30 minutes, muscles were incubated in KHB with 8 mM glucose and the absence or presence of 2 mM AICAR for one hour with the continued presence of DMSO or KU and 32 mM or 30 mM mannitol to keep osmolarity constant across media. At this point, some muscles were blotted and clamp-frozen with aluminum tongs cooled in liquid nitrogen and stored at -80  ºC for later western blot analysis. Other muscles were subjected to 2-deoxyglucose (2DG) uptake assays as described below. In parallel procedures, EDL muscles from wild-type or ATM-deficient animals were allowed to recover in vitro for one hour, incubated in KHB containing mannitol as described above and in the absence or presence of 2 mM AICAR for one hour and then either clamp-frozen or subjected to 2DG uptake assays as previously reported [16, 17] and briefly described below. 2DG uptake Muscles were washed at 30  ºC in glucose-free KHB containing 40 mM mannitol in the absence or presence of KU-55933 (DMSO vehicle) or, for procedures with the ATM-/- mice, in medium containing neither KU nor DMSO. Muscles were then incubated in KHB containing 4 mM 2DG, 2  µCi/ml 3H-2DG, 36 mM mannitol, 0.3  µCi/ml 14C-mannitol, and 0.1% DMSO or 1  µM KU-55933 if they had been present in earlier incubations. Muscles were clamp-frozen and stored at -80  ºC. Muscles were then homogenized in Kontes ground glass tubes in ice-cold buffer containing protease and phosphatase inhibitors (50 mM HEPES, pH 7.4, 2 mM Na3VO4, 150 mM NaF,10  µg/ml leupeptin, 10  µg/ml aprotinin, 0.5  µg/mL pepstatin and 1 mM phenymethylsulfonylflouride). Homogenates were centrifuged at 4  ºC for 10 minutes at 14,000Ë £g, and supernatant protein concentration was analyzed by the bicinchoninic acid (BCA) method (Pierce Protein Technologies, Rockland, IL, USA). Supernatant aliquots and aliquots of the incubation media were mixed with Ultima Gold XR scintillation fluid (Perkin Elmer, Boston, MA, USA), and samples were assessed by scintillation counting (TriCarb 3110TR, Perkin Elmer, Boston, MA, USA). The disintegrations per minute (DPM) of 14C-mannitol were used to measure the extracellular volume, and intracellular 2DG was calculated from 3H DPM after accounting for 3H DPM in the extracellular space. 2DG transport was expressed as nmol 2DG/mg protein/10 minutes. Western Blotting Samples were homogenized, centrifuged, assayed for protein content as described above, diluted in Laemmli sample buffer containing dithiothreitol, and boiled for 5 minutes. Samples were then analyzed using SDS-PAGE as described previously [20]. Samples were run on 4-20% Tris-HEPES gels (Pierce) and then transferred onto nitrocellulose membranes. After transfer, membranes were blocked with 5% non-fat dry milk in Tris-buffered saline containing 0.1% Tween. Proteins on the nitrocellulose membranes were probed with primary and secondary antibodies described in the Materials section and then visualized using enhanced chemiluminescence (Western Lightning; PerkinElmer, Waltham, MA, USA). Western blots were quantified using TotalLab software purchased from TotalLab Nonlinear Dynamics (Newcastle on Tyre, UK). For probing ATM and P-ATM, samples were run on 3-8% Tris-Acetate gels (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, USA) alongside HiMark (Invitrogen) molecular weight markers. Statistics Data were analyzed by ANOVA with post hoc LSD comparisons. A level of P Results AICAR-stimulated glucose transport ATM’s role in AICAR stimulated glucose transport was assessed in isolated EDL muscle by using either ATM deficient mice or by using the specific ATM inhibitor, KU-55933. As shown in figure 1A, ATM protein was present in only background levels in EDL from ATM-/- mice. As shown in figure 1B, AICAR increased glucose transport in muscle from wild type mice(P AICAR-stimulated phosphorylation of AMPK It has previously been reported that ATM plays a role in AICAR-stimulated AMPK phosphorylation in HeLa cells and mouse embryonic fibroblasts [12]. Thus, we assessed phosphorylation of AMPK to determine whether ATM’s role in AICAR-stimulated glucose transport was through an influence on AMPK phosphorylation. As shown in figure 2A, AICAR-stimulated AMPK phosphorylation was normal in muscle from ATM-/- mice. Likewise, AICAR-stimulated AMPK phosphorylation was unaffected by the ATM inhibitor KU-55933 (figure 2B). Phosphorylation of TBC1D1 The RabGTPase activating protein (GAP) TBC1D1 is required for stimulation of glucose transport by AICAR [21]. Furthermore, phosphorylation of mouse TBC1D1 at S231 (corresponding to S237 of human TBC1D1) in response to AICAR occurs concomitant with an increase in glucosetransport [22-24], and S231 phosphorylation appears to be necessary to convey insulin-responsiveness to TBC1D1 [25]. Intriguingly, S231 and the surrounding amino acids (F-S-Q) match the consensushydrophobic-serine/threonine-glutamine (à ¯Ã‚ †-S/T-Q) motif of ATM targets [26, 27]. While phosphorylation of this site is increased by the AMPK activators phenformin and AICAR [28], and the site is an in vitro target of AMPK [28], this does not rule out the possibility that another kinase could act on the site. Thus, we hypothesized that S231 phosphorylation in response to AICAR would be dependent on ATM. As shown in figure3, AICAR increased phosphorylation of TBC1D1 S231 in EDL from wild type mice (P Discussion The new information provided by this study is that AICAR-stimulated glucose uptake in skeletal muscle is dependent on ATM. Additionally, this role for ATM in AICAR-stimulated glucose uptake does not involve an effect at the level of AMPK phosphorylation but instead is associated with altered phosphorylation of TBC1D1, downstream of AMPK. Based on data that the ATM inhibitor KU-55933 blunted activation of AMPK by metformin in a hepatoma cell line, Zhou et al proposed that ATM acts upstream of AMPK [2]. However, two independent groups have shown that KU-55933 prevents AMPK activation by metformin through inhibition of the cation transporter responsible for metformin uptake rather than through inhibition of ATM [3, 4]. In hepatocytes, ultraviolet light irradiation stimulated phosphorylation of the ATM target H2AX, but had no effect on AMPK activity [4]. Additionally, caffeine, which inhibits ATM,suppressed phosphorylation of H2AX but not activation of AMPK by metformin [4] . Finally, while hydrogen peroxide activated both AMPK and ATM in HEK293 cells, KU-55933 prevented ATM autophosphorylation but did not interfere with AMPK activity [4]. Together, these data [4] suggest that ATM does not act upstream of AMPK, at least in hepatocytes or HEK293 cells. While it has been reported that ATM acts upstream of AMPK inHeLa cells, lung cancer cells, fibroblasts, lymphoblasts, and embryonic fibroblasts [10-14], it seems unlikely that tissues corresponding to these cell lines would play a meaningful role in glucose homeostasis. Intriguingly, however, the increase in insulin sensitivity and a concomitant increase in autophosphorylated ATM in L6 myotubes in response to serum starvation was found to be dependent on AMPK, while inhibition of ATM prevented increased insulin action but not an increase in AMPK phosphorylation in serum starved myotubes [18]. Together, the data from serum-starved myotubes [18]suggest that ATM could act downstream of AMPK in regulation of glucose transport. The current data showing blunted glucose transport despite normal phosphorylation of AMPK in response to AICAR in ATM-deficient skeletal muscle or muscle exposed to KU-55933 are consistent with the idea of ATM acting downstream of AMPK. AMPK is a heterotrimerof ÃŽ ±, ÃŽ ², and ÃŽ ³ subunits, each with multiple isoforms [30]. The two main activating upstream kinases for AMPK are liver kinase B1 (LKB1) and calcium/calmodulin-dependent kinase kinase ÃŽ ² [31], though there are some reports that ATM-dependent phosphorylation of AMPK does not require LKB1 [11, 32] and could indeed be through direct phosphorylation of AMPK by ATM [11]. Intriguingly, LKB1 is an in vitro substrate for ATM [33], suggesting a potential mechanism for the ATM-dependent phosphorylation of AMPK [14]. However, phosphorylation of LKB1 by ATM does not affect LKB1 activity in vitro or LKB1 localization in vivo [33], so the precise role of LKB1 phosphorylation in activation of AMPK remains uncertain. Clearly, there are cell-type differences in the role of ATM upstream of AMPK, and perhaps these are influenced by factors including the expression profile of AMPK subunit isoforms or the subcellular localizations of ATM, AMPK, and LKB1. The current study, as the first to demonstrate a role of ATM in insulin-independent glucose transport, adds to the growing body of literature suggesting a role for ATM in glucoregulation. For example, young mice that lack functional ATM are hyperglycemic compared to wild-type animals during oral glucose tolerance tests [34]. Likewise, for mice with an ApoE-/- background, animals that have only one allele ofATMthat codes for functional protein are hyperglycemic during intraperitoneal glucose tolerance tests and insulin tolerance tests compared to mice with two wild-type ATM alleles [35]. Finally, inhibition of ATM decreases insulin-stimulated glucose uptake in muscle-derived cell lines [16, 32], and insulin-stimulated glucose uptake is blunted in L6 cells expressing kinase-dead ATM and in mouse skeletal muscle from animals deficient in ATM [16, 32]. Quite interestingly, while ATM plays a role upstream of Akt in response to insulin in some cell lines and in glycolytic skeletal muscle [ 16, 20, 36], the point of influence of ATM in insulin signaling leading to glucose transport in oxidative muscle is downstream of Akt at theRabGAP AS160/TBC1D4 [16, 20]which, like TBC1D1, acts on Rabs 2A, 8A, 8B, 10, and 14 [37]. Thus, ATM influences both insulin-stimulated phosphorylation of AS160 [16, 20] and AICAR-stimulated phosphorylation of TBC1D1 in skeletal muscle. In summary, this study provides the first evidence for a role of ATM in AICAR-stimulated glucose uptake by skeletal muscle. Thus, ATM plays key roles in both insulin-dependent [16]and insulin-independent stimulation of glucose uptake in skeletal muscle, suggesting a basis for the association of ATM variants with glycemic profiles recently reported [2, 7].
Thursday, September 19, 2019
At-Risk Students :: essays papers
At-Risk Students Historical Overview Overall â€Å"student performance was lower in the early 1900s than it is today, quite possibly because schools felt much less pressure than they do today to achieve equity and excellence among students†(Rossi, 1994, p.4). While many of the challenges schools encountered during the early 20th century are the same challenges in present day schools, they were not addressed back then because they were not a priority. The focus on equity and excellence that has been developed since the turn of the century is worthy of praise (Rossi, 1994, p.4). Throughout much of U.S. history, the separate and unequal schooling of diverse groups has been reinforced. Ethnicity and class have been perhaps the most obvious basis for discrimination, but other student characteristics, such as gender and disability, have also been used to separate students and place them into appropriate courses regardless of their potential or interest (Rossi, 1994). Soon, reform movements, dating back to the 19th century, to provide all students with a common and equal education that cut across differences in class, ethnicity and religion became a focus. Diversity among students including differences in culture, language and socioeconomic stance is not a new trend. The difference, however, is that today, the school system realizes that all students, including those who differ in some way from the "average" student, or those â€Å"at-risk†must be provided with an equal, opportune education (Morris, 1991). Defining Students At-Risk Sometimes, determining when students are at risk can be a difficult task. The term â€Å"at-risk†has been used to describe a particular category of students who, on the basis of several risk factors, are unlikely to graduate from high school (Land, Stringfield, 2002). Yet educators are also confronted with children who have other at-risk conditions. For example, educators will be responsible for working with students who are at risk due to health problems, substance abuse, disabilities, socioeconomic status and other various reasons. These conditions can make students academically at-risk, or in danger of not meeting their educational potential. The use of the term â€Å"at-risk†to describe learners is often controversial and deserves consideration, as the at-risk label can convey a negative connotation. Causes of At-Risk Conditions Determining the cause of at risk conditions can be helpful and can contribute to the development of reform programs. First, school conditions might actually be creating at-risk conditions. â€Å" Inappropriate instruction, competitive learning environments, ability grouping and hostile classroom environments are just a few ways schools contribute to the problem†(Muller, 2001, p.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
I Desire a Masters in Science :: Graduate Admissions Essays
I Desire a Master's in Science  My interest in science dates back to my years in high school, where I excelled in physics, chemistry, and math. When I was a senior, I took a first-year calculus course at a local college (such an advanced-level class was not available in high school) and earned an A. It seemed only logical that I pursue a career in electrical engineering.  When I began my undergraduate career, I had the opportunity to be exposed to the full range of engineering courses, all of which tended to reinforce and solidify my intense interest in engineering. I've also had the opportunity to study a number of subjects in the humanities and they have been both enjoyable and enlightening, providing me with a new and different perspective on the world in which we live.  In the realm of engineering, I have developed a special interest in the field of laser technology and have even been taking a graduate course in quantum electronics. Among the 25 or so students in the course, I am the sole undergraduate. Another particular interest of mine is electromagnetics, and last summer, when I was a technical assistant at a world-famous local lab, I learned about its many practical applications, especially in relation to microstrip and antenna design. Management at this lab was sufficiently impressed with my work to ask that I return when I graduate. Of course, my plans following completion of my current studies are to move directly into graduate work toward my master's in science. After I earn my master's degree, I intend to start work on my Ph.D. in electrical engineering. Later I would like to work in the area of research and development for private industry. It is in R & D that I believe I can make the greatest contribution, utilizing my theoretical backgr ound and creativity as a scientist.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Macbeth A Character Analysis O :: essays research papers
A Character Analysis of Lady Macbeth      “What’s done cannot be undone'; This is what Lady Macbeth said to her husband when he returned from murdering King Duncan. The statement is subtle and explains her way of thinking. Although Lady Macbeth is not completely evil-minded, she does play a big part as the antagonist in Shakespeare’s Macbeth. Lady Macbeth is a cold, heartless, and deceitful character. What did she get for being evil?      Shakespeare did not supply us with much solid information about Lady Macbeth’s outward appearance. Context clues are all that can be used to assume what she looks like. Examples of context clues are her manner of speaking, actions, and the surrounding characters’ actions. Lady Macbeth often spoke hastily and interrupted. She is a cold, two-faced woman who resorts to going through extremes to get her way. Lady Macbeth also assisted Macbeth in the murder of King Duncan by giving him the idea of killing the King. In scene 1-5 Macbeth addressed his lady as his “dearest partner of greatness';. He might have meant that he sees her as his equal in authority. Most people see people in power and authority as being solid characters. Lady Macbeth might have been a solidly built woman, perhaps brunette, and elegantly dressed, for her husband was of importance and they probably were higher in the social ladder. Through her actions and words, Lady Macbeth’s personality can be summed up in one word: deceitful. She would have done anything to get her way and made sure to do so. In act 1-7 she stated that she easily would have killed her own baby if she promised to do so. She is not trustworthy of anyone but her husband, if that. If it weren’t for her, many murders would not have taken place. She was the driving force is Macbeth’s reasoning and his added to his downfall.      Knowing now her personality traits and assumed physical traits, it’s clear how they fit together. Although she hid it well, any suspecting character could have very well seen the ice in her eyes. Lady Macbeth did not radiate kindness from her appearance because that was not what she felt inside. Her amoral motives showed in her body language, for a truly innocent being would be graceful and could never harm another with such ease.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Parent Child Relationship Essay
Abstract This paper is about showing your children that you love them by promoting boundaries. It will explain what kids really want their parents know and understand. This paper also gets down to the basics of how to be a beacon of hope in this dark world. Show how to help our children maneuver through troubling situations by giving them positive values to fall back on. Love is the common thread which binds us together and without love, boundaries and discipline would not succeed the way it is meant to. This paper looks at different ways to be active at home, how to have a joy-filled home, and how to show the ones who mean the most to you how you feel. It also shows how emotions can affect how we parent. It takes us on a journey through our childhood, so many of our parenting tactics come from how we were parented whether it was good or bad it is what we based our parenting on. How Parents can Better Love & Understand Their Kids In this paper we will be discussing different techniques and methods practiced to make home the safe haven it is supposed to be. Some tips are given on how to bring fun and understanding into the home. Family White (1998) states, â€Å"if your family are the most important people in your life†¦show them, make your family your priorityâ€â€strip away the non important things that take away time from them (p. 5). Kids just want to be loved and cherished. They need to feel like they belong somewhere and are special. Parents need to slow down and spend time with their children. We need to be good role models for our own kids. We need to have fun households to show the kids there is more to their music and TV, they can have a good time with the family (p. 37-41). Talk about goal setting as a family, â€Å"everyone has an opinion so everyone is included in pitching ideas of they would like to see the family accomplish, positive comments only. Then you need to clarify and organize your agreed-upon goals, and write down ways to accomplish each goal. You should designate a specific time to reflect and reevaluate your efforts as a family†(White, 1998, p. 41-42). White (1998) teaches a listening technique which was taught to him. â€Å"You begin by telling the person you are going to ask three questions and you will repeat them several times, but they need to give a different response each time. The goal is to get them to discover the solution and work toward applying it (p. 60-61). We need to be mindful of how we perceive things each person has his or her own view, and it may not match your personal view but we need to realize there is more than one way to do a task. Also, White (1998) speaks to us about time and how we cherish the moments with our loved ones, making sure our kids are confident & secure in who they are will help them be able to say no to certain things. We need to build up the kids by focusing on the positive and by letting them know they are loved (pp. 85-93). Not only is it our responsibility to build up our children, but we need to help them dream†¦have vision, and help them get to their dreams†¦don’t be a dream crusher. We may not believe what they do but we need to be supportive. How to be Positive â€Å"Your thinking directly affects your performance get rid of negative thinking. â€Å"You are what you are, and where you are because of what has gone into your mind†(Ziglar, 1989, pp. 18-20). Ziglar says, â€Å"When you change the input you change the output. We need to stop being so negative –if a task is too hard we say we can’t do it, we need to encourage our kids and ourselves to push through the tough times†(p. 24). â€Å"A successful life starts with having a loving and stable relationship with our family. Your attitude affects your outlook on life; qualities to strive for to have success in life are: dependability, friendliness, honesty and a sense of humor†(Ziglar, 1998, pp.41-42). Ziglar also said, â€Å"A solid foundation for children involves a solid moral base†meaning†¦you need to practice what you preach. â€Å"You need to look for and expect good from your children, stop looking at the bad and negative things and look for the good and positive in them and they will bloom†(Ziglar, 1998, p. 51). Be specific when you find something good in your child, tell them what it is exactly and continue to lift them up. Being Available as an Emotion Coach According to Gottman (1997), We need to help our kids deal with their emotions by being their emotion coaches and we do that with five steps 1) by being aware of their emotion, 2) recognize the emotion as a time for intimacy and teaching, 3) listen to them and validate their feelings, 4) help label the emotion with words and 5) set limits while finding ways to solve the problem (p.24). In step one, the focus is on recognizing when you are feeling an emotion, you can identify the feelings, and you are able to be sensitive to emotions in others (p. 76). Step two, when parents can use a negative experience to bring forth bonding with their children it builds intimacy and it teaches them how to deal with their feelings (p.93). During step three, two things take place, listening empathetically and validating the child’s feelings. Gottman suggests that this may be the most important step in emotion coaching! Not only are you listening with your ears, but you are using your eyes to look for physical confirmation of the child’s emotions. Parents also use their imagination to see things from the child’s perspective. They repeat back what they hear to help the child put words to his or her emotions. Lastly, they use their most precious gift of heart to feel what their child is feeling (p. 94). Step four is putting words to their emotions. Studies have shown that labeling emotions has a soothing effect on the nervous system, aiding the child to bounce back quicker from upsetting incidents (pp. 99-100). The final step is setting limits and problem solving. This step entails empathizing with the child’s feelings as well as discussing what is right and wrong behavior, and then coming up with alternative ways to handle their emotions (p. 101). Generally speaking, according to Gottman (1997), Children who have parents that practice â€Å"emotion coaching†have better physical health and score higher in academics. They seem to get along better with others and have fewer behavioral problems. Also noted, these children are less prone to act violently and seem to experience fewer negative feelings and more positive ones, and are considered to be healthier on an emotional level (p. 25). â€Å"There are results that show when parents use emotion coaching with their kids; there are buffering effects on children whose families are having difficulty and/or divorce. Another find from research shows that fathers who incorporate emotion coaching in parenting have an extremely positive impact on their children’s emotional development†(Gottman, 1997, p. 26). There are four types of parenting styles; depending on your style as a parent the effects can be detrimental to the child’s well-being. The styles are being dismissive, disapproving, laissez-faire, and the emotion coach. In the dismissive style, the child’s feelings are thought of as not important or trivial. The effect on the child is that he or she learns that their feelings are wrong or not valid. They feel that something is wrong with them as a person because of how they feel (p. 50). The disapproving style, judges and criticizes the child’s emotional expression as well as view emotions as weakness. The effect on the child is that he or she learns that their feelings are wrong or not valid. They feel that something is wrong with them as a person because of how they feel (p. 51). The laissez-faire style, does not teach the child about emotions, and offers little guidance on behavior. The effect on the child is he or she does not learn how to regulate their emotions and they have trouble making friends and getting along with others (pp. 51-52). The emotion coach style, does not feel that they have to fix every problem for the child and they respect the child’s emotions. The effect on the child is he or she can trust their feelings, solve problems, and get along well with others (p. 52). Parents need to take their time with their children, get to know them and understand their point of view. By learning to be empathetic listeners, parents can help their children learn to problem solve for themselves, enable their child to soothe themselves and become more well-rounded individuals. Showing empathy is like showing your child your heart. If you can let them know that you understand how they feel, they won’t feel down and they will feel confident that their parents care about them at the core of their emotions. How Love Heals In understanding the dynamic of parent and child Hendrix & Hunt (1997) use a metaphor describing the relationship as â€Å"a tapestry of life, meaning they are woven together by the threads and stitches of their interactions with one another†(p. 7). They use this to describe the delicate bond between the parent and child. If not careful you can tear and damage that bond. â€Å"These tears happen when you are not paying attention to the moment, or when you are experiencing emotional pain yourself†(Hendrix & Hunt, 1997, p. 8). The focus of the message given by Hendrix & Hunt (1997) is on being conscious in your parenting. This means â€Å"you are to meet the needs of your child by providing safety, support and structure as your child moves through each stage of development†(p. 38). Hendrix & Hunt (1997) mentioned â€Å"most parents are unconscious, but they are still good, kind, caring and committed people. They have been wounded and just have not healed into a greater self-awareness and self-acceptance†(p.45). According to Hendrix & Hunt (1997) there are five characteristics to unconscious parenting, â€Å"it cuts, it cuts the connection between parent and child. It is an inheritance, parents are parenting from their fears and wounds. It is unaware, these parents don’t realize what they do to their kids, and they felt cheated so the cycle continues. It causes exaggerated reactions, parents over or under react to what their child says or does. Lastly, it is ignorance, the parent doesn’t realize he or she is overreacting to the child’s normal behavior†(pp. 48-51). When a parent is ready to become a more conscious parent they need to learn how to listen and talk to their children. Hendrix & Hunt (1997) calls this â€Å"intentional dialogue; this includes mirroring, validating, and empathizing†(p. 106). According to Hendrix & Hunt, mirroring is when you have listened and repeat back what you believe you heard back to the person. Validating is when you let the speaker know that what they are saying makes sense. Empathizing is shown by recognizing the feelings of others as they explain their point of view (1997, p. 107-108). There needs to be a commitment on the part of the parent to be open to conscious parenting. Conscious parenting offers safety, support, and structure. The parent needs to create an environment that 1) is physically safe, 2) is emotionally supportive to the child’s growth, and 3) is structured to limits and boundaries (Hendrix & Hunt, 1997, pp.141-142). According to Hendrix & Hunt (1997), physical safety is the primary requirement of every living thing. The most important way to support a child is by validating how he or she feels. A conscious parent provides clear boundaries and sets limits to reinforce the child’s sense of safety and support (pp. 142-143, 153). No One Gets Me Dr Sachs is corresponding with one of his patients via letters being mailed to one another in, When no One Understands. This book was his response to what his patient wrote to him. This young lady was troubled and had tried a suicide attempt which is how they met. During their sessions she remained quiet she did not like to communicate by talking and because Dr. Sachs knew she was creative and a good writer so he decided to offer an alternative to the typical session. This brought her out of her shell a little to where she would talk to him in some sessions but the bulk of the treatment came through their letters. She did grow to trust him more and opened up to him regarding some things she felt her parents just were not â€Å"getting†. Encouragement and Self Discovery In, Taste Berries for Teens book series, is chock full of very touching letters from different teens going through different emotional trials. Youngs & Youngs do a great job at reaching out to the youth and giving them an outlet to share their feelings. â€Å"The purpose of this series is focused on â€Å"liking†yourself. A chance for getting to know and understand yourself on a deeper level. It tells of change and how one changes from year to year†(Youngs & Youngs, 2000, p.3). Boundaries Cloud & Townsend (1998) brings honest thought to mind when they discuss what kind of future is being created for your child if they are wild and reckless? We are preparing our children for the future (p. 14). There are three roles to being a parent, 1) guardian, 2) manager and 3) source. The guardian is legally responsible for the child and is his or her protector. The manager makes sure things get done and goals are reached, this role is a disciplinarian one. The source, the parent is the source of all good things (Cloud & Townsend, 1998, pp. 19-21). According to Clod & Townsend (1998) parents need to teach reality principle, which introduces true reality consequences such as not going to a movie because the room was not cleaned; it does not include negative relational consequences such as nagging or fussing. The child needs to â€Å"feel†the consequences not the parent (pp. 58-61). Setting Limitations Clinton & Sibcy talk about overprotecting, overindulging and over controlling your kids and how these can harm the child. Parents need to exercise balance we are to protect our children but when we over protect we damage their spirit and deter them from becoming the strong, independent adult they should be. Over controlling parents mean well, they want their child to succeed, but they push them to perfectionism and these children are afraid to fail. The over indulging parent may suffer from feelings of guilt but children need structure and in this case the child can become insecure, irritable and bored (p. 9-13). There is a healthy balance and it is the parent’s job to find it. Honestly it begins with love and respect, some have to learn that but it is give and take. If you don’t show the children these qualities, they cannot give it back to you. Conclusion I would just like to conclude by saying that I enjoyed this research and this topic were fun to delve into and I hope to use some of these techniques in my own home to help improve my relationship with my family communication is so important but the most important thing that I emphasize is that it all must be done in love and with love to work. You can bark orders and commands all day long but you and your children will suffer from the lack of love and respect. References Clinton, T., & Sibcy, G. (2006). Loving your child too much: Staying close to your kids without overprotecting, overindulging, or overcontrolling. Nashville, TN: Integrity Publishers. Cloud, H. & Townsend, J. (2001). Boundaries with kids. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. Gottman, J; (1997). The heart of parenting. New York, NY; Simon & Schuster Hendrix, H; Hunt, H; (1997). Giving the love that heals a guide for parents. New York, NY; Pocket Books. Sachs, B; (2007). When no one understands. Boston, MA; Trumpeter Books. Youngs, B; Youngs, J; (1995). Taste berries for teens #3. Deerfield Beach, FL; Health Communications, Inc. White, J; (1998). What kids wish parents knew about parenting. West Monroe, LA; Howard Publishing Co, Inc. Ziglar, Z; (1989). Raising positive kids in a negative world. New York, NY, Ballentine Books.
Childhood memories Essay
Thinking about my childhood, makes me feel like I want to go back and to watch me while I was doing unexpected crazy actions, it was the funniest days ever. My childhood, sometimes it makes me laugh other times I really cry. Remembering some crazy actions that I’ve done , like jumping in the deepest part of the swimming pool while I didn’t know how to swim yet, they rescued me but, I wasn’t scared, that really makes me laugh when I remember such an action. One time, my mother was pulling me up from the swimming pool after my training, she was trying to pull me out but, actually I pulled her in water, it was really funny, I still laugh when I remember that. In other hand, when I remember my grand father I really start to cry, I was 4 years when he died, I remember him and what we did together as it was yesterday, I think remembering all memories with someone when you were 4 years old, it proves how much did you love that person and how close he was to you actually, to your heart. I wish that I can go back and to live on day from my childhood, when I was always feeling that am safe, when me and my friends living day by day and we were not planning for anything to happen in the day after. We didn’t know what’s meant by hater and, we didn’t realize black hearted people who talk bad about you in your back and, they just give a smile in your face. Even money were just papers for me but, now a days people can kill to earn money, all people now are racing for money. I really want to lay on my old bed as I used to sleep when I just put my head on my pillow I don’t care about anything, I Don’t hate any body. I really want to live just on day of my childhood, it was fun, real fun.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Genre: Drama Essay
Dramas are serious, plot-driven presentations, portraying realistic characters, settings, life situations, and stories involving intense character development and interaction. Usually, they are not focused on special-effects, comedy, or action, Dramatic films are probably the largest film genre, with many subsets. See also melodramas, epics (historical dramas), or romantic genres. Dramaticbiographical films (or â€Å"biopics†) are a major sub-genre, as are ‘adult’ films (with mature subject content). Drama film is a genre that relies on the emotional and relational development of realistic characters. While Drama film relies heavily on this kind of development, dramatic themes play a large role in the plot as well. Often, these dramatic themes are taken from intense, real life issues. Whether heroes or heroines are facing a conflict from the outside or a conflict within themselves, Drama film aims to tell an honest story of human struggles. Drama Film Examples: The Shawshank Redemption – A former banker convicted of murdering his wife develops a lifelong friendship with a fellow prisoner, and ultimately tries to defy the odds by keeping hope alive inside prison walls. The Godfather – The aging patriarch of an organized crime circle must secure the future of his family’s empire by leaving it in the hands of his reluctant son. Casablanca – A jaded nightclub owner must choose whether or not to help his ex-lover and her husband flee Nazi-occupied Morocco. ________________________________________ DRAMA Sub-genres Biography A Biography drama incorporates dramatic elements into a biographical film. These films differ from Historical and â€Å"based in truth†films because they specifically chronicle the life of a person or a group of people. Biography films attempt to show a comprehensive and accurate picture of the specific subject, thus they tend to be serious and intense. Examples: Ray, Monster, Blow ________________________________________ Courtroom Courtroom drama film uses the justice system as a main component of the plot. The story usually unfolds inside a courtroom with the prosecutor, judge, jury, and the defense. Tension plays a large part in courtroom dramas as the verdict can often mean life or death. Examples: A Few Good Men, To Kill a Mockingbird, 12 Angry Men ________________________________________ Dramedy Dramedy film is a genre that has a dramatic tone yet important elements of comedy. In Dramedy film, the amount of drama and comedy are almost equally balanced. This balance provides comedic relief for the audience, while still addressing serious issues. Examples: Little Miss Sunshine, The Royal Tenenbaums, Lost in Translation ________________________________________ Historical Historical is a sub-genre of Drama film that examines a specific time in history or group of people. Many Historical films aim to portray true events and people. However, most Historical films are only loosely based on these events and people. These films tend to focus on the more glorified societies and people in history such as the Romans, specific Kings and Queens, or important political figures. Examples: 300, Frost/Nixon, Hotel Rwanda ________________________________________ Melodrama Melodrama film is a sub-genre that appeals to the heightened emotions of the audience. The plot and characters often are more unrealistic than those found in the traditional drama film. Melodramas usually cater towards a female audience and tell a story that centers on a great crisis and a heroic protagonist. Examples: The Bridges of Madison County, Steel Magnolias, Sophie’s Choice ________________________________________ Period Piece Period Piece is a sub-genre of Drama film that focuses on a specific time era. The era in which the film is set adds not only to the plot, but to the characters and costumes as well. A Period Piece films are often based on a novel. These films tend to have a longer run time than traditional Dramas. Examples: Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park, Romeo and Juliet ________________________________________ Political Political drama film contains themes, characters, and a plot specifically about politics and the political scene. The main protagonist is often at odds with the harsh reality of corruption in politics. Many Political Dramas are based in fact but focus on exploring conspiracy theories. Examples: Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, Wag The Dog, The Manchurian Candidate ________________________________________ Romance Romantic Drama film is a genre that explores the complex side of love. The plot usually centers on an obstacle that is preventing love between two people. The obstacles in Romantic Drama film can range from a family’s disapproval, to forbidden love, to one’s own psychological restraints. Many Romantic Dramas end with the lovers separating because of the enormity of the obstacle, the realization of incompatibility, or simply†¦ fate. Examples: Romantic Drama film include Titanic, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Dr. Zhivago ________________________________________ Tragedy Tragedy Drama is a genre wherein the downfall of the character is caused by a flaw within the character. While Tragedy Dramas sometime put the character in extraordinary circumstances, this genre is really about the self-destructive behavior of the character. The flaws of the character come to a head and ultimately result in death or other form of degradation. Examples: American Beauty, Death of a Salesman, The Great Gatsby
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Personality Analysis: Dispositional and Learning Theories Essay
The revision and analysis of personalities provides a restored knowledge for human behaviors and the progression in which individuals understand. Theorists had endeavored for a long time realizing further theoretical methodology. Gordon Allport researched the personalities of people for the reason that that methodology provide further meaning or characterization to individual distinctiveness and give emphasis to the distinctiveness of the person (Feist & Feist, 2009). Depicting a person with universal personality merely categorize individuals as a crowd or group. Nevertheless, Allport alleged to exactly distinguish an individual is through the means of being familiar with the individuals as personal. Individuality shows each individual be distinct and unique, no one person is alike in a way; for the reason that individuals have distinctive personalities and the capabilities to understand is atypical as well. Albert Bandura’s social cognitive theory observed the behavior in which individuals understand. Observational learning tolerates individuals to find out lacking actions or responsibilities (Feist & Feist, 2009). Principally people do find out through own encounters although learn as well from looking at different job and achievements of other people. Generally significant reasons which supply the respond to queries could be established by means of these kinds of research and development. Dispositional Theories and Personalities Allport started his study of personal psychology by means of presenting his morphogenic science. Morphogenic science is the research of a person, collecting data, and vital information concerning the person. Allport’s methodology to personality theory generates queries like what is the meaning or definition of personality, what is the role of willful stimulus in personality theory, what is the distinctiveness of the psychologically healthy individual. The queries asked by Allport lay down an institution for gaining knowledge of the fundamentals behind personalities. Personalities have an effect on an individual endeavor s and response to external motivations. Consequently, the terminology dynamic organization explains a personality like a systematic plan. Even though this plan may revolutionize, Allport apply the terminology psychophysical to depict the psychological and physical conversion in an individual (Feist & Feist, 2009). Additionally, Allport cherished the words determine, characteristic, behavior, and thought for the reason that the terminology imply that individuals are product and process, and come up with the abilities to revolutionize. Nevertheless, suggesting that personalities are simultaneously psychological and physical, as well as explicit behaviors and open thoughts (Feist & Feist, 2009). Personality is merely a word, yet is impressive and does great. Learning Theories and Personalities Bandura’s social cognitive theory deals with the importance of different personality capabilities to understand. The environment plays a major function in an individual personality and growth. Bandura’s approach to gain knowledge of personality laid on different fundamental flexibility; hypothesis, triadic reciprocal causation model as well as likelihood experiences and fortuitous events, driving force perception, external and internal reasons, and principled group (Feist & Feist, p. 478-79, 2009). Bandura come within reach of the theories of study from the essential fundamentals of his social cognitive theory. To set alight, of his hypothesis, Bandura established Observational Learning. The responsibilities individual carry out all through existence often happen from observation. For instance, children were able to learn how to eat with utensils, to hold a cup, open doors, or merely wave goodbye, by way of observations. Regrettably, good and bad behaviors could turn up by observational learning. However, Bandura social cognitive theory explains psychological implementation by triadic reciprocal causation. However, individual act happen for the reason that three variables, the environment, behavior, and the individual (Feist & Feist, 2009). Relating the three variables to every personality is very plain, since each personality is formed by the environment and a product of each behavior. Even though the character of personality due to the Social Cognitive theory makes use of an agentic view of personalities, this signifies individuals possess the capabilities to use control on their individual being. The situational behavior influence personalities besides personalities have an effect on situational behaviors. Personality Characteristics Attributes to Dispositional and Learning Theories Individuality is a concentration for Allport; he deemed personal distinctiveness is recognized by individual disposition. The intensity of individual disposition involves Cardinal, Central, and Secondary dispositions. A Cardinal disposition is a quality which govern different individual living, generally individual do not possess this feature, however for individual who do possess this features, is the manner most individual regard that individual. To exemplify a Cardinal disposition is an individual named as a Casanova. A Casanova is commonly referred to as a alluring, lover boy, appealing, and extravagant. Nevertheless, the terminology Casanova can becomes a familiar peculiarity or individuality. The second disposition is known as Central dispositions. The common of various or further Central dispositions is expected. An individual can possess five to ten outstanding individuality, these distinctiveness arrive at by the way different individuals assess one’s personality (Feist & Feist, 2009). Pinpointing terms to explicate an individual quality, way of behaving, or disposition. Subsequently, intensity of personal disposition referred to by Allport is Secondary dispositions. Even though not as noticeable as central dispositions, secondary dispositions are not predominant to our personalities, but occur habitually and are conscientious for the greater part of individual behaviors. The degree of personal disposition from Allport’s standpoint is imperative as assessed on a level. Nevertheless, assessment of inter-persons to personal dispositions will alter the development of personal dispositions to customary behavior, beating Allport’s line of reasoning. Additionally, Allport’s motivational and stylistic dispositions are obliging to essential individual needs and cause to move. An individual person who has a motivational disposition is motivated by a need. Motivational needs begin undertakings (Feist & Feist, p. 383, 2009). Stylistic disposition facilitate lead individual actions. For instance an individual would wear clothes to keep his body warm, this is motivational, and the design of clothing selected is stylistic (Feist & Feist, 2009). A personality necessitates inclination. Allport’s degree of individual dispositions, motivational, and stylistic dispositions have develop into a distinctive feature for relating personality theories. Furthermore, Bandura’s social cognitive theory in respect to Observational Learning include to the listing of personality study. The center of observational learning is modeling. Modeling is accumulating and deducting from behaviors observed, followed by taking a broad view from one observation to a further (Feist & Feist, 2009). Individuals endeavor to model their living from other individuals, picking out an individual with a prominent standing, capabilities, and supremacy. The individuality of personalities develops from the best models, in the surroundings. Influences act an important part in an individual character, however the distinctive behavior established in individuality like as disposition, physical type, and intellect is personal. An individual is born with skillfulness, capacity, and the potential to realize a large number of approaches. Personalities acquire development all the way through lifetime. Bandura’s concept of individual performance is the result of dealings of behaviors, variables, and environment (Feist & Feist, 2009). Personality individuality modeled by observational learning is logical. Individuals normally do as other individuals do, assuming an incentive is to result the actions demonstrate constancy, assuming a penalty ensue the individual is unlikely to do again the useless actions. The better the importance in which the observer puts on the conduct, the possibility of the observer doing again these actions is prominent (Feist & Feist, 2009). Dispositional and Observational Learning Theories Share a Common Bond The usual relationship shared through dispositional and observational theories is either hypothesis has the same opinion that personalities are self-motivated and distinctive for persons. Human agency, and conscious control, indicates that individuals enjoy the manner of deciding for own destiny. Motivational qualities, internal cause, external cause, stylistic, dysfunctional behaviors and appropriate purposeful self-governance are customary causes jointly allocated by dispositional theories and observational learning theories. Additionally, both theories facilitate to know personalities and behaviors and furnish a further thoroughly attitude from several resources which have carried out different process in attaining particular assumption. Conclusion In real meaning, personality study facilitates by learning personalities and behaviors. Learning and research conducted employing different systems and methods provide an improved feeling of recognition. Allport and Bandura dealt with personalities with unbiased thought and effective resources. Initiating with Allport, his personality theory arrives in the course of his positive observation of natural world. The development of personalities happens reasonably in a common environment. I agree it is factual that language, trends and styles, values, culture, and morals impact personalities; however the individuality and distinctiveness in a personality and essential motivations are the generally suggestible reasons (Feist & Feist, 2009). Remarkably, the extensive numbers of significant hypothesis in the development of theories for personalities persist to develop. Studies from former theorists keeps on to generating different assumption and concepts. Allport’s Personal dispositions aid research people to learn individualities. Allport’s goal is to uncover rejoinders to the subject; personality. What does the conscious motivation in individuality possess? What are the idiosyncrasies of the expressively vigorous individual? Bandura initiated learning through observation that contains major essentials in comprehending individualities and behaviors. A person’s performance is the outcome of shared interface of actions within the surroundings, behavior, and individual aspects (Feist & Feist, 2009). Individualities are together emotional and physical. Individuals possess the ability to study with the faculty of flexibility although individuals possess diversities both biological and social. Individualities compose the individual, the surroundings and social aspects establish the growth and continuance of individualities. The mainly significant issue to reflect on; there are no number of individuals who are similar and everyone in this world is distinct by himself.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Individualism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Individualism - Essay Example This means that external forces do not have the right over the desires or goals of an individual. This includes the government, institutions or the wider society. Logically, the focus of individualism is the individual. This is because the individual is the focus as people try to obtain liberation. Moreover, people have the right to realize themselves and obtain their freedom. It is also logical that individualism is closely associated with one’s lifestyle and behavior that are led by ethics and positions that are philosophical. The world idea seems to appreciate that western civilization has promoted individualism. This is because capitalism promoted individualism as every individual works towards his or her goals in life. However, some people did not seem to agree with this because capitalism did not provide employment to all people. However, people still fought until capitalism was re-introduced. Arguably, this means that even people in Russia believed that capitalism was t he best was towards achieving one’s goal. In summary, individualism focuses on an individual and allows him or her to independence, which in the idea has been enhanced through capitalism. Body Section One People have over the time argued on the connection between individualism and capitalism. Ironically, this is an ideology since individualism believes that one is above all else. However, capitalism can be argued to show individualism only from an economic point of view. This is because what one obtains economically belongs to him or her. This is unlike what communism believed in, that what one has belongs to the whole society. Moreover, individualism rose when capitalism was introduced. This is because people were allowed to do what they desire to as long as it did not negatively affect another individual. For example, one can make a decision of what to or not to sell in the market or even what to buy. This means that people were free to make their decisions without external input while in the market setting. Some of the essays also agree with the fact that capitalism contributed to individualism. However, individualism is just an illusion (Fromm 329). This means that individualism will never be fully achieved. Moreover, it presented to people a lifestyle that was categorized into classes. However, some argue that the world will be chaotic as each person seeks self or individual satisfaction. In my own experience, capitalism has given me a sense of independence. This is because while earning my money, I am in control of my life. Therefore, I can buy go, buy or do what I want since I have my financial freedom. On the other hand, I also have my goals that I work hard to attain regardless of the goals that my family and friends have set for their own lives. According to the essays, capitalism has contributed to individualism. However, each one notes that individualism is just an illusion because it does not exist wholly. This is because one cannot be a co mplete individual due to many factors that ties individual. For instance, the market may seem free, but the financial ability of an individual allows him to buy or not buy certain goods. Moreover, employees have to work in accordance to the terms set by the employees. Consequently, individualism is an illusion. Body Section Two Individualism is about a person, the self. Moreover, the individual has desires, needs and goals that are separate from other persons. Arguably, an individual looks into his or her interest , does also consider that of
Thursday, September 12, 2019
To what extent has globalisation changed the nature of work Essay
To what extent has globalisation changed the nature of work - Essay Example Globalisation refers to spread as well as connectedness of communication, technologies, and production across the world. This spread has encompassed the interplay of cultural and economic activities. Some people argue that globalisation entails the efforts of World Bank and international Monetary Fund to create a global market, which will ensure the free flow of goods and services. Because of globalisation, the interdependence and connectivity of the world’s businesses and markets has become a reality. In the last two decades, globalisation has witnessed a dramatic alteration, with advances in technology making it possible for people conduct international business, communicate, and travel. Some scholars argue that the principal driving forces of globalisation in the recent past include the rise of the internet, as well as the massive advancements in telecommunications. This has seen the alternation and numerous changes in the nature of work (Morgan 2001, p. 33). This essay supports the argument that globalisation has indeed brought many changes in the nature of work. In the first part of the essay, the impact of globalisation on the nature of work at the macro level and the broad context will be analyzed. In the second part, the essay will discuss how globalisation has affected the nature of work through communication and transport. Thirdly, the essay will look into the impacts of globalisation on the nature of work in terms of employment, trade unions, as well as traditional industries. Further, the essay will focus on the impacts of globalisation on human resources, working conditions in developing countries, and the impacts on human work. The impact of globalisation on the Macro level One of the changes brought about by globalisation in the nature of work includes the impact of globalisation at the macro level. In the global context, the intensification of social relations across the world has linked distant localities. As a result, the local event s borrow much from the events taking place worldwide. At the macro level, the arena of work has witnessed numerous changes as a result of globalisation. Globalisation has interlinked the world economy; this has had impacts on the mobility of labour and capital. With globalisation, it has become possible to move capital from one place to another. Likewise, globalisation has affected the mobility of labour across the world. This has led to the emergence of new jobs in places where they never existed. In addition, the movement of capital has led to the introduction of new industries, which have changed the work done in such places (Morgan 2001, p. 35). Another change of globalisation on the nature of work is that it has led to changes in the global exchanges, especially in the arena of financial exchanges and world trade. This has resulted to the acceleration in the liberalisation and deregulation of trade, which has been aided by transfers of capital and currency exchange. Internation al trade has opened up the market to market forces; this has seen the reduction in tariffs, control of exports and imports, as well as other means of protection. Consequently, this has affected the nature of work done by the people across the world. States have also weakened their regulations, leading to an increase in market competition. As a result, traders have had the opportunity to change the nature of work since they can deal in goods, which their countries do not produce (Morgan 2001, p. 36). Globalisation has also altered the nature of work with the rise in the number of multinational corporations acting worldwide. With little reference to national boundaries, multinational corporations have organized themselves. As such, they have designed
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
What Are the Attributes of a Good Supervisor Research Paper
What Are the Attributes of a Good Supervisor - Research Paper Example A good supervisor should be discreet, impartial, and hardworking; for he is in charge of several employees. Employees develop conflicts of interest and it is the jurisdiction of a supervisor to ensure that all the employees work as a team. On condition that a supervisor is self-driven and treats his employees well and without partiality; then it means that they will eventually work hard and exploit their potential fully. This is a positive attitude towards the success of an organization. For instance, promotion should be awarded to the hardworking employees but not to relatives or corrupt officials. Not all supervisors are good, some have developed undesirable habits in the process of running their organizations where they don’t observe equality and they further appoint their employees using the cache system. Here, merit to the position under concern is not considered but a person is employed on a kinship basis. Others are corrupt and receive bribes so as execute some of their duties which are supposed to be their responsibility. First, a good supervisor should possess’ excellent organizational skills for he is the person who is responsible for organizing business meetings with several other companies, so he is required to give his secretary instructions on when and where the meeting should be held. In case that an employee is sacked or is not feeling well, then the supervisor has to oversee that a replacement is done before it is too late. It is very important that a supervisor associates with his employees according to the expected norms. He further has the responsibility to ensure that he hires the right person who is competent and well experienced and can sufficiently execute the work as expected. Additionally, a good boss should be very free with his junior’s as good communication facilitates efficiency and effectiveness. Â
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Characteristics of unplanned economies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Characteristics of unplanned economies - Essay Example Market/unplanned economy and command/planned economies occupy the two polar extremes in the economic activity organization. The main difference is found in mechanisms used to determine prices and labor division or production factors. The market economy activity is unplanned, that is, it has no organization from the central authority and gets determined by the goods’ demand and the supply services. On the contrary, the command economy gets organized by the officials of the government who also direct and win the production factors (Meade, 2013). Currently, all modern economies are mostly pragmatic economies. The economies reject the thought function of representing, describing or mirrorring reality, but instead, they consider it as an instrument, action for problem solving. The two views of confrontation of the modern capitalism; state and neoliberal capitalism, will identify the economy of the social market that creates a new future pragmatism. Therefore, pragmatism is an indispensable and fundamental way of a rational economic management (Daniels & VanHoose,
Monday, September 9, 2019
Law and the Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Law and the Media - Essay Example Cultural lag is getting shorter and shorter and the body of law has to adopt the pace so defined. This aspect is much more prominent in case of media where this pace can even be seen with the naked eyes. Media in the world has grown into an established economy in past few decades with its revenues becoming more than many nation states. Laws in this regard are also adopted and changed regularly to meet the complexities emerging in every day life. Enactments by the legislature, rules and regulations by respective departments and legal precedents are important factors in such changes. In the recent case of Fisher (original respondent and cress appellant) vs. Broker and other (original Appellants and cross-respondent) contractual obligations arising out of copyright and royalty agreements - both in express and implied terms- have been dealt in length and this case has given new dimensions to media law. In the below discussion we will discuss the details of the case in detail while lookin g at its implication for the media law. This case is about the copyrights and ownership of an all times hit song which was recorded in year 1967 by a band Procol Harum comprising of respondents of the appeal. Methew Fisher, plaintiff of the case joined the band soon after the first recording of the song, but the recording contract was agreed after inclusion of plaintiff in the band as organist. Plaintiff had contributed to the song by introducing a composition of organ solo at the start of the song which acted as counter melody through out the song. During the proceedings of the suit judge rated the contribution of the plaintiff as 40% of the total work. Before inclusion of plaintiff into the band, respondents, Mr. Brooker and Mr. Reid had entered into a contract of copyrights with Essex for the royalty of the song. It is observed that initial recording was made before the joining of
Sunday, September 8, 2019
What is the association between nursing staffing levels and adult Article
What is the association between nursing staffing levels and adult patient falls in hospitals - Article Example At hospital level, number of registered nurses should be increased to monitor patients in the wards and provide the required services. From records, increased number of nurses decreases falls among adult patients (Griffiths et al., 2014). The nursing staffs should be given education so as to understand their roles and associated problems. On the other hand, nurses’ needs should be well catered to motivate them and have enabling environment to offer their services. It can be achieved by considered them as financial assets that have a critical role in the hospital. However, in various unit-levels, experienced nurses should be retained at whichever cost. Evidence has shown that inexperience and lack of the necessary skill have contributed significantly to the falls among adult patients (Griffiths, et al., 2014). During hiring, nurse skill mix should be considered. It involves taking care of skill level and experience in order to improve services. From the records, it is not clear about the component of a nurse that contributes most to the reduction of fall. It is, therefore, crucial to establish this through research and make recommendations. The future studies should as well focus on evaluating the role of non-registered nurse staffs to the increased falls in the hospitals. Their relationship should be validated through replication of studies. Griffiths, P., Ball, J., Drennan, J., Liz, J. & Michael, S. (2014). The association between patient safety outcomes and nurse / healthcare assistant skill mix and staffing levels & factors that may influence staffing requirements: National Nursing Research Unit. New York, 1,
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