Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Integrity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5
Integrity - Essay Example Some leaders strictly abide by this value; but some, by internal or external factors, are led to be swayed into violating ethical and moral codes of conduct and behavior. The most important integrity competency for an organizational leader is acting consistently with principles, values, and beliefs – which include those stipulated by policies and principles of the organization; because they are expected to abide by the overall goals and interests of various stakeholders who are expected to be governed under these standards. For a political leader, the integrity competency of keeping promises is paramount because they had been voted by the public to serve through advocacies and political platform which had been formed and communicated through plan of action and promises of performance. Finally, a spiritual leader is expected to abide by the integrity competency of telling the truth based on religious doctrines and teachings of the faith so that their followers would be enjoined to practice what they preach. I strongly believe that since one has developed personal values and interests, it would naturally be exuded and adhered to in whatever scenario, setting, or role that one assumes in life. Thus, whether one becomes a follower or a leader, the same set of values and interests would be manifested and applied. As a leader, the advice that I would give others to help them stand up for their values and interests would be to develop values that are consistent with moral, ethical and legal standards and to remain steadfast in conforming to these values. By doing so, leaders and followers would be assured that a sense of integrity is maintained and sustained and one’s image as a person with integrity would never be
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Epidemiology in Disease Control and Prevention
Epidemiology in Disease Control and Prevention The purpose of this discussion post is to briefly review the concepts of epidemiology in disease control and prevention. I will also define and apply the ecoscoial epidemiology paradigm to obesity in my community. Epidemiology means many things, but largely, it is the study of the health status in our community as determined by statistical information, probability and research (Nies McEwen, 2015). Community health nurses use the concepts of epidemiology any time the nurse conducts, collects or analyzes data regarding diseases in the community, or uses data to help identify at risk groups in the community (Nies McEwen, 2015). Our reading this week discussed a variety of epidemiological models, methods and approaches. The data collected through epidemiology can identify diseases and infections, and trace these illnesses down to a single cause. In order to identify and resolve illness, the epidemiologist must first identify the problem, detect possible causes of the disease and the disease itself; determine how the illness is spread and finally, classify how people in the community become susceptible to the disease (Nies McEwen, 2015, p. 70-72; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2016). Ecosocial epidemiology is a newer concept and describes diseases from a macro-level; meaning the health and disease status for a community rather than illness in just one patient (Nies McEwen, 2015). An example of ecosocial epidemiology approach would be to discuss obesity in our community. In 2013, the American Medical Association (AMA) labeled obesity as a chronic disease; the WHO described obesity as an epidemic and reported that half-a-billion people in the world obese(Stoner Cornwall, 2014). Obesity may be caused by numerous factors, including genetics, socioeconomic status or lack of education on healthy eating. Obesity is typically accompanied by other comorbid conditions such as diabetes mellitus type II, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease. The cost of healthcare for obese individuals is typically more than a non-obese person. The private practice office I work in sees a fair amount of patients whose symptoms can be attributed to obesity secondary to poor diet and inc ome level. A community health nurse can examine obesity in the community from a macro-level perspective. As mentioned above, obesity can be connected to a persons socioeconomic meaning the lower a persons income or education level, the more at risk that person is for obesity (Bielemann, Santos Motta, Minten, Horta, Gigante, 2014). Individuals with lower income are more likely to consume cheaper, convenient foods with large portion sizes (i.e., fast food, frozen dinners, boxed meals, chips, etc). These food items are readily accessible and are typically higher in calories, sodium, fat and sugars. The larger portion sizes can be seen as more value for the dollar. Another study showed that even with the application of food health labels, lower socioeconomic groups are more likely to purchase these unhealthy foods and reported that food labels can be seen as unclear and confusing (Hankey, 2015). A community health nurse can collect and analyze data from the community through surveys, questionnaire s or interviews and compare the number of obese patients to their socioeconomic, education level and comorbid conditions. This data can be used to provide interventions and education to this at risk population. In conclusion, epidemiology is the study of health and disease of the entire community, and not one person. Ecosocial epidemiology looks at health and disease from a macro level and can incorporate multiple factors that may attribute to an illness. Obesity in our community can be viewed from a macro-level, secondary to the multiple risk factors, including socioeconomic status, education and existing medical conditions. Understanding epidemiology is important to community health nursing as this information can assist the nurse in focusing on disease prevention and education for at risk populations. References Bielemann, R. M., Santos Motta, J. V., Minten, G. C., Horta, B. L., Gigante, D. P. (2014). Consumption of ultra-processed foods and their impact on the diet of young adults. Revista de Saà ºde Pà ºblica, 49, 1-10. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2016). Public health series 101 Introduction to epidemiology. Retrieved from Hankey, C. (2015). Food and catering modifications for public health: chronic disease and obesity prevention. Medicine, 43(2), 135-138. Nies, M. A., McEwen, M. (2015). Community public health nursing (6th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Saunders. Stoner, L., Cornwall, J. (2014). Did the American Medical Association make the correct decision classifying obesity as a disease? Australasian Medical Journal, 7(11), 462-464.
Friday, October 25, 2019
MARKETING DEPARTMENT :: Business and Management Studies
MARKETING DEPARTMENT The aim of this department is to make sure that the business produces goods that consumers would want to buy and sell. Activities of marketing and sales department at Sainsbury's: Market Research: this type of research is a research that Sainsbury's would like to find if a product or a service is suitable for the consumers. This is because they can find out what kind of products or services the consumer's wants. Sainsbury's would also like to find out about if the product exists, if so, how would they manage to improve it. There are two types of research Sainsbury's could use 1) field research and 2) desk research. Promotion: this is to tell the customers that the products or services that is available by advertising will encourage the customers to buy the products or services by offering promotions. Sales: this provides that the goods and services are suitable to customers that they need or want. This area of department involves making sales. This function helps Sainsbury's to achieve the objectives. The way they manage to do this is by increase their sales so that it increases its market share or market segment. The market research is carried out to identify the customer needs. Sainsbury's also would like to increase their image name. This is because Sainsbury's would like to provide the customers with good products so that they can fulfil the customer needs and increase the sales within the promotion offers e.g. get one and get the second one free. Promotion is an important marketing function for Sainsbury's. This is because Sainsbury's would like to increase the awareness, attract new customers, and increase sales and profits. The marketing function for Sainsbury's takes into account the four marketing mix e.g. product, price, place and promotion. How the marketing department helps Sainsbury’s meet objectives. Market research. When an organisation is in a market it is good that your can look at other activity in the market. Sainsbury’s is in the market of an oligopoly and few big firms run this kind of market. One of the objectives of Sainsbury’s is to gain market share. Sainsbury’s will be looking to beat competitors. To beat competitors Sainsbury’s will need to research and see what business activity they do compare to Sainsbury’s. If they research they can think of way to beat competitors in the market. Promotion. Promotion of products and Sainsburys plc is vital to them. Sainsbury’s will want everyone to know who they are and what products they sell. For Saisnbury’s to advertise products they do it through the marketing department. The marketing department will be expected to promote the products they sell to the correct audience.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Do Soaps Represent ‘real’ life? Essay
Soap operas are viewed by millions of our population every day; on average Eastenders has a viewing coverage of approximately 13million. There are a number of reasons as to why soap operas appeal to such a large and diverse audience. In this essay I will be examining these reasons with reference to my own attraction to soaps, and seeing how the soap stories fit into the everyday lives of the millions who watch them. Furthermore, I will investigate the way in which the construction and conventions of a soap opera relates to ‘real’ life. My discussion will include different aspects of a range of the most popular British soaps, for example, Crossroads, Coronation Street, Hollyoaks and Eastenders. It is hard to prove that soaps represent real life. Surely if they were truly reflective, we would all have fallen tragically into at least one coma by now. And we would have come out of it, too, with better hair and a new contract. It is true that the murder rate in Britain is at a record high. But if soaps were to be believed, it would be a whole lot closer to Colombia’s murder rate. You’re no one on the small screen until you’ve been whacked. The incidence of animal-print evening wear has also skyrocketed in this country. But it could never reach soap-opera Bet Lynch proportions. Similarly, the use of the phrase â€Å"If you ever come back here again†has peaked on soap operas at a level impossible to sustain in real life without a face like Phil from Eastenders and the gravelly, ‘I-will-whack-you’ voice to go with it. There are, also, many illegitimate children born in Britain today. About 40 per cent of all births are now â€Å"out of wedlock†. But if the soaps were anything to go by, that number currently would be nudging something much higher. The fact that approximately twenty years ago, ten to twelve soap operas were shown daily, each an hour or half an hour long would support this notion. The first went on at 10am and the last at 3:30pm, (the hours during which the majority of women were at home). There was an obvious pattern running through these soaps, they were generally set in small towns, involved two or three families connected with one another. Families were often composed of several generations from a range of classes on the social scale, although most identifiably middle – class. Men and women worked outside the home, usually in professions such as law and medicine. However, the focus of the programmes was on people discussing personal and domestic crises. Occasionally controversial social problems such as rape and murder were included and were for the most part, handled in a sensitive manner. However, in spite of the fact that soaps contained more references to social problems than any other form of entertainment at the time, critics tended to fault them heavily for their lack of realism. The fans and audience (the women) would insist on the soap operas lifelikeness, but the fact that blacks and other minorities were almost completely excluded as well as other underlying problems and exclusions would suggest that these soaps were no more ‘real’ than a fictional story. Some people may suggest that soap operas have moved on much further from the days of the early Crossroads, I mean just look at the ‘modernised’ Crossroads. There are many men and women portrayed in the storylines that come from a variation of ethnic minorities, Asians, Nigerians, Indians, the list goes on. And it’s not only Crossroads that has these kinds of ethnic minorities, it is Eastenders and Hollyoaks and Coronation Street also. If you are a keen supporter of either Hollyoaks or Eastenders, you may even notice that the most recent additions to each cast were families from ethnic minorities and both have taken on quite bold storylines as they have entered their respective programmes. For example, the current ‘Ronnie’ storyline in Eastenders is a gripping one and the fights and feuds in Hollyoaks attempt to show that families from ethnic minorities can live in a dominantly white society just as normally as a white family can. However, what we must ask ourselves is, just because there are a few characters from ethnic minorities dotted around these soap operas, does it mean they are directly and accurately representing ‘real’ life? My answer to that question would be no and my reasoning is this; although Eastenders contains at least nine characters that I can name that are from an ethic minority, there are only two families in the soap. Also, although nine may sound like a reasonably large number, it is not relative to the programme that is being shown and the area that it is set in. I can assure you that if you were to visit the East End of London as a white person you would be far outnumbered by the number of people from varying ethnic minorities, therefore I would like to suggest that Eastenders is not a true representation of ‘real’ life. This statement explicitly suggests that the soaps may have been a little unrealistic years ago but they have progressed to a state where they are representative of ‘social realism’. In support to this idea, it can be noted that contemporary soaps now employ a number of standard conventions, and many researchers have attempted to list some of the typical characteristics. For example, Sonia Livingstone believes the common soap opera features include: ‘transmission at regular, frequent times, often daily; predominantly aimed at female viewers , occupying day-time/early evening slots; use of fairly constant and large cast, over many years, and a faithful audience; cheap production costs, regarded as low prestige entertainment; concern with daily activities, centred on a small community and/or large family; simulation of real time and realistic events; interwoven narratives, with overlapping resolutions; ‘cliff-hangers’ to ensure committed viewing; focus on female characters and ‘feminine’ or domestic concerns. ‘
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
The Bean Trees
In the book The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver, there is a young girl named Taylor who did not want to be like the typical girls from Kentucky. She wanted to go and get out of the small town. She got in her old beat up car and traveled throughout the United States, until she landed in Arizona. When she was there she not only had to deal with herself, but she now had a little girl who she named Turtle. This was not her daughter; instead someone she barely knew handed her off to Taylor. Turtle was not your average toddler, she was what some people call retarded or slow, but Taylor did not even notice that, all she saw was a little girl in need of help. Even though Taylor could not give Turtle a life of riches, she knew she could at least do better than before. Throughout the rest of the book Taylor experiences many events that portray evil. â€Å"Turtle's main goal in life, other than hanging on to things, seemed to be to pass unnoticed†(81). Turtle was a mentally slow child. When she was given to Taylor the woman said that her mother had died and that the little girl had no home. Taylor was just being a good person and taking Turtle, so that she could live in a better place. Once she had Turtle she took her back to the hotel and gave her a bath. When she did she realized that the black and blue marks on her body was not just dirt, but bruises. Taylor had grown up in a loving house with a loving mother who taught her the necessities of life. Seeing Turtle and beat up and scared broke Taylor’s heart. There was a cactus with bushy arms and a coat of yellow spines as thick as fur. A bird had built her nest in it. In and out she flew among the horrible spiny branches, never once hesitating. You just couldn't imagine how she'd made a home in there†(130). Which makes Turtle’s new life, not glamorous, but a lot better than it could have been. Turtle was not the only person in Taylor’s life. There were two immigrants that were friends of hers they were Esperanza and Esteven. She knew that they were in the country illegally, but Taylor did not care. They were nice people who had been tortured in their life as well. The government had been trying to get them and everyone seemed to be very rude to them. â€Å"You can go and visit heaven. What? You see a room just like the first one, the same table, the same pot of stew, the same spoons as long as a sponge mop. But these people are all happy and fat†(113). Esteven meant that there is people will help you in heaven, but no one will help you in hell. He was influencing that he was in hell because someone had kidnapped his very own kid, and the government is out to get rid of them. This shows how their whole life they have been trying to run away from evil. Turtle was a very unlucky and lucky girl. She was unlucky in the sense that she had been abused and almost lost and kidnapped. She was in the park one day playing with Lou Ann’s child, when this scary man came up and was going to take her. Her babysitter put up her cane and scared the man away. Turtle did not just forget about it though. She went on not talking to anyone about anything, even Taylor. Taylor had always been very strong when hard or scary situations came upon them. In this case she was not, she was going crazy worried that Turtle would never talk again. She also started feeling sorry for herself, like she wasn’t good enough to be a mother to Turtle. She soon came to realize that she was the best life that Turtle could have right now. Eventually Turtle talked again but it she felt most comfortable with Taylor. Throughout this book there were many bad experiences that happened to Taylor. She found a sad little girl that was abandoned and bruised, friends that were in trouble with the government, and a new daughter that was almost kidnapped. Even throughout all of those hard times Taylor managed to not â€Å"freak out†she always looked at life in the positive eye. Taylor is a strong woman, and even though people have their weaknesses she was a great mother to Turtle. Out of all the evil in her life she made it look so simple to deal with. â€Å"†¦I was not the smartest or even particularly outstanding but I was there and staying out of trouble and I intended to finish†(3). Taylor was not the perfect mother or a perfect person, but she had a great heart and a great passion to do the right thing, and that she was amazing at. The Bean Trees In the book The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver, there is a young girl named Taylor who did not want to be like the typical girls from Kentucky. She wanted to go and get out of the small town. She got in her old beat up car and traveled throughout the United States, until she landed in Arizona. When she was there she not only had to deal with herself, but she now had a little girl who she named Turtle. This was not her daughter; instead someone she barely knew handed her off to Taylor. Turtle was not your average toddler, she was what some people call retarded or slow, but Taylor did not even notice that, all she saw was a little girl in need of help. Even though Taylor could not give Turtle a life of riches, she knew she could at least do better than before. Throughout the rest of the book Taylor experiences many events that portray evil. â€Å"Turtle's main goal in life, other than hanging on to things, seemed to be to pass unnoticed†(81). Turtle was a mentally slow child. When she was given to Taylor the woman said that her mother had died and that the little girl had no home. Taylor was just being a good person and taking Turtle, so that she could live in a better place. Once she had Turtle she took her back to the hotel and gave her a bath. When she did she realized that the black and blue marks on her body was not just dirt, but bruises. Taylor had grown up in a loving house with a loving mother who taught her the necessities of life. Seeing Turtle and beat up and scared broke Taylor’s heart. There was a cactus with bushy arms and a coat of yellow spines as thick as fur. A bird had built her nest in it. In and out she flew among the horrible spiny branches, never once hesitating. You just couldn't imagine how she'd made a home in there†(130). Which makes Turtle’s new life, not glamorous, but a lot better than it could have been. Turtle was not the only person in Taylor’s life. There were two immigrants that were friends of hers they were Esperanza and Esteven. She knew that they were in the country illegally, but Taylor did not care. They were nice people who had been tortured in their life as well. The government had been trying to get them and everyone seemed to be very rude to them. â€Å"You can go and visit heaven. What? You see a room just like the first one, the same table, the same pot of stew, the same spoons as long as a sponge mop. But these people are all happy and fat†(113). Esteven meant that there is people will help you in heaven, but no one will help you in hell. He was influencing that he was in hell because someone had kidnapped his very own kid, and the government is out to get rid of them. This shows how their whole life they have been trying to run away from evil. Turtle was a very unlucky and lucky girl. She was unlucky in the sense that she had been abused and almost lost and kidnapped. She was in the park one day playing with Lou Ann’s child, when this scary man came up and was going to take her. Her babysitter put up her cane and scared the man away. Turtle did not just forget about it though. She went on not talking to anyone about anything, even Taylor. Taylor had always been very strong when hard or scary situations came upon them. In this case she was not, she was going crazy worried that Turtle would never talk again. She also started feeling sorry for herself, like she wasn’t good enough to be a mother to Turtle. She soon came to realize that she was the best life that Turtle could have right now. Eventually Turtle talked again but it she felt most comfortable with Taylor. Throughout this book there were many bad experiences that happened to Taylor. She found a sad little girl that was abandoned and bruised, friends that were in trouble with the government, and a new daughter that was almost kidnapped. Even throughout all of those hard times Taylor managed to not â€Å"freak out†she always looked at life in the positive eye. Taylor is a strong woman, and even though people have their weaknesses she was a great mother to Turtle. Out of all the evil in her life she made it look so simple to deal with. â€Å"†¦I was not the smartest or even particularly outstanding but I was there and staying out of trouble and I intended to finish†(3). Taylor was not the perfect mother or a perfect person, but she had a great heart and a great passion to do the right thing, and that she was amazing at.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Alkenes Essays
Chemistry Alkanes/Alkenes Essays Chemistry Alkanes/Alkenes Essay Chemistry Alkanes/Alkenes Essay Experiment: Comparing reactivities of alkanes and alkenes Aim: To compare the reactivities of an alkane and an alkene with bromine water and a solution of potassium permanganate (KMnO4). Equipment: 4 test tubes Test-tube rack 4 pipettes Safety: safety glasses must be worn to prevent injury to the eyes. Ensure room is well ventilated whilst using the hydro carbons. Method: 1. Place 1 ml of sample A (cyclohexane) into a test tube containing 4 mls of the bromine water solution. Record observations of any reaction. 2. Place 1 ml of sample A (cyclohexane) into a test tube containing 4 mls of the potassium permanganate solution. Record observations of any reaction. 3. Place 1 ml of sample B (cyclohexene) into a test tube containing 4 mls of the bromine water solution. Record observations of any reaction. 4. Place 1 ml of sample B (cyclohexene) into a test tube containing 4 mls of the potassium permanganate solution. Record observations of any reaction. RESULTS SampleReaction with br2 waterReaction with acidified KMnO4Hydrocarbon (alkane/alkene) ANo reaction, both liquids immiscible, br2 water kept its yellow colourNo reaction, both liquids immiscible, KMnO4 solution kept its purple colourAlkane BBoth liquids reacted, causing 2 immiscible transparent liquidsBoth liquids reacted, causing the KMnO4 solution to change to a brownie red colourAlkene Analysis: The positive reaction in the experiment was the reaction between the alkene (cyclohexene) and both the bromine water and the potassium permanganate solution. Below is a balanced structural formula for the reaction between cyclohexene and the bromine water:
Monday, October 21, 2019
Questions During Fraternity or Sorority Recruitment
Questions During Fraternity or Sorority Recruitment Although the majority of students interested in going Greek might be most concerned about getting a bid from the house they want, its important to remember that the recruitment process goes both ways. Just like you want to promote yourself to the various houses, they want to promote themselves to you, too. So how can you tell which fraternity or sorority will really be the best fit? Questions You Should Ask Although it can be challenging to take a step away from the whole recruitment process, doing so can ensure your college Greek experience is everything you want it to be. Make sure to ask yourself the following questions: What is the history of this fraternity or sorority? Is it old? New? New on your campus but with a larger, older history elsewhere? What was its founding mission? What has its history been? What kinds of things have its alums done? What kinds of things do they do now? What legacy has the organization left? What kind of legacy is it working on today?What is the organizational culture of your campuss chapter? Is it a positive community? Do the members support each other? Do you like seeing how the members interact with each other? With other people on campus? In public? In private? Is it a good fit for the kinds of interactions you like to have in your own life and in your own relationships?What is the larger organizational culture? Is the fraternity or sorority social-service minded? Is it academic in nature? Does it cater to a specific professional field, religion, sport, or political membership? Will you like having this affiliation during your time in college? After college? Once yo u are no longer on your campus, what kind of larger organization will you be connected to? What kind of experience do you want to have? When you close your eyes and imagine yourself as a member of a sorority or fraternity, what kind of experience do you picture? Is it with a small group of people? A large group? Is it mostly a social scene? A mission-driven organization? Do you live in the Greek house or not? How do you imagine being a member as a first-year student? A sophomore? A junior? A senior? An alum? Does the fraternity or sorority youre thinking of joining match what you see in your mind when you think of your ideal? If not, whats missing?What kind of experience does this fraternity or sorority offer? Is it an experience youre looking forward to having for 2, 3, 4 years? Will it challenge you in appropriate ways? Will it provide comfort? Will it match well with your college goals? Will it match well with your personality type and interests? What benefits does it offer? What challenges does it present?What kind of experience do other students actually have? What ki nds of experiences do the seniors in this fraternity or sorority actually have? Do their memories and experiences match up with what the organization promises? If so, how? If not, how and why not? When people talk about their experiences with this organization, what kinds of words do they use? Do they match up to how you want to describe your own Greek experiences after you graduate? What rumors have you heard about this fraternity or sorority? How much truth is behind them? Are the rumors ridiculous? Based in fact? How does the house respond to them? What people spread the rumors? How is the fraternity or sorority perceived on campus? What kinds of actions does the organization take that either counters the rumors or perhaps provides fodder for them? As a member, how would you feel and respond to hearing rumors about this fraternity or sorority?What does your gut say? Does your gut usually give you a good feeling about whether something is the right choice or not? What does your gut say about joining this fraternity or sorority? What kinds of instinct do you have about whether or not this is a wise choice for you? What kinds of things might be influencing that feeling?What kind of time commitment does this fraternity or sorority require? Are you able to realistically make that level of commitment? How will doing so have an impact on your academics? Your persona l life? Your relationships? Will a high (or low) level of involvement enhance or hurt your other, current time commitments? Will they complement or detract from what you need to commit to your classes and academic workload? Can you afford to join this fraternity or sorority? Do you have the money to pay for the requirements of this organization, like dues? If not, how will you afford it? Can you get a scholarship? A job? What kinds of financial commitments can you expect? How will you meet those commitments? Joining - and being a member of - a college fraternity or sorority can easily become one of the highlights of your time in school. And making sure to be wise about what you need, and what you want, from a fraternity or sorority is an important and smart way to make sure that the experience you want is the one you end up having.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
ACT Advice Top 5 Tips on Preparing for the Test
ACT Advice Top 5 Tips on Preparing for the Test SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you’re looking for a concise, effective list of the bestACT advice, you’ve found it. Sometimes too much information can do more harm than good - in this post, I’ll lay out the five most importantthings you should do in order to do well on the ACT. Let's get to it! Tip #1:Figure Out Your Pain Points If you're gearing up to study for (and take) the ACT, you'll want to focus onimproving your weakest skills. So what are the biggest, most common problem areas that students have when preparing for the exam? 1. Content The ACT isn't a one-subject test - in order to do well, you'll have to prepare for the English, Math, Reading, and Science sections (not to mention the optional Writing section). If you're weak in a particular subject area in school, for example, you may see a weaker performance in the corresponding ACT section. 2. Timing The ACT isdivided into strictly timed sections, meaning you have less time to both complete questions and check your work. You may know everything you need to know, but still have issues with completing sections within the allottedtime limit. 3. Strategy Many standardized tests (the ACT included) list confusing or even misleading questions and/or answer choices. You may lose points (even if you know the relevant material) on tricky questions like this. To do well on the ACT, you'll, of course, need to think aboutall three major problem areas. You'll want to spend time thinking critically, though, about which of these areas are your major "pain points" - areas that are leading to the greatest loss of points. The best way to do this is to workthrough official ACT practicematerial. Once you've gone through a few practice sections (or, ideally, a whole ACT practice test) under realistic timing conditions, you can get a better idea of where you should focus your efforts. Get started by checking out our guide to reflecting on your ACT practice tests. Tip #2:Make a Study Plan Once you figure out what you need to practice most, your next step should be to lay out a time-sensitive and weakness-sensitive study plan. What I mean by this is you should set a study schedule based on 1) the amount of time you have to prepare for the ACT, and 2) your test content and strategy weaknesses. The amount of time you need to study depends on how much you want to improve from your baseline score. Here are some general guidelines for the amount of time you should prep depending on thesegoals: 0-1 Composite Score Improvement: 10 hours 1-2 Composite Score Improvement: 20 hours 2-4 Composite Score Improvement: 40 hours 4-6 Composite Score Improvement: 80 hours 6-9 Composite Score Improvement: 150+ hours Some students canfollow through on a plan with just independent study, whereas other students fare better with help from a tutoror an ACT prep course. If you’d like some more information on coming up with a study plan, check out our posts on how long you should study for the ACT and putting together a sample study schedule. Tip #3: Learn From Your Mistakes The most important part of studying effectively is critically analyzing how, why, and when you mess up. It’s also perhaps the least fun part of prepping for the ACT. Just keep in mind that if you’re not thinking about the problems, concepts, and strategies that you’re weak in, you’re missing out on valuable opportunities to improve your score. Mistakes and errors are only "bad" if you don't use them to improve. The big categories of errors and mistakes include: Careless errors - you should have known the right answer Content issues - you didn't have the information needed to answer the question Comprehension issues - you couldn't figure out what the question was asking Errors due to timing - these usually happen at the end of a section There are some simple, but important steps you should follow if you want to learn from your mistakes on ACT practice tests. Lucky for you, we have an awesome comprehensive guide on these strategies. You can also check out more detailed information on reflecting on ACT practice tests, ACT English, and ACT strategy mistakes. Tip #4: Work Efficiently You have to work efficiently if you want to do well on the ACT - this tip applies both when you’re studying for the test and when you’re actually taking the test. The bottom line is that if you’re not using your time wisely, you’re wasting time. To work efficiently as you study, it’s important that you do a few things: Stick to your study plan (Tip #2). It helps to set reasonable study goals, so you don't get distracted or side-tracked. Use the right study materials - don’t prepare with practice materials that won’t serve you well on the actual test. Focus on your pain points(Tip #1)first! To work effectively as you take the test,know that you'll be most effective if you've practiced developing time management skills through your prep. If you still need help with timing, though, you should read more about: How to stop running out of time on ACT reading How to stop running out of time on ACT math Time management for ACT science General ACT time management Tip #5:Take Care of Yourself Physically Mentally All of the previous ACT advicewon’t serve you well at all on test day if you’re stressed, hungry, or tired. No matter how much you may want to cram for the ACT the entire night before, keep in mind that your health and wellness is super important when it comes to your test performance. The ACT is a marathon, not a sprint, so prepare yourself the night before for a mental workout. This means getting a good night’s rest and a healthy breakfast (your brain needs fuel, you know)! There are even more things you can do to take care of yourself the night before and the morning of the ACT - following those strategies will help you optimize your score. Wrapping Up In short, here are the five most important things you should do to prepare for the ACT: Figure out your pain points Make a study plan Learn from your mistakes Work efficiently Take care of yourself physically mentally There's a lot more detail to get into when it comes to prepping for the test, but if you follow this ACT advice, you'll be on the right track. What's Next? Next comes the work of actually studying for the ACT! As it's best to focus first on your weaknesses, you may want to read up on the three core areas of ACT prep: content, timing, and strategy.Check out our guides to ACT reading, math, science, and writing. Read more about how to beat the clock when you're taking the test. Finally, read up on 12 last-minute strategies that will boost your score. Want to improve your ACT score by 4 points? Check out our best-in-class online ACT prep program. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your ACT score by 4 points or more. Our program is entirely online, and it customizes your prep program to your strengths and weaknesses. We also have expert instructors who can grade every one of your practice ACT essays, giving feedback on how to improve your score. Check out our 5-day free trial:
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Measures of Central Tendency Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Measures of Central Tendency - Essay Example Some books define measures of central tendency as measures of the central position. When applying the use of these measures of central tendency, some measures prove to be more effective and appropriate than others (Sharpe, 10). When applying the measures of central tendency one has to know the appropriate measure to use and under what condition is it suitable to work. There are three measures of central tendency, which includes the mean, mode, and median. Mean is the arithmetic average of a given set of data. Mean is the division of the sum of all available data by the number of all observations that contribute to the total sum of the data. Mean is summarizes the ratio or interval data in situations where the given set of data is symmetrical. The total frequency within each class interval concentrates at the midpoint of a given class interval (Davies, 21). To calculate the mean of a set of variables, one needs to divide the sum of all observations by the total number of the given obs ervations. The reasons for this procedure are that the total value is dependent on two factors that are values of individual observations and the total number of observation. When determining the mean of a given set of data, one has to standardize the simple sum by evenly distributing it across all observations. The formula for calculating mean is; Mean= Total sum/total observations. Mean has several advantages as a measure of central tendency since it takes all values of the observation into account. Also, mean is unique since each set of data has its own unique mean. However, mean is susceptible to influence from other outliners. Unusual values that are numerically large or small in a given set of data can affect the outcome of mean (Davies, 22). Additionally, the mean method is not appropriate when measuring the central position of skewed data. In case of skewed data, the mean losses the ability to show the central position of the data because of the skewness always drags it f rom the typical value.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Nature vs. Nurture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Nature vs. Nurture - Essay Example s relating to the surfacing and control of behavior, but neither side sufficiently explains many of the more complicated behavior seen in the myriad of diverse species present on this earth, including humans. (Long, 2003, p. 29) Many behaviors have strong learning components, and others seen not at all influenced by experiential factors. The recent view in developmental biology suggests that the emergence of simple and complex behaviors is a result of interplay between gene expression, pre- and post-birth development, and environmental influences, including, but not limited to, sensory experience (Long, 2003, p 31) Although the beginning of life takes place in the womb, once the child begins to breath on his or her own (some would say even before), the dance between nurture and nature begins to take place. Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory clearly explains the connection and relationship among living things and the environment they experience. He sates that personality and change are proximal interrelated processes, â€Å"These are reciprocal interactions between an ‘active, evolving, biopsychological human organism and the persons, object, and symbols in its immediate external environment’†(Broderick & Blewitt, 2006, p. 14). His model illustrates how social influences impacts human survival and one’s ability to thrive and reproduce. Human development is inseparable from the environmental contexts in which a child develops. His study illustrates how the four levels of environmental influence (microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem macrosystem ) impacts the full range of human development including mentally, psychologically, emotionally as well as socially. (Vander Zandan, 2000, p. 181-183). However, knowledge that is displayed at birth is most likely to be innate. Most mammalian infants have instinctive behaviors to seek out warmth, and sustenance. A human infant will be able to imitate expressions, such as a smile or sticking out their tongue in mirror
Experimental Methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Experimental Methods - Essay Example For this reason, seeing the actual impact of manipulating variables based on the experimentation, on the part of an experimenter will eventually help in gaining insight. The actual application of this is not only confined in a single field, but in all related areas. This means that experimental research methods could be applied in the business context. For instance, in marketing, studying the human behavior in order to understand prevailing needs is very important prior to actual formulation of certain product or service offering. Experimental research methods have major advantages and these include evidence of causality and control (Wimmer & Dominick, 2011, p.239). As stated earlier, an experimenter could manipulate variables and understand the probable impacts of these to other variables. For this reason, there is a remarkable understanding of cause and effect relationship under a controlled situation. Due to a controlled condition, the researcher will have the opportunity to manag e the environment, variables and subjects, leading to extensive understanding of the entire subjects considered. There is a high control of the external factors outside the experimental designs, allowing researchers to control extraneous influences and focus on the existing causal relationship (Fiske, Gilbert, & Lindzey, 2010, p.82; Muijs, 2010, p.19). Experimental research methods could also help solve the problem of the realism of the environment and will open a new door for another set of problems because of the associated replications of findings (Babbie, 2010, p.198). However, experimental research methods could somehow be vulnerable to employ actions that are entirely relevant with deception and ethical considerations (Denscombe, 2010, p.76). This is particularly clear when there is a need to employ control groups in the experiment, so there could be variation of treatments and even hiding something from the respondents just to be able to come up with the relevant and desired information, without any strong influence of extraneous factors. Experimental research methods could be incorporated in the business communication research particularly in finding causal and effect relationship through isolating and controlling variables in a scientific manner (Lam & Bauer, 2008). In today’s advancement of information and technology, there is an actual integration of information systems and business. Experimental research methods are also found to be relevant in information systems research with actual business perspective (Levy & Ellis, 2011). Among experimental research methods, field experiment is commonly employed in various research investigations in line with business concerns. So let us explore some actual applications of field experiments in the business context. Field experiments engaged actual real-life setting of experimental manipulations within a natural environment in which business, economics and management research usually has considerable eng agement because of its external validity to identify causation (Elsevier, 2009). For instance, field experiment usually is used in test marketing of new products or evaluating alternative promotional programs (Al-Ubaydli & Boettke, 2011). In the actual context, field experiment is becoming popular. This research method has remarkable contribution in order to ensure achievement of good business management. To make it more productive, it is
The Lack of a Plan for New Business and Design Case Study
The Lack of a Plan for New Business and Design - Case Study Example She believes that Kelly is being an obstructionist, and not allowing the project enough of the programmers time, dooming the project to failure. She believes that it is worth extending the companies budget to bring in outside programmers to ensure the project's success. Kelly Thomas believes that this project is unreasonable. Without a set plan for developing new projects, there is no way to ensure enough quality control testing. She also believes that what Pat is asking is unreasonable, and is not possible in the time frame that Pat Lambert has asked for. She recognizes that an increased budget still does not speed up development time. Chris Martinas believes that this project is integral to the success of the company. At the same time, he shows some ambivalence as to whether this program is actually what they need, especially considering the increase in budget Pat is asking for. Chris would like the project to succeed, but also recognizes that it needs to be kept within the company, and not done by hiring other programmers. Cliff's arguments are reasonable; he recognizes that with a broadening market that his company needs to expand to remain competitive. His recognition that older customers should not be ignored and that the budget for the new project needs to remain low is also very reasonable. He recognizes that change is necessary, but that it should only be good for the company.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Interactive Video Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Interactive Video - Essay Example Therefore, interactive video is technique put, in place, to enable better use of video and film through interactions since they are blended (Dewdney, 2006). In addition, interactive video involves different media, designs that enable interaction, digital culture, cyber-culture and the human use or interaction with the computer. There is also an interaction with other media such as interactive television, video games, ambient intelligence, interactive advertisement and the social media. Logically, the concept behind video interaction is the interaction techniques and human use. Therefore, most of technology with video interaction has an interactive system of computing that meets the concept of human interaction. However, there is no much meaning in calling a media interactive because most of these devices have already been enabled to offer interaction with humans. On the other hand, it is still important because it connotes the identity of technology and practices. Moreover, some like video games are meant to provide ways of entertainment and leisure. Luckily, technology today has made video interaction easier as compared to the past where it required a return path. In summary, interactive video requires interactive technology and the end user who are humans, which has provided leisure activities for children through video games and tracking of geographical places through maps, amongst others and there is a wide possible future for interactive video. Therefore, this paper provides an investigation of the use of interactive video in media and film, including its significance and possible future use. Science has been the force behind interactive video. This is because methods that are computable have their influence from science. This includes cybernetics, system theories and autopoesis (LOGAN, 2010: 45) which challenge the memory, cognition, emotions, perceptions, affection and reason. This means that the human elements are not a major concern to interactive vide o since it is based on computability. Luckily, interactive video is not just bound to digital video but also other videos like games, printed interactive media and flip books (TAY, 1993:78). Moreover, the interface that takes place between the user and the medium, in this case video, is what is known as interaction. Therefore, interactive video does not only have to be used through digital video but also other forms of media. In summary, science leads to the creation of interactive media. Different technology has been put in use in order to create a successful user interface of interactive media. Notably, the complexity of video interaction depends on the kind of codes used in the creation of the video. This is due to different kinds of programmes that are conceptualized. For example, the javascript, HTML5 and CSS3 technique which are in use, in modern day (Mark, 2002:109). In addition, creativity has also been another approach towards programming of interactive video. Therefore, th e programmes are dependent on the designs of javascript, HTML5 amongst others. As a result, people can interact with the video in relation to the programming. In summary, the creative coding of the interactive video is a form of technique that has been put in use through programmes such as HTML5 and javascript. It is through the concept of interactive media that video games became a reality. It is the computing programmes that one can play video games. This is an appealing concept for children especially during their leisure time as a form of entertainment. Technically, the IMGD 1001 is a process used in the development of games (WOLF, 2008:32). Its role is to look examine different roles that the participants have in the process development as well as artistic
Read the instruction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Read the instruction - Essay Example SYPTOMS: The symptoms of this degeneration are sudden weakness on unilateral side of face that causes drooping, drooling, eye problems such as watery eyes or dry eyes, inability to taste, pain behind ear and numbness on affected side of face. DIAGNOSIS: The diagnosis of this condition is done on the basis of history and examination. The patient is asked question regarding the development of their symptoms. The patient’s facial nerve is also examined. Blood tests, MRI and CT scan can also be carried out. TREATMENT: The treatment of Bell’s Palsy is following. Some patients recover from this condition without using medications. These patients are those who can exercise their facial muscles. Treatment from corticosteroids such as prednisone helps in facial movement. Corticosteroids work at their best if their administration is started within 3 days of the appearance of symptoms. At times antivirals such as acyclovir can also be added to the drug regime (Current,
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Interactive Video Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Interactive Video - Essay Example Therefore, interactive video is technique put, in place, to enable better use of video and film through interactions since they are blended (Dewdney, 2006). In addition, interactive video involves different media, designs that enable interaction, digital culture, cyber-culture and the human use or interaction with the computer. There is also an interaction with other media such as interactive television, video games, ambient intelligence, interactive advertisement and the social media. Logically, the concept behind video interaction is the interaction techniques and human use. Therefore, most of technology with video interaction has an interactive system of computing that meets the concept of human interaction. However, there is no much meaning in calling a media interactive because most of these devices have already been enabled to offer interaction with humans. On the other hand, it is still important because it connotes the identity of technology and practices. Moreover, some like video games are meant to provide ways of entertainment and leisure. Luckily, technology today has made video interaction easier as compared to the past where it required a return path. In summary, interactive video requires interactive technology and the end user who are humans, which has provided leisure activities for children through video games and tracking of geographical places through maps, amongst others and there is a wide possible future for interactive video. Therefore, this paper provides an investigation of the use of interactive video in media and film, including its significance and possible future use. Science has been the force behind interactive video. This is because methods that are computable have their influence from science. This includes cybernetics, system theories and autopoesis (LOGAN, 2010: 45) which challenge the memory, cognition, emotions, perceptions, affection and reason. This means that the human elements are not a major concern to interactive vide o since it is based on computability. Luckily, interactive video is not just bound to digital video but also other videos like games, printed interactive media and flip books (TAY, 1993:78). Moreover, the interface that takes place between the user and the medium, in this case video, is what is known as interaction. Therefore, interactive video does not only have to be used through digital video but also other forms of media. In summary, science leads to the creation of interactive media. Different technology has been put in use in order to create a successful user interface of interactive media. Notably, the complexity of video interaction depends on the kind of codes used in the creation of the video. This is due to different kinds of programmes that are conceptualized. For example, the javascript, HTML5 and CSS3 technique which are in use, in modern day (Mark, 2002:109). In addition, creativity has also been another approach towards programming of interactive video. Therefore, th e programmes are dependent on the designs of javascript, HTML5 amongst others. As a result, people can interact with the video in relation to the programming. In summary, the creative coding of the interactive video is a form of technique that has been put in use through programmes such as HTML5 and javascript. It is through the concept of interactive media that video games became a reality. It is the computing programmes that one can play video games. This is an appealing concept for children especially during their leisure time as a form of entertainment. Technically, the IMGD 1001 is a process used in the development of games (WOLF, 2008:32). Its role is to look examine different roles that the participants have in the process development as well as artistic
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
The Meaning of Life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The Meaning of Life - Essay Example I find this as the most convincing as regarding the question to the real meaning of life. This is surely the greatest way to perceive life-one’s own life, the life of a nation, a species, the world, and all living things. The meaning of life comes to us when we do things that our heart and mind desires, things that seem of importance to us. Otherwise, doing things that draw boredom since they seem not of much interest ton us does not bring the meaning of living into us. We can realize the idea of meaningless existence and the meaningless of life if we keep on doing things that bear no fruits to us and brings nothing (Taylor 433). It surely has no meaning to perform an activity that has been drawn repeatedly but, have no direction and purpose of it. With this, the objective of existence is meaningless. Richard Taylor draws this idea from our lives, and that of the animals, the endless activities that get nowhere. However, he also says that if this is what one is willing to per sue then the idea of meaning of life comes in. At one point, we ask ourselves why we do things repeatedly without getting anything out of it, a perfect image of meaningless existence. ... He also points out something important that we realize in our day to day life, we go through life doing things that which begin to fade into time as the next time is instigated yet it would be no redemption to rest from all this (Taylor 437). It would be a denunciation that would not be redeemed if we gaze at things we have done no matter how beautiful and permanent they are. The meaning of life requires us to create new ideas and perform new tasks each and every new day. All these should be encouraged by our willingness to perform this tasks for living, and it carries on to our children and the generation to come. Epicurus has also created a clear meaning of life as life is driven by the choices, actions, and for us to make correct choices we have to be wise in our decisions. He says that we have to be wise, so as to live pleasantly. It is from this that we gain honor and just. He says that some things happen because of necessity; some happen by chance, others by agency. We should b e wise and take good actions because we are responsible for our own actions. It is from them that we take praise or blames. Epicurus calls for us to believe in God, and affirm to his blessings. He creates the idea that there are gods, but the respect given unto them does not prevail. Living also requires us to believe that death is nothing to us, for both evil and good imply the capacity for sensation, and that death is the privation of all sentience. The meaning of life requires believing that death is a part of life and that it adds the yearning of immortality. We are advised to believe that life does not end after death for not the living or the dead exists no longer. The meaning of life
Monday, October 14, 2019
Lumbar Metastatic Disease Diagnosis
Lumbar Metastatic Disease Diagnosis Arlena Davis What additional historical information do you want to collect from the patient? Healthcare professionals are supposed to gather historical information from the patient when diagnosing lumbar pain. Gathering historical information ensures proper diagnosis of lumbar pain and treatment. The following historical information would be obtained from the patient. The doctor will determine whether the patient has had any spinal problems since birth. Also, the doctor will determine whether the patient has had lumbar pain before and any treatment. In addition, the physician will determine whether the lumbar pain was sudden or gradual. This is by asking the patient to describe how the pain began. Further, the patient will be required to state what increases or decreases the pain including rest or activity. Additionally, understanding the family history is vital in diagnosing lumbar pain. The health professional should determine if there is family history of lumbar pain. The doctor determines whether the patient is suffering from any disease that might cause the lumbar pain. Injuries and accidents can cause lumbar pain and the health professional should determine if the patient had an accident or injury. Wong, D.A., Transfeldt, E., Macnab, I. (2007). Macnab’s backache. Philadephia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins What additional physical examination should you complete immediately and why? Physical examination is vital when diagnosing lumbar pain. Additional physical examinations are required to determine whether the patient has lumbar pain or not. The patient will do several movements while sitting, lying down and standing. This will make it easy to assess muscular and sensory problems causing the pain. Palpation is critical in identifying the affected area. Palpation helps the doctor feel tenderness and alignment of joints. This helps identify the inflamed lumbar area. Also, examining the leg pulse as pain increases the pulse. General examination of legs and trunk is done to identify the causes of the lumbar pain. Straight leg testing and nerve tests are done to determine whether the patient symptoms are due to pressure on the nerves or nerve compression. Tollison, C.D., Satterthwaite, J.R., Tollison, J.W. (2002). Practical pain management. Philadephia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins What differentials should you consider? A differential diagnosis is important when diagnosing lumbar pain as different diseases cause pain. Various diseases affecting the bladder, colon, abdomen aorta and kidney can cause pain. Therefore, different tests should be performed to rule out the diseases. Abdominal and pelvic ultrasounds are critical in ruling out the diseases. Clinical and neurological observations should be done to eliminate the diseases. CT, MRI, blood tests, urine tests, and complete blood tests are needed to differentiate different diagnoses. Beirman, R., Bull, P., Eaton, S.(2011). Cases in differential diagnosis for the physical and manipulative therapies. Australia: Elsiever Australia The clinical scenario suggests what diagnosis? The diagnosis shows that the patient has lumbar metastatic disease. The in house lumbar x-ray showed that lumbar vertebrae had lesions which are a sign for metastatic disease. The metastatic disease causes pain in the lumbar area. Metastatic disease occurs when cancer cells break away from a cancerous tumor and travel though the blood and lymph vessels to other regions including the lumbar vertebrae. The cancer cells settle in the lumbar vertebrae and start to grow and produce new tumors. The metastatic disease compresses or damages nerves and causes pain. Rabbani, S.A., Singh, G. (2007). Bone metastasis: Experimental and clinical therapeutics. New York City: Springer Why does he have an elevated calcium and alkaline phosphatase? The patient has high levels of alkaline phosphate and calcium. He has alkaline phosphates of 850 and calcium of 11. The high levels of calcium and alkaline phosphates are due to the metastatic disease. Cancer cells affect the bones including lumbar vertebrae and damage them. Calcium is released into the blood as the cancer cells damage the bones. The level of calcium in the blood increases as more bones are damaged. The high levels of calcium in the blood lead to loss of appetite. The levels of alkaline phosphates increase as the damaged bones dissolve. Therefore, the high levels of alkali phosphates and calcium show that the lumbar vertebrae are damaged and have dissolved. The elevated levels of alkali phosphates can also be due to liver damage as the patient has hepatomegaly. Lipton, A et al. (2011). The Science and Practice of Bone Health in Oncology: Managing Bone Loss and Metastasis in Patients With Solid Tumors. J Natl Compr Canc Netw, s1-s30 Why does he have hepatomegaly and elevated ALT/AST? The patient has hepatomegaly which is the swelling of the liver. Cancer metastases cause the liver to swell. The patient has a swollen liver because of the metastatic disease. Cancer cells have spread to the liver and caused inflammation or swelling of the liver. Liver function tests are used to determine liver functioning or the condition of a patient’s liver. The tests include AST and ALT. The AST and ALT tests were done to determine whether the patient had liver damage. AST and ALT levels are raised if the patient has liver damage. The patient’s AST and ALT levels are 600 and 700 respectively. The AST and ATL levels can increase suddenly showing a sudden liver injury or gradually depicting continuing liver damage. Thus, the patient AST and ALT levels are high because he has liver injury caused by the metastatic disease. Wallach, J.B.(2007). Interpretation of diagnostic tests. Philadephia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins What additional screening blood test can help you confirm your diagnosis? Why is it used? There are different blood tests that can be used to confirm metastatic disease diagnosis. Blood chemistries can be done. A blood test is done to determine the amount of calcium in the blood. Calcium dissolves in the blood after bones are damages and this increases calcium levels. The patient is said to have metastatic disease if he has abnormal levels of calcium(high levels).A blood test is done to determine the level of alkaline phosphates in the blood as high levels show metastatic disease. A complete blood count can also be done as patients with metastatic bone diseases have no enough red blood cells. Schwab, M. (2008). Encyclopedia of cancer. New York City: Springer References Beirman, R., Bull, P., Eaton, S. (2011). Cases in differential diagnosis for the physical and manipulative therapies. Australia: Elsiever Australia Lipton, A et al. (2011). The Science and Practice of Bone Health in Oncology: Managing Bone Loss and Metastasis in Patients With Solid Tumors. J Natl Compr Canc Netw, s1-s30 Rabbani, S.A., Singh, G. (2007). Bone metastasis: Experimental and clinical therapeutics. New York City: Springer Schwab, M. (2008). Encyclopedia of cancer. New York City: Springer Tollison, C.D., Satterthwaite, J.R., Tollison, J.W. (2002). Practical pain management. Philadephia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Wallach, J.B. (2007). Interpretation of diagnostic tests. Philadephia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Wong, D.A., Transfeldt, E., Macnab, I. (2007). Macnab’s backache. Philadephia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Outsourcing to India: Is the United States benefiting from it? Essay ex
Outsourcing to India: Is the United States benefiting from it? I. Introduction â€Å"Did you hear the news? No, what happened? We are shipping all of the IT jobs to India †¦Ã¢â‚¬ Water cooler conversations are beginning to sound more and more like this. Outsourcing of jobs has become a major concern for employees at large corporations (technical or financial). The economic drought that the United States faced in 2000 to late 2001 led to numerous cost-cutting measures, but none more effective than that of outsourcing. The outsourcing of jobs is now a necessity in the United States, so companies are forced to send jobs to places such as India to keep costs down, all the while trying to balance the advantages and disadvantages of the move. II. Background In order to thoroughly grasp the significance of outsourcing to India, it is important to review the basics of outsourcing. Outsourcing is formally defined as the procuring of services or products, such as parts or labor, from an outside supplier/manufacturer in order to cut costs. In more simple terms, using services (usually labor) that cost less. There are five important questions when dealing with outsourcing: who, what, when, where and why[1]. Why you should outsource will be addressed later on, so this section will focus on answering the other questions. Who should outsource? If you can remotely benefit from outsourcing, then you should do it. This includes entrepreneurs, home offices and small businesses all the way up to large corporations. At the current pace that technology is evolving, costs need to be kept down in order to provide the maximum advantage to a company. What should be outsourced? Currently, it only makes sense to outsource items th... ..., < >. [3] Sara Baase, A Gift of Fire (New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2003), 405. [4] Sara Baase, A Gift of Fire (New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2003), 406. [5] Sara Baase, A Gift of Fire (New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2003), 406. [6] Sara Baase, A Gift of Fire (New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2003), 407. [7] Daniel Pink, The New Face of the Silicon Age, 2004, Wired Magazine, 28 May 2004, < >. [8] Outsource2India, Various Articles, 2003, 26 May 2004, < >. [9] Christopher Koch, Backlash, 2003, 27 May 2004, < >. [10] David Gumpert, U.S. Programmer at Overseas Salaries, 2003, Business Week, 27 May 2004, < >.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Reasons to Act Morally Essay -- Ethics Morals Philosophy
Why be moral: A Purpose to Life In our culture, many people are asking the same questions. What makes me better than you? Who says I have to treat you that way? Why does America think it is better than any other country? All of these questions arise from the same question: what are morals? This questions leads to another relevant question: why be moral? What, if anything, makes man (in this paper, I will use the word man in a generic sense meaning the entire human race) a moral creature and thus makes him responsible? However, is there any way we can really know that there are certain inherent laws which govern man, and behind these laws is there a Lawgiver that holds men accountable to these laws? I believe that all these questions can be answered through careful observation and logical thinking. Let us first look at the one thing we know for sure and that is man. We can know this for sure because we are men so we would know how we act. When we associate with others, we do so with some rules of fairness in mind. We treat others in a certain way and expect them to treat us in the same way or we say it is â€Å"unfair†or â€Å"selfish.†We just expect the other person to know that such an act is wrong and that they must play by the same rules that we are. Why do we expect this though? They did not grow up the same way you did. They were not raised by the same parents or even in the same household. So why should one expect them to know the same rules of fairness that you know. If the only basis for your assumption that they should know the rules is because you think the rules are right, then you have no reason to expect them to act that way. However, the other person does indeed know these rule... ...belong to us, we might as well be able to steal because there would be no reason not to. If there was no lawgiver there would be no law, but there obviously is this governing law in men that compels them to do certain things and not do others. If there were not consequences for these actions, anything would basically be moral right. If there was not a being behind the law to enforce it, there would be absolutely no real right or wrong. Everything would be relative, but it is not. There are things that everyone agrees are absolutely good, and absolutely bad. There is no other way around it. The lawgiver has given man a purpose and a reason for life, and it is man’s moral obligation to fulfill that purpose by upholding the law given him. Works Cited / Consulted Lewis C.S. Mere Christianity. New York, New York. Macmillan Publishing Company. 1943. pp 17-39.
Friday, October 11, 2019
The Hunters: Moonsong Chapter Seven
â€Å"It would have been difficult to find a group of settlers less suited to building a brand-new colony than the one hundred and five men who sailed up the river from the Chesapeake Bay in 1607 and founded Jamestown,†Professor Campbel lectured from the front of Elena's class. â€Å"While there were a couple of carpenters, a mason, a blacksmith, and maybe a dozen laborers among them, they were far outnumbered by the self-proclaimed gentlemen who made up almost half the party.†He paused and smiled sardonical y. â€Å"‘Gentlemen' in this case signifies men without a profession or trade. Many of them were lazy, idle men who had joined the London Company's expedition in the hope of making a profit without realizing how much work founding a colony in the New World was real y going to entail. The settlers landed in the spring, and by the end of September, half of them were dead. By January, when Captain Newport returned with supplies and more colonists, only thirty-eight of the original settlers remained.†Lazy and clueless, Elena wrote neatly in her notebook. Dead in less than a year. History of the South was her very first class, and col ege was already proving to be an eye-opening experience. Her high school teachers had always stressed courage and enterprise when they talked about Virginia's early settlers, not haplessness. â€Å"On Thursday, we'l talk about the legend of John Smith and Pocahontas. We're going to discuss the facts and how they differ from Smith's own account, as he had a tendency toward self-promotion,†Professor Campbel announced. â€Å"The reading assignment is in the syl abus, so please come prepared for a lively discussion next time.†He was a plump, energetic little man, whose smal black eyes swept the class and landed unerringly on Elena as he added, â€Å"Elena Gilbert? Please stay after class for a moment. I'd like to speak with you.†She had time to wonder, nervously, how he knew which of his students she was as the rest of the class straggled out of the room, a few stopping to ask him questions. She hadn't spoken up during his lecture, and there were about fifty students in the class. As the last of her classmates disappeared out the door, she approached his desk. â€Å"Elena Gilbert,†he said avuncularly, his bright eyes searching hers. â€Å"I do apologize for taking up your time. But when I heard your name, I had to ask.†He paused, and Elena dutiful y replied, â€Å"Had to ask what, Professor?†â€Å"I know the name Gilbert, you see,†he said, â€Å"and the more I look at you, the more you remind me of someone – two someones – who were once very dear friends of mine. Could you possibly be the daughter of Elizabeth Morrow and Thomas Gilbert?†â€Å"Yes, I am,†said Elena slowly. She ought to have expected that she might meet someone who knew her parents here at Dalcrest, but it felt weird to hear their names, al the same. â€Å"Ah!†He laced his fingers across his stomach and gave her a satisfied smile. â€Å"You look so much like Elizabeth. It startled me when you came into the room. But there's a touch of Thomas in you, too, make no mistake about that. Something about your expression, I think. Seeing you takes me right back to my own days as an undergraduate. She was a lovely girl, your mother, just lovely.†â€Å"You went to school here with my parents?†Elena asked. â€Å"I certainly did.†Professor Campbel ‘s smal black eyes widened. â€Å"They were two of my best friends here. Two of the best friends I ever had. We lost track of each other over the years, I'm afraid, but I heard about the accident.†He unlaced his fingers and hesitantly touched her arm. â€Å"I'm so sorry.†â€Å"Thank you.†Elena bit her lip. â€Å"They never talked much about their col ege years. Maybe as I got older, they would have†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Her voice trailed off, and she realized with dismay that her eyes had fil ed with tears. â€Å"Oh, my dear, I didn't mean to upset you.†Professor Campbel patted his jacket pockets. â€Å"And I've never got a tissue when I need one. Oh, please don't cry.†His comical expression of distress made Elena give him a watery-eyed smile, and he relaxed and smiled in return. â€Å"There, that's better,†he said. â€Å"You know, if you'd like to hear more about your parents and what they were like back then, I'd be happy to tel you about them. I've got al kinds of stories.†â€Å"Real y?†Elena said hopeful y. She felt a flicker of excitement. Aunt Judith talked with Elena about her mother sometimes, but the memories she shared were mostly from their childhood. And Elena real y didn't know much about her father's past at al : he'd been an only child and his parents were dead. â€Å"Certainly, certainly,†Professor Campbel said cheerful y. â€Å"Come to my office hours, and I'l tel you al about our hijinks back in the old days. I'm there every Monday and Friday from three to five, and I'l put out a welcome mat for you. Metaphorical y speaking, of course. Serve you some of the horrible department coffee.†â€Å"Thank you, Professor Campbel ,†Elena said. â€Å"I'd love that.†â€Å"Cal me James,†he said. â€Å"It's nothing at al . Anything I can do to make you feel at home here at Dalcrest.†He cocked his head to one side and looked at her quizzical y, his eyes as bright and curious as a smal animal's. â€Å"After al , as the daughter of Elizabeth and Thomas, you must be a very special girl.†The big black crow outside the open lecture-room window paced back and forth, clenching and unclenching its powerful talons around the branch on which it was perched. Damon wanted to transform back into his vampire self, climb through the window, and have a quick but effective interrogation session with that professor. But Elena wouldn't like that. She was so naive, dammit. Yes, yes, she was his lovely, bril iant, clever princess, but she was ridiculously naive, too; they al were. Damon irritably preened his ruffled feathers back into iridescent sleekness. They were just so young. At this point, Damon was able to look back and say that no one learned anything in life, not for her first hundred years or so. You had to be immortal, real y, to have the time to learn to look out for yourself properly. Take Elena, gazing so trustful y at her professor. After al she'd been through, al she'd seen, she was so easy to lul into complacency – al the man had to do was dangle the promise of information about her parents in front of her, and she'd happily trot off to meet him in his office whenever he suggested. Sentimental ninny. What could the man possibly tel her that would be of any real importance? Nothing could bring her parents back. The professor wasn't a danger, most likely. Damon had probed him with his Power, felt nothing but the flickering of a human mind, no dark surge of answering Power coming from the little man, no sWellof disturbing or violent emotion. But he couldn't be sure, could he? Damon's Power couldn't detect every monster, couldn't predict every twist of the human heart. But the real problem here was Elena. She'd forgotten, clearly, that she'd lost al her Power, that the Guardians had stripped her back to being just a vulnerable, fragile mortal girl again. She thought, wrongly, that she could protect herself. They were al like that. Damon had been infuriated at first to slowly realize that he was starting to feel like al of them were his humans. Not just his lovely Elena and the little redbird, but all of them, the witch Mrs. Flowers and the hunter and that meathead of a boy as Well. Those last two didn't even like him, but he felt compel ed to keep an eye on them, to prevent them from damaging themselves through their innate stupidity. Damon wasn't the one who wanted to be here. No, the â€Å"let's al join hands and dance off to further our educations together†idea wasn't his, and he'd treated it with the proper scorn. He wasn't Stefan. He wasn't going to waste his time pretending to be one of the mortal children. But he had found, to his dismay, that he didn't want to lose them, either. It was embarrassing. Vampires were not pack animals, not like humans. He wasn't supposed to care what happened to them. These children should be prey, and nothing more. But being dead and coming back, fighting the jealousy phantom and letting go of the sick envy and misery that had held him captive ever since he was a human, had changed Damon. With that hard bal of hate gone from the middle of his chest, where it had lived for so long, he found himself feeling lighter. Almost as if he †¦ cared. Embarrassing or not, it felt surprisingly comfortable, having this connection to the little group of humans. He'd have died – again – rather than admit it aloud, though. He clacked his beak a few times as Elena said good-bye to her professor and left the classroom. Then Damon spread his wings and flapped down to a tree next to the building's entrance. Nearby, a thin young man was posting a flyer with a girl's picture on another tree, and Damon flew over to get a closer look. Missing Student, the top of the flyer said, and below the picture were details of a nighttime disappearance: no clues, no leads, no evidence, no idea where nineteen-year-old Taylor Harrison might be. Suspicion of foul play. The promise of a reward from her anxious family for information leading to her safe return. Damon let out a rough caw. There was something wrong here. He'd known it already – had felt something a little off about this campus as soon as he'd arrived two days ago, although he hadn't been able to quite put his finger on it. Why else would he have been so worried about his princess? Elena came out of the building and started across the quad, tucking her long golden hair behind her ears, oblivious to the black crow that swooped from tree to tree above her. Damon was going to find out what was going on here, and he was going to do it before whatever it was touched any of his humans. Especial y Elena.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Marketing Principles Innocent Smoothies: STP Essay
Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning Positioning According to Kotler and Keller (2006), placing the product in a position where it is in demand, attractive and unique to the customer in relation to the products of its competitors is known as market positioning. Innocent has a reputable stance in the market, being known for its image of good will and helpfulness. From the company’s contributions to charity to the fun, lighthearted word choice of their product’s labels, Innocent successfully portrays itself as being a brand which above all, wishes good health for the consumers of their smoothies. The reputation which Innocent Smoothies holds is thanks to the values upon which the company was first established. Head of Communications for Innocent Drinks, Charlotte Rawlins, stated that â€Å"You have to build from your principles and make sure there’s a good product at the heart of it (and) if that’s the case, a good reality and image will follow†. A wide variety of product characteristics have ensured that this image of Innocent Drinks is preserved. 100% recycled bottles, donating to their own charity foundation, introducing ‘kids packs’, ensuring their product has health benefits such as contributing to peoples’ 5-a-day, jokes and heart-warming messages on their packaging†¦even their innocently drawn logo of a somewhat juvenile drawing of a smiley face contribute to giving the impression that Innocent Drinks are as Innocent as their company’s name. (Need references from partner). Innocent is rated as the most environmentally concerned company. Tropicana is next in line. Consumers that buy smoothies on a regular basis (once a week) and consumers that buy smoothies very rarely both agree on the fact that Innocent’s work ethics are above those of its competitors. Also, even though Innocent is the most expensive out of its main competitors, 69% of respondents have said that Innocent smoothies are worth every penny. Nevertheless, Tropicana had a 73% rate, own brands had a 65%, 42% for Happy Monkey and 29% for Coldpress. Segmentation/Targeting The smoothie market is divided into varying groups of consumers, which all differ in characteristics, behavior or needs. These different groups might seek different products of the marketing mix. This is known as market segmentation (Kotler and Keller, 2006). Innocent targets people that are health conscious, since their smoothies have no added sugar and are made 100% from fruits. They do not have any sort of colourings, flavourings or genetically modified products. Another group of people that Innocent smoothies are aimed at is time-strained people or workers, this being because of the practicality of the product. It is not only healthy, small and filling, but contributes to one’s 5-a-day fruit and veggie count. By having one small 250 ml smoothie, one is already having 2 of their 5-a-day. This is easy for those who have difficult times getting their diets balanced with their work. A third group of buyers that Innocent attracts are parents. Kids’ diets are extremely important while growing up and a smoothie is always a more appealing option to a young one than a piece of fruit. Innocent is a better option in every way than a fizzy soft drink which probably has no nutritional value and more sugar. Geographically, Innocent has expanded from a small stand at a concert in London to having a presence in France, Austria, Ireland, Sweden, Belgium, Switzerland and Denmark. Demographically, Innocent has focused on young kids in an essential growth stage of their lives all the way up to mid-age men and women workers who struggle to maintain a healthy and balanced diet. People with active lifestyles tend to consume this type of product more since it offers a trouble-free on-the-go option.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
My Car
When I look at my car all I can think about is the future for it and how glorious it will look when I am finished. I drive a carbon steel grey 2013 Volkswagen GET and I love it. Currently I only have a couple of modifications done to it but I have a list of plans for the future, for when I get the money. On my list of modifications, current and future, I can divide the modifications into three main categories; engine power, cosmetic appearance, and handling.Some of the modifications may be in for than one category but all of the modifications lead to my car looking, sounding, and feeling tremendous. Engine power was the first thing I started to work on when I first got my car. First I went too tuning shop and had Leo, the owner of the shop, install an PAR stage 1 refresh which took the car from pH to about pH. That modification really woke the car up making it a little faster and a lot more fun to drive.The next power modification I did was a cat-back exhaust which claimed to give th e car 15 ore horse power but I did not feel any difference. The cat-back exhaust only made the car louder and gave the car a more aggressive look from the back. After the cat- back exhaust I installed an air intake which make the car more fuel efficient, gave it about 5 extra horsepower, and allowed the car to have an awesome blow off sound. The final power modification I have done so far was putting on a three inch downside and a stages refresh which took the car from about pH to about pH.My power edification I hope to get in the future are an intake manifold, larger fuel injectors, Audit re coil packs, a key turbo kit from PAR, and a larger intercooler. For cosmetic appearance I have not done too many things yet but the things I have done made the car look much better and gave it a little bit of my own personal style. The first thing I did for appearance was changing my head light and for light to HID light, this made the car look much more aggressive and gave me better visibility in the night.The next wing I did was tint the windows, I made them very dark in the back I believe it was a 5% tint. After that I painted my grill strips teal and added four teal stickers around the car. Two stickers are on the rear window and the other two are on my rear side windows. For cosmetic appearance that is all I have been able to do so far but I do plan to eventually get new headlights, new taillights, larger wheels, and the lower the car on coil oversee. Handling is the category where I have done very little to affect it.I eave only done two things to affect handling and those two things are lowering springs and new tires. The lowering spring affect handling because they lower the car center of gravity making the car not lean so much in the corners. The tires help handling by allowing the car to get more traction so it does not slide around as much and because the car have more traction it can take corners at a faster speed. I plan to eventually get coil oversee, strong er sway bars, and new wheels. All of those items will help the car handle much better.Looking at my car now makes me think of all the hard work I have put into it and how I look forward to doing a lot more work on it. Out of engine performance, cosmetic appearance, and handling I have done the most work on engine performance and the least work on improving handling. I hope in the next coming year I can save up enough money to do all of modifications I would like to do on my car and when I am finally finished my car will look, sound, and feel amazing. But, as every car person knows, a project car is never finished.
Reflection on strategy management tasks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Reflection on strategy management tasks - Essay Example First of all, I made an approach to understand each and every aspects of the task. Then several secondary researches were executed in order to collect suitable information and data within a quick period of time. The PEST analysis was easy to implement in this study. The recent political, economical, technological and economical scenarios of the industry can be obtained easily from text books or other academic journals. These sources helped to provide reliable data and information of the specific industry. Horizon scanning was the most difficult part in this task. It is very much difficult for a manager to estimate future threat and opportunities. Inadequate detection of early signs can affect the financial stability of the firm. On the other hand, the economic and political situation is changing constantly. Therefore, this part of the task has created several initial problems. I learned several significant and important things while completing the first task. Industry analysis and Ho rizon scanning were the two most interesting parts of this task. Through the industry analysis, an analyst can gain important knowledge about the situation of external environment. On the other hand, effective Horizon scanning can increase the future estimation and analytical skill that can increase the productivity of a manager. The second task is all about the
Monday, October 7, 2019
Nutrition in Nursing.2 Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Nutrition in Nursing.2 - Case Study Example Sea foods are normally very fresh, tasty and nutritionally rich especially in minerals. This is the main reason Elizabeth is frustrated with their availability locally in the new home despite what is available being expensive. The suggestion would be for her to get the fresh taste of sea foods by getting American sea food that is available in many food stores around America. There is a lot of fish in American food stores as well as the fresh weeds that are stocked in stores as well as served in many restaurants. There are also plenty of imported sea foods that she can take which have nutritional value just as the fresh ones and she could try this option. Ultimately she needs the nutritional supply and fish which is locally available is a good option for her as well as cereals. When it comes to issue of bread I would advise her to go for bread labeled whole wheat or whole grain. These are low in fat, have no cholesterol, have up to 15% protein and are rich in fiber. They are healthy and will protect the body from heart illnesses, diabetes, cancers and obesity. There also plenty of fruits which are nutritious such water melons, apples, cucumbers, Asparagus, mushrooms, broccoli, tomatoes and fresh vegetable such as cabbages, kales and onions which can be taken in plenty. These should be tasty and supply adequate nutrients such as minerals, vitamins and coupled to the other foods should give balanced diet necessary for the body’s physiology. 1. American Society of Anesthesiologists (1999). Practice guidelines for preoperative fasting and the use of pharmacologic agents to reduce the risk of pulmonary aspiration: Application to health patients undergoing elective procedures. Anesthesiology, 90,
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Building Hisense brand equity through selected marketing programmes- A Thesis
Building Hisense brand equity through selected marketing programmes- A study on the relationship among brand equity, marketing mix elements and consumer respons - Thesis Example er to test the defined structural research framework and research hypotheses empirical research was conducted on the sample of Hisense consumers in Johannesburg, South Africa. The Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) and the multiple regression statistical method with the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS 11.0) are used to analyze the data. The concept of brand equity has received significant attention from both scientists and marketing practice, which resulted in a large number of articles and books on the subject (e.g. Aaker, 1991 and 1996; Aaker and Keller, 1990; Farquhar1990; Aaker and Biel, 1993; Keller, 1993; Agarwal and Rao, 1996; Yoo et al., 2000; Morgan, 2000; Rio, et al., 2001; Datta, 2003, Moore et al., 2002; Keller, 2003). The importance of brand equity consists of numerous benefits for companies that own brands. One of the benefits provided by high brand equity is the possibility of brand extension to other product categories. Generally, brand extension is defined as the use of an existing brand name for entry into a new product category (Aaker and Keller, 1990). When compared to new brand names, brand extensions have lower advertising costs and higher sales (Smith and Park, 1992). Successful brand extensions contribute to higher brand equity of the original brand (Dacin and Smith, 1994; Keller and Aaker, 1992); However, unsuccessful extensions may reduce the brand equity of the parent brand (Aaker, 1993; Loken and John, 1993). Aaker and Keller (1990) developed a model for consumer evaluation of brand extensions and a number of authors worked on generalization of this model (Barrett et al., 1999; Bottomley and Doyle, 1996; Sunde and Brodie, 1993). In addition, brand equity increases (1) willingness of consumers to pay premium prices, (2) possibility of brand licensing, (3) efficiency of marketing communication, (4) willingness of stores to collaborate and provide support, (5) elasticity of consumers to price reductions, and (6) inelasticity
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Quantitative Critique of Research Paper Effect of Nursing Rounds on Essay
Quantitative Critique of Research Paper Effect of Nursing Rounds on Patients - Essay Example Background to the study The call light is very significant with regards to patient care in hospitals but it can be noted that this same call light can pose a challenge to nurses given that the demand for their time may also be increased. Various studies have revealed that the patients’ frequent use of the call light have unfavourable effects especially on patient care management units which is compounded by issues such as shortages of staff as well as general dissatisfaction among the nursing staff. However, there is little empirical research about rounding which is concerned about conducting bedside rounds among the patients. Therefore, this study has been significantly influenced by mainly two factors: to find out more about the observations made with regards to the amount of time spent by nurses responding to call lights and the impact of this practice on patient care management and measures that can be taken in order to assist nurses as well as hospitals to improve their d aily operations as well as the safety of the patients. Research has shown that patients mainly use call lights mainly for other non medical purposes such as the need to use toilets or other aspects related to food. However, there is need to research is needed to determine the best way of reducing call light use and burnout and fatigue among the people involved in this particular task in hospitals as well as increase the safety and satisfaction of the patients. Other studies have observed that an interdisciplinary rounding exercise is effective since it can positively improve patient care as well as operational efficiency while at the same time guaranteeing satisfaction of the health care personnel. Normally, the patients derive their satisfaction from their perceptions about the nurses especially with regards to the care they receive and in most cases, the call light is used for various purposes to determine the level of satisfaction of the patients. Therefore, the crux of this stud y has been to investigate the effectiveness of the use of the call light on patient satisfaction with regards to falls and its impact on the performance of the nurses. Problem statement In the study above, the problem statement can be summarised as: to what extent is there a correlation between the use of call light in nursing rounds as well as improved satisfaction of the customers and reduced workload on nurses? It has been observed that unscheduled use of call light negatively impacts on the nurses while on the other hand their failure to respond to the patients’ needs often results in reduced satisfaction. Therefore, it can be noted that this research is a twofold process which affects both parties involved in either a positive way or negative manner. In my own view, I think this problem statement is a researchable topic given that it is closely related to the nursing profession. The study also focuses on a population on a population sample collected from different hospit als to show that this problem identified is common in different healthcare centres. Given such a scenario, it can be seen that there is need to address this problem in order to improve the welfare of the nursing professionals as well as satisfaction of the customers from the services they get from the hospitals. It can also be seen that the
Friday, October 4, 2019
The total cost of ownership Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The total cost of ownership - Coursework Example According to the research findings, it can, therefore, be said that anti-dumping costs, for example, are associated costs that the government wants the consumer to meet based on the suitability and the usability of a product. The government argues that importing an electronic into the country increases the cost of cleaning up the environment since after using the product a consumer is likely to dump the same in the country. Coupled with the countervailing duties, the cost of importing a product into the country thus increases significantly. The total cost of ownership depends on various factors and includes numerous elements of a transaction. These include the cost associated with the pre transaction the transaction and post transaction. The three are vital and have numerous undertakings all of which have financial implications thus contributing to the total cost of ownership. Such costs as the cost of qualifying sources, the price of the product, transportation costs and follow up a nd correction costs are some of the basic costs whose values contribute to the cost of ownership. Additional factors that increase the total cost of ownership especially for global supply chains are duties levied by the government. Import duties are levies that a government attaches to every product that enters the country. Such are important taxes that coincidentally increase the cost of doing business thus raising the total cost of ownership.
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