Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Psychology Term Paper Topics
Psychology Term Paper Topics If you are having problems with your psychology term paper assignment – this article might be able to help you. If you are confused with what to write about in your psychology term paper – try not to panic, a good psychology term paper is just around the corner, and youll be able to write it easily. The first, and by far the hardest step in writing a psychology term paper is the psychology term paper topic. The topic of your psychology term paper is the one which will define your psychology term paper, and on which depends the further text of the psychology term paper. If you dont know what topic to choose for your psychology term paper, you can use your copy book on the web to gain some inspiration. Here is a list of topics for you to find your golden moment of inspiration:   1. Try to describe the life and way of thinking of a great psychologist or a philosopher. This is always a good topic, and is always handy. You may be able to find a lot of interesting facts if you have enough material. It is always interesting to read some interesting facts about some famous people of the past. If you include a proper part of the psychology analysis – your psychology term paper will become golden and you will definitely get the highest grade for your psychology term paper. 2. Another easy way to come up with a good psychology term paper is to try to describe a famous experiment. The history of psychology is filled with various experiments, and you can always find something, which is unknown, yet needs to be known. All you need to do is analyze the motives of the experiment, the whole process and of course, the results of the experiment, and the effect of the knowledge gained out of this experiment.  3. Another path you can go is try to analyze a group or an individual from the psychological point of view. You can never be dull with a psychology term paper of this type. Every person is an individual, and if you are able to find something interesting from this analysis – is the best way to do the psychology term paper. 4. You can describe a specific occupation in the field of psychology. The best way is to write how psychology helps in a specific occupation. For example, if you are working as a promotional manager, or something in advertising, and how you can affect people using your own psychology knowledge.   5. Another good way to have a psychology term paper written is to make a critical analysis of some piece of literature. It is always popular to write a critique on a famous book in psychology. If you want to deep into classics you can analyze Freuds books, or you might want to consider something from the latest editions. It is always hard to write a literature critique, but the result is totally worth it.  6. The best thing you can do in your psychology term paper is describe an experiment you would like to conduct. It is always fascinating to conduct a research with the help of experiments, and now you actually have a chance to conduct one. You can start of describing what would you like to achieve, and later – explain the methods you are conducting your research. Nothing is more interesting than following an experiment. There is always a various range of topics, where you can conduct your research, and everything is just waiting for you. Here is a list of the most interesting psychology essay topics: 1. What is Psychology and Why it is Important? 2. Social Psychology: Do Humans control their attitudes? 3. History of Psychology 4. The Influence of Mechanism on the Science of Psychology 5. Anthropology vs psychology 6. Psychology: Can It Be Regarded As A Science? 7. Humanistic perspective of psychology 8. Environmental Psychology 9. The Effects on Human Psychology caused by Violent Music Lyrics 10. African Psychology 11. Forensic Psychology 12. Jungian Psychology 13. Development Psychology 14. Perspectives in Psychology 15. Psychology Disorders 16. Impact of Psychology on Finance and Traders 17. Cognitve Psychology 18. Psychology Types 19. Reverse Psychology 20. The Psychology of Death and Dying 21. Psychology Mental Abnormality
Saturday, November 23, 2019
5 Examples of Repetition and Redundancy
5 Examples of Repetition and Redundancy 5 Examples of Repetition and Redundancy 5 Examples of Repetition and Redundancy By Mark Nichol In each of the following sentences, repetition of words or phrases or redundant use of similar terms is easily eliminated, as described in the explanations and shown in the revisions that follow each example. 1. This procedure is called an assay. An assay determines the purity of a precious metal. The repetition in this sentence is suitable for aiding beginning readers in comprehension but is stilted and unsuitable for normal usage. Whenever a word or phrase ending a brief sentence is immediately or almost immediately repeated at the beginning of the next sentence, convert the two sentences to a single statement such as the one shown here: â€Å"This procedure, called an assay, determines the purity of a precious metal.†(If the first sentence is more extensive, revise otherwise to omit repetition of the term.) 2. We often refer to this type of test as purple-team testing. Organizations should utilize testing such as purple-team testing or similar activity to regularly test and refine their defensive posture. In similar constructions in which a repeated word or phrase is not in proximity to the first instance, it is still often a simple matter to omit the repetition: â€Å"We often refer to this type of test as purple team testing. Organizations should utilize such testing or similar activity to regularly evaluate and refine their defensive posture.†3. Pairing these two departments together creates critical mass to justify infrastructure investments. If the definition of a word implicitly includes a key word or phrase that also appears in the pertinent passage, omit the repetition. In this case, pairing means â€Å"bringing together,†so the inclusion of together creates a redundancy: â€Å"Pairing these two departments creates critical mass to justify infrastructure investments.†4. Implement steps to measure the success of your data analytics efforts, and also consider the most effective ways to report success and value to management and other key stakeholders. Also is redundant when it immediately follows and: â€Å"Implement steps to measure the success of your data analytics efforts, and consider the most effective ways to report success and value to management and other key stakeholders.†5. The personal information available in medical records can be used to perform any number of identity-theft tactics for some form of financial gain (e.g., obtaining credit, filing tax returns, etc.). The Latin-derived abbreviations for â€Å"for example†and â€Å"and so on†are redundant; delete one or the other: â€Å"The personal information available in medical records can be used to perform any number of identity-theft tactics for some form of financial gain (e.g., obtaining credit or filing tax returns)†or â€Å"The personal information available in medical records can be used to perform any number of identity-theft tactics for some form of financial gain (obtaining credit, filing tax returns, etc.).†(Note, however, that i.e. means â€Å"that is†and, unlike e.g., is not redundant to etc.) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:7 Types of Narrative Conflict55 Boxing Idioms20 Tips to Improve your Writing Productivity
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Sarbanes-Oxley Act Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Sarbanes-Oxley Act - Essay Example Sarbanes-Oxley Act The Sarbanes-Oxley Act is deemed to be quite effective in protecting the investors and enhancing the factor of accurateness and reliability in various corporate financial activities. It has further been noted that the act mainly aims at enhancing the above mentioned aspects in a constant basis with the implementation of strict laws and rules for audit committees of public companies, binding accounting professionals’ functions under the stated regimes (Rolf, 2005). Effectiveness of Sarbanes-Oxley Act in Minimizing Corporate Fraud and Protecting Investors The Sarbanes-Oxley Act, with its strict supervision encourages companies to adopt stern control system on their operational activities, which are expected to minimise the crime rates relating to investor fraud within the organisation. The effectiveness of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act can be exemplified from the fact that it has been able to develop various new legal enforcements with regard to deal with corporate f raud and ensure punitive measures for the wrongdoers within any business. Additionally, the effectiveness of the act can also be justified from the fact that it not only punishes the companies that are involved in fraud but also the participants who initiates the same and therefore, assists in maintaining an all-inclusive framework to prevent accounting fallacies (Rolf, 2005; Ernst & Young, n.d.). Suggestions for Improvement. The act aims to take continuous plunges in developing its strategies and creating provisions that can restrain companies and accounting professionals from conducting corporate fraud, taking its learning outcomes from the classic disaster case of Enron scandal. However, like any other act or legal provision, Sarbanes-Oxley Act also has the scope for further improvement, so that it can enhance its effectiveness to the next level. Suggestively, the act needs to include certain penalties that would be efficient to target low level frauds. Currently, the charged pen alty structure of the act can be regarded as quite severe for any kind of fraud in the context of corporate governance. Impact of the Formation of PCAOB on Auditing Firms and the Public Accounting Professions It is apparent from the above discussion that Sarbanes-Oxley Act is quite effective in dealing with the increasing cases related to corporate fraud. In strengthening its position as an effective legal provision aimed towards reducing corporate frauds, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act as used to form the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB). The PCAOB is a non-profit organisation that deals with protecting the interests of the investors by promoting the accuracy in accounting reports as well as emphasising independence of professionals in developing audit reports. Apparently, aimed towards binding accounting professionals, the initiation of this regime has imposed certain impacts on auditing firms and the public accounting professions, the most affected aspect being auditor i ndependence. In the aftermath its enactment, the staff of PCAOB are in constant supervision of auditing firms and the public accounting professionals likewise, in order to identify any kind of violation of applied laws and professional standards in developing financial reports. In this regard, some of the rights of the authority include their power to impose
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The Importance of Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
The Importance of Education - Essay Example So second thing to look for is the fee structure and the scholarship facilities, not every student can pay high fees that mostly good universities ask for so they apply for scholarships which are mostly need based or on high academic records of the students. So a mediocre student who is not financially stable and does not have a sound academic record can not avail the facility of studying at high reputed universities (Runciman, 2009). Then what is left is the infrastructure of a university if that is well formed and is feasible for a student to adapt. So a university should then be evaluated on the basis of the facilities it is providing to the students such as transport, building and communication system among the management and the students. Location of a university also matters a lot while deciding because mostly students prefer the universities in their home town or nearby location to avoid the cultural shock, cost of living, daily life facilities such as nearby shopping stores, bank and the accommodation issues which can be a great nuisance for students (McChesney, 1999). Some students also opt for the universities abroad again they have to go through all the above process of evaluation for selection one of the thousands of universities (Kaplan, 2003). Advertisements of these universities play a vital role as they create awareness among the students in other countries of their existence and the facilities they provide so that students do not have much problem researching about these universities, their repute, fee structure, infra structure and scholarship facilities (Johnson, 1978). After evaluating all the factors mentioned above a student may choose the university that is highest on the feasibility... As the paper declares mostly students from their very early student life choose a field of interest and from there the process of university selection starts and when it is about time they have sorted out which university is best for them but still there are students who have a pool of choices around them and it is really hard for them to pick just one. So they start evaluating among the pool of universities on the basis of their infra structure, popularity, fee structure, scholarship facilities, location and advertisement.This essay stresses that availability of accommodation and the employability of an institute remain to be the most important factors which help students in decision making. All of the students study hard to reach Master’s programme level and they definitely want to get a surety about future employment and that is why this information plays a vital role in decision making. In reply to the third question that if the students know that Nottingham Trent Unive rsity (NTU) offers scholarships or not, the respondents have said that majority of them know about the scholarship offered by NTU before entering the university. 23 out of 30 claimed that they knew about the scholarship offering by NTU. 7 participants said they did not know about it. When the 30 participants were asked about the ranking of universities, a clear majority of them agreed that they would like to go to better ranked universities.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
About My Childhood Essay Example for Free
About My Childhood Essay My name is Rouda Mohammed Al-Suaidi. I started kindergarten at the age of 4 in one of the finest schools in Abu Dhabi, which is Al-Worood Private School. I felt so scared on my first day of school and I didn’t go to school alone. My mother used to stay with me in class which made some of my classmates laugh at me. I remember they used to call me â€Å"A baby†and â€Å"Mommy’s little girl†. I used to cry a lot when they call me this. I spent my whole childhood there from kindergarten until High School. Throughout my childhood, I faced several successes and challenges. One of my successes in my childhood is being a famous basketball player in school. It first started at home, where I used to have a small basketball hall to practice and play with my family and friends especially in the weekends. At first, I didn’t have any idea on how to play this sport, but with the help of my precious father and uncle, they taught me all the ways and techniques to be an excellent basketball player. After being taught by my father and uncle, I started implementing the techniques and ways in mini basketball competitions, which were just amongst the students from grade 6-12. Although I was a fat, chubby young basketball player in school, my P.E teacher wanted me to compete with other international schools in Dubai and Sharjah. In the beginning, I was anxious and worried to compete with the schools in Dubai and Sharjah. Moreover, I was terrified because I had an image in my mind that the students their will make fun of me and laugh because I was fat. See more: Social process essay My P.E teacher motivated me and started training me after school time. After a lot of training and support from both my P.E teacher and family, I competed with the other schools and our school was ranked the 2nd best school in playing basketball. I was so happy about it but I wished to be ranked the first, but it never de-motivated me in practicing more and more. My father always told me: â€Å"be optimistic and never be pessimistic†and since then, I’ve been following my father’s quote until my recent life. Another success in my life was helping my cousin in raising two of her only children, a boy (Ali) and a girl (Sarah). At that time, Ali was just 18 months and Sarah was only 3 months. Ali and Sarah were everything to me. They were staying with me most of the time from the afternoon after I directly come back home from school till the evening around 10. However, in the weekends, they used to sleepover in our house. When I come back home, I used to eat lunch quickly and finish my school work quickly just to spend time with them. After I finished all my studies, I used to play with them, feed them lunch and dinner, bathe them at night before they leave in the weekdays and create a time for their naps during the day. The reason behind me helping my cousin in doing the mother duties is because my cousin was going through a process of having a divorce. After the divorce, my cousin went through depression and when I saw her like that, I offered to help her in her duties towards her children. So, she showed me how to do several things like: changing their diapers, play gently with them and taking turns while playing, share toys with each other, how to make them sleep, feed them and many other things. Although it is a very hard job raising a child, it didn’t prevent me from learning to be a successful mother in the future when I have my own children. Also, it didn’t stop my studies in sch ool. Moreover, it made me more focused in class and become a better student. Being a make-up artist is my third success through my childhood. In order to reach that success, I had to watch a lot of people putting make-up, ask them to teach me the techniques on how to put make-up and arrange the colors of the make-up when drawing the eyes, understanding and knowing the differences of all skin types for the make-up. Also, I used to watch people putting make up through T.V programs, watch the whole program and write down my questions on a piece of paper and send them an email in order to ask my questions and wait for their reply. Being a make-up artist was my childhood dream and after learning the basics and imitating it on the people, I became more confident and would want to expand my dream into opening my new make-up beauty center in the short term time. Although there were some successes in my childhood, I also faced many challenges. One of my greatest challenges was feeling embarrassed and lonely. During my childhood, I was always embarrassed of myself because I was very fat. The students in school used to make fun of me and call me different names: like â€Å"you look like pumba†, â€Å"you look like an old cow†, and many other names. I used to cry a lot to my mother when I go back home. Because I stood quiet and listen to students for years making fun of me, I turned to be a lonely person in my childhood. I used to be alone in the music lessons, art lessons and in the break times. I used to like walking alone, not playing with other children like all other normal children do. The reason behind this was my worry of the children making more fun of me because I was fat. This issue affected me a lot as a child but as I grew up, I started to be more sociable with the people. Another challenge is to know and understand the quality of time. As a child, I always wanted to play and have fun. I never organized my time and never valued the quality of time. I always wanted to lose time when I was assigned for any job for my mother or finish my school work very quickly and not caring about my work at all. All I wanted is time for playing only. As I grew older, I had many commitments to do in life like studying to become an excellent student and get high grades that would allow me to enroll in one of the best universities in Abu Dhabi, being with my family by visiting them, living my personal and social life and others. Unfortunately, I realized that I couldn’t mange my time at all and I was eager for help. My family was very supportive. They got me books on time management and I started reading those books, learning the techniques on how to organize your time. After a period of time, I started organizing my time, appreciate and value the quality of time. Finally, meeting my family’s expectation was also one of my challenges in life. The reason behind it is that parents expect a lot from their children. They expect to be successful, talented, hard working, enthusiastic and many other things. You wouldn’t want to embarrass yourself in front of your parents, because they always think that they’ve raised a perfect child whereas no one is perfect and everyone has negative and positive side effects. In my childhood, my parents expectations to me was being an excellent students, getting high grades in my exams and quizzes. I felt overwhelmed, pressured and exhausted because I didn’t want embarrass myself with my parents and I didn’t want them to get angry and mad at me for not at least trying to reach their expectation. I was trying very hard to meet their expectations in any of the issues and expectations and eventually I did.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Garden for the Blind Essay :: Architecture Design Essays
Garden for the Blind Essay One of the first actions needed in constructing a garden for the blind on the south lawn of Hume Hall is to construct a barrier on the northern end and eastern end surrounding the garden so as to block out any unwanted street noise. The wall would preferably be cement, with the sides facing Museum Road and North-South Drive unpainted so as to absorb as much sound as possible. However, the sides facing the garden should be painted so as to reflect the sounds of the garden back to its occupants. This wall may need to be as high as seven feet or larger, however high it needs to be in order to block as much external noise as possible. When a person walks through this garden, the first sense that is triggered is the sense of sound, for the walkway is wooden at the beginning of the garden path. Since this garden is situated on a steep hillside, the walkway needs to be level and built up next to the hillside, with steps going down leading to the next level walkway. The garden path continues, winding back and forth to the bottom of the hill. The entrance to this garden is to the west of the north wall, and the first realization that one is in the garden is the aroma of the mints lining the edges of the walkway on the hillside. Wooden railings line either side of the walkway to help guide the visitor, and the person would be able to touch, smell, and even taste the different mint plants lining this area of the garden. The different mints would include chocolate mint, pineapple mint, spearmint, and peppermint. The next area of the garden a person encounters is one that appeals to the active touch, for these plants have appealing textured bark and leaves. A person realizes that this next stage of the garden applies a different sense because the walkway changes to a brick path, which reflects a different sound to the person, whether he or she is tapping the path with a cane or simply listening to the sound of his or her own footsteps. The first plants found in this ?texture? area are crape myrtle, which have smooth bark. These plants can be considered small trees or shrubs, and occupy some space, so the visitor can walk along the path, gently touching the leaves and bark until the next plant, the lamb?
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Mahmut Sait
Mahmut Sait Arslan 04 January 2013 The Role Of Religion in A Secular Society According to secularization theory, as societies become more modernized and rationalized, religion will gradually lose it’s authority in social life and governance(Norris & Inglehart, 2004, p. 4). Modernization did â€Å"undermined†lots of accepted beliefs(Holloway, 2011, para. 7). But, by contrast with secularization thesis, there is no significant diminution in people’s religious demands(Kuru, 2011, p. 4). Appearently, not all modernized societies call themselves as â€Å"secular†and not every secular state can completely ignore religion.In this work, I’m going to inspect secular societies and question how religion can take part in their governance, concerning American, French and Turkish examples. Historically, American’s and French have seperated the church and state for different reasons. The establishment of secular state in America was a result of a compromi se between rationalists and evangelists. These groups have agreed on the secular state for different reasons. Thomas Jefferson, one of the America’s Founding Fathers, had foreseen that the secular state would lead to the â€Å"freedom and triumph of the reason†.Oppositely, a famous Evangelist, Isaac Backus had believed that secular state would provide the spread of the religion(Kuru, 2011, p. 84). Because in America’s early years, none of the Protestant churches could provide the majority that is necessary to be legitimized as the official church. So, as the second best choice, they accepted the state to be secular(Kuru, 2011, p. 86). The secularization of the France is rooted in the ideas of Enlightenment. Philosophers of Enlightenment was trying to replace dogmatic values with rational and humanistic ones(Wikipedia, 2009).After the French Revolution, with the abolition of monarchy, the close relation between the French State and Catholic Church finished. Accor ding to Tocqueville, Christianity was the object of aggression not as a religion but as a political establishment. This was because of the cooperation between the monarch and the Church before the revolution(Kuru, 2011, p. 142). The different reasons led to different results in these countries. From the beginning of the 19th century, evangelists have strenghtened the socio-cultural hegomony of the Protestant college. Casanova, 1994, p. 137) Christianism was, in public sense, accepted as semiofficial religion of the U. S. It was also, accepted as a part of the state’s civil law(Kuru, 2011, p. 88). Even Supreme Court of U. S have acknowledged the U. S nation as a Christian nation(Kuru, 2011, p. 91). In this period, state was not neutral against all religions, but neutral amongst Protestant sects. Up till now, there has been ideological conflicts between rationalists and conservative people about the religion. There have been exclusivist and compromiser interpretations of the se cularism.But generally, it hadn’t been understood as hostility against religion. In America, churches are relieved from state’s effect, wheras in France the state is relieved from the Church’s effect. A radical interpretation of secularism which advocates the seperation of not just state and church, but of all kind of values like moral and human values, is hegemonic in France. In other words, eliminating the religion from public life and confining it with the soul of human. Some people even exceed it to create a â€Å"religion of humanity†(Holloway, 2008, para. 12).But, there have been lots of significant deviations from the ideology because of Catholic roots of French public and opposing ideological attempts. French government could easily ignore the religious demands of minorities like Muslims and Jewish. But they pay much attention to the demands of Catholics who form the majority. At the end of the first quarter of the 20th century, Turkey had to quot e the Swiss Civil Law because when they tried to make their own law, commission members couldn’t liberate themselves from their religious beliefs(Oguzman & Barlas, 2012, p. 27).But even when quoting they had to make some modifications according to Turkish culture. This was made in the name of being secular and neutral against all beliefs. Putting the history aside, I want to examine the impact of religious law in secular societies’ law system. Human made laws are inspired by lots of different sources like ethics, religion, philosophy, convenances, other law systems etc. These rules have some commonalities because they’re all aimed to establish the ideal society. Concerning this, secular legislatives should concern every law system and utilize them.For example, marriage is, in religious world, concerned as a religious practice. For secular people this mean nothing. But, if we take human nature into the account, inexistence of the institution of marriage could be a threat to the mental and physical health of the progenies(Oktem & Turkbag, 1999, p. 209). So, the legislatives may foresee a religious institution like marriage as necessary for secular reasons. The implementation of the secular law in Turkey has caused many problems because there were some rules which were opposite to the belief and perception of majority of the public like prohibiting headscarves.Ordering a believer not to do what they believe is like ordering somebody to jump off a cliff. Because they’re sure that they will be rewarded or punished according to their loyalty to their beliefs. The secularization thesis promise to be neutral against all religions. But applicating the inhibition of a religious obligation to all members of the society equally, is like prohibiting to sleep under the arch of a bridge for both rich and poor people equally(Kuru, 2011, p. 108). The acceptance of secularism as being neutral, and religiousity as differantiality makes secularists mor e advantagous.To eliminate unequality, chaos and tension states should pay more attention on public demands and trends. Compared to French and Turkish history, there were less religious related slaughters in American history. Without renouncing secularism, Americans could identify themselves as religious. They used secularism not as a tool to restrict and transform the public, but to ensure the freedom of different groups within the society. To be able to equal aginst every belief, each belief system should be approached equally.Like Islam or Christianity, secular people should be concerned as believers, believers of secularism. References Age of Enlightenment. (2009). In Wikipedia. Retrieved january 4, 2013, from en. wikipedia. org Casanova, J. (1994). Public Religions in the Modern World. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. Holloway, D. , (2008). The Secular State and The Oxford Union. Retrieved January 4, 2013, from http://www. church. org. uk/resources/csdetail. asp? cs date=01/02/2008 –(2011). A Judge, Secularism, Pluralism and Fundamentalism.Retrieved January 04, 2013, from http://www. church. org. uk/resources/csdetail. asp? csdate=01/03/2011 Kuru, A. (2011). Pasif ve D? slay? c? Laiklik: ABD, Fransa ve Turkiye. Istanbul: Istanbul Bilgi Universitesi Yay? nlar?. Norris, P. & Inglehart, R. (2004). Sacred and Secular: Religion and Politics Worldwide. New York: Cambridge University Press. Oguzman, M. K. & Barlas, N. (2012). Medeni Hukuk. Istanbul: Vedat Kitapc? l? k. Oktem, N. & Turkbag, A. U. , (1999). Felsefe, Sosyoloji, Hukuk ve Devlet. Istanbul: Der Yay? nlar?.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Improving Organization Retention Paper Essay
Organizations often experiences staffing issues; therefore, one department will be asked to cover for another. However, these issues can be generated from several aspects within an organization such as staffing issues, financial issues, and organization retention. Subsequently, the organization administration must endeavor to sort out the best strategy to resolve these issues. In this particular paper the underlying issues involves staffing. â€Å"Strategies for improving the employee selection process include tracking recruitment sources; using realistic job previews (RJPs); using assessment tools and interviews to predict turnover; and hiring for fit and motivation (Barrick & Zimmerman, p.1 Para 6 2005). Moreover, an organization that implements a successful staffing approach will essentially establish a positive influence regarding employee retention. Nevertheless with this paper organization retention will be discussed in details, and work motivation theories will be applied to improve employee recruitment and retention at JC’s Casino. An examination of potential occupational stressors that are considered as a negative influence on recruitment and retention as well as a significant proposal will be demonstrated. Furthermore, the role of job satisfaction and its influence on retention at the casino, and recommendations for improving job satisfaction of the employees, and how that can play a part in successfully improving retention will be discussed. Ultimately, a discussing regarding counterproductive employee behavior occurring at the casino as well as what suggestions that would reduce the counterproductive behavior and increase productive employee behavior will be demonstrated as well. JC’s Casino This particular casino is in disarray as the result of unpredictable staffing issues, which essentially caused the casino dealers to leave. In fact, the dealers obtain employment with other casino that merely offered a lower wage rate in contrast to his or her former employment. Moreover, the casino housekeeping staff itself was experiencing issues because of the absenteeism and the high turnover of rooms. Consequently, this issue essentially impinged on other departments within the casino because of the required staff needed to manage the casino was lacking. Indeed, this concern did not impress the casino customers; in fact, it merely produced more chaos as the hotel had to adjust the check -in times, and hire additional staff to work in the luggage room. The customers who arrived earlier had to be accommodating as the organization policy entailed. However, the owner is unaware of the magnitude of the issues, which surrounds the casino itself. In essence, the owner merely knows of the specifics such as the dealers was dropping off like flies, and casino customers were becoming increasingly displeased regarding the untimely check-in transformation. Following, these issues and the whole story enlighten; one could understand why this particular organization desires urgent assistance as a means to improving the organization retention. Motivation Work theories One of motivation work theories that will be employed involves the Douglas McGregor’s X-Y Theory. Douglas McGregor (1906-1964) was the creator of one of the leading exceptional management theories without comparison. He hypothesized that a management position is considered as one of the most significant position within a corporation. In essence, he proposed that it was the manager responsibility to encourage and unveil the vast creative capability within people. McGregor introduced two significant forms of management approaches, which essentially started the development of his X and Y theories: the authoritarian and the participative. The Theory X authoritarian management style, employees are inherently lazy, and the individual would generally have to be forced to work. Nonetheless, under the Theory Y participative management style, employees would discover work as favorable. McGregor also emphasize that, under the proper management, all employees are naturally Theory Y employees (Kallio, 2006). The X Theory is primarily centered on a fashion of management and leadership that is authoritarian, whereas the Y Theory tends to employ more constructive aspects of leadership. Consequently, McGregor’s theory can relate to JC’s Casino situation as it expresses organization development. The Y Theory will allow the staff members to make progress and advance. This way of thinking, in view of this aspect it would be a plus to employ as a means to enhance recruitment and retention within The JC’s Casino. To embark on this journey first, the Y Theory will permit the manager to support employees’ incentives in place of reprimand and demerits. The Y Theory managers deem that each employee like work, and work for the good of the organization, which generates capitalization on competency between the employees. The Y Theory manager would give employees the chance of an independence of creativeness, which would form motivated and faithful employees who appreciate his or her job. The Y Theory managers also work toward building meaningful and productive relationships with their employees. These managers contend with McGregor understanding that the responsibility of management is to allow their employees to express their vast creative potential (Skidmore, 2006). One significant aspect, the Y manager would offer an open dialog with employees and other departments and through displaying leadership by leading with example. Domination and reprimand are not always the best, and the only method to create profitable workplace. In fact, the work itself should be asked and not commanded as a manager subscribing to the X Theory would be more likely to perform. However, the success of either of these theories would essentially depend on -the -job as well as the individual. Some people require unvarying direction and others will excel with little or no direction. In essence, it would fall back on what the individuals work best with regarding Theory X and Theory Y would come into play motivational wise. Another significant theory is called the Z theory founded by William Ouchi. This particular theory is identified as the â€Å"Japanese Challenge†within the management, which is employs the Y Theory and modern Japanese management principals. Although the employee within this theory must have the proper mind-set at all times for tasks with complete liability regarding the ultimate result of tasks. â€Å"Nevertheless, Theory Z essentially advocates a combination of all that’s best about theory Y and modern Japanese management, which places a large amount of freedom and trusts with workers, and assumes that workers have a strong loyalty and interest in team-working and the organization. An individual behavior and environment can change unexpectedly; thus, this particular theory lacks the strength, and direction contrasting to the McGregor X-Y theory that involves great motivational suggestions and reasoning. Occupational Stressors JC’s Casino organization have a high stress level profession as well as a high stress level that often surfaces between employees. This type of environment entails customers who are commonly inebriated and often irritated; thus, workers must intervene if necessary. Consequently, recruitment and retention should be meticulous because a casino environment can be challenging and not for everyone. According to researcher’s casinos that implement â€Å"Anger Management†courses that include procedures for recognizing and managing stress, which displayed a higher results regarding employee contentment (Internet Reference, Anger & Stress in Role of Job Satisfaction To implement employee satisfaction the primary focus would be directed toward researching other successful casino such as Ki-Joon Back, a Korean casino. This casino successfully has applied an employee job satisfaction and organizational assertion. The Korean casino embarks on requiring the employees to engage in a survey questionnaire; consequence aided management by enhancing the condition of employee satisfaction. Moreover, this type of method can be employed within JC’s Casino with the same results. One must first follow- up on the results such as provide ongoing training, health care benefits, and maintain an open dialog with employees. Each aspect should be permanent to ensure employee satisfaction, recruitment as well as retention. Furthermore, the organization should also present employees with necessary supplies according to the resources. When employees are provided with the required supplies it will create a better atmosphere and enhance self-respect and retention. It is significant to bear in mind that integrity generally starts on the top of administration and can seep into the workers (Internet Reference, Hospitality Quarterly Management). Employee Behavior According to Global Gaming Business regarding employee’s behavior within type of environment by which it emphasizes that when counterproductive behavior occurs in a casino the management should tackle the issue immediately as well as the peoples involved instead evading the situation. Casino policy should be made unquestionably and sincerely to employees who in turn create an appreciation amid management and staff. Management must be the voice of logic when dealing with rumor or complex concerns. Management must take the led to sort out personally grievances and issues on the floor during his or her shift, and one should by no means leave issues unresolved. However, JC’s Casino has two key vital focal points here concerning behavior perceived as counterproductive, which starts with Joe, the tyrannical pit boss, and the above rate of absenteeism among the housekeepers. Management must correct the issue with Joe; in fact, he needs to be taught that his method of working and dealing with his coworkers is causing counterproductive. His behavior is essentially causing the employees to perform inadequately, and resulting in employees to leave the casino. Joe must be retrained and needs to from this point on apply a Y Theory approach in which he works with his employees instead of his former method. In case for some reason he refuses or cannot adjust management must consider reinstating him or shifting him to a position because his behavior is not complimentary to the organization. Another point counterproductive to the company is the above rates of housekeepers as absent from work. The casino pays a fair wage, but because of the shortage of staff the housekeepers undergoing overworked and underappreciated beliefs. The casino needs to employ a new management agenda in which the managers had a better mentality and could create an enhanced working environment for the employees. Conclusion Indeed, based on this finding manager knowledge, skills, and abilities are highly necessary. A management position is considered as one of the most significant position within a corporation. The JC Casino entails numerous significant facets and layers that could be perceived as challenging and are causes for concern. If management maintains this model, change decision-making methods and mindsets, aid employees with healthier working conditions and with respect. This will lead to longer retention and will eventually lead to a better more efficient recruitment process, which will aid the JC Casino as it continues to soar, and becomes profitable. Management must correct the issue with Joe; in fact, he needs to be taught that his method of working and dealing with his coworkers is causing counterproductive. Ultimately, the corporation expects the manager to be prepared to work harder, and to put forth more effort than the others leading by the example. The effectiveness of either of these theories would ultimately come to depend on- the- job and the workers. References Barrick, M. R. & Zimmerman, R. D. (2005). Reducing voluntary, avoidable turnover through selection. Global Gaming Business Vol.9. No. 2, (Internet Reference, Hospitality Quarterly Management. (Internet Reference, Anger & Stress in (Internet Reference, Motivational (Internet Reference, Journal of Applied Psychology, 90, 159-166. Retrieved April 4, 2011 Kallio, B. (2006). Mcgregor, Douglas. Encyclopedia of Educational Leadership and Administration. Retrieved on April 4, 2011, from Skidmore, M. (2006). Theory X, Theory Y. Encyclopedia of Educational Leadership and Administration. Retrieved on April 4, 2011 from, /
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Problems in Economic Developments assignment Example
Problems in Economic Developments assignment Example Problems in Economic Development's assignment – Assignment Example Section 1) Real GDP per capita(c) 2) D all of the above 3) A sub-saharan Africa 4) D south and east asia 5) B decreased 6) A 7) C 8) B 9) D 10) A Section 2 1) a) b) sachs c) He suggest that the foreign aid should increase drastically if this underdeveloped countries are to develop. 2) a) badlandia has more inequality since its ratio tends towards 1 where inequality is at maximum. The higher the value of the coecient,the higher the inequality of income distribution; the lower it is, the moreequal the distribution of income. b) 0.25 c) for tylandia is above because it represents less inequality therefore there is little gap between it and 45 degrees line 3) a) economic growth refers to the increase in national income while economic development refers to improvement in basic living conditions or standard of living. b) It is harder to measure development because it can easily be quantified. Growth is easily measurable because of its numerical nature. Development also involves looking at many conditions satisfaction of which defines whether one is poor or not. c) Human development index. d) There are many indices because in order to certify whether one living conditions has improved or not different variables and conditions have to be looked at but not one. To be on good living standard one has to meet several basic living standards. e) 4) a) Us GDP= 101200 $, Thai GDP= 206,000 baht b) Thai GDP= 6867 $ c) 11,200 $ 5) a) The main channel where inequality will increase growth is in instances whereby the top in the society with highest income saves more and invest. When they invest they create opportunities for the rest of the main stream population. Because savings rate increase with income the richer individuals will invest more in economic growth. b) -Changing institutions, whereby institution are converted to cater for the need of the poor rather than being development oriented. - Political instability, whereby the poor up rise against perceived oppression by the richer - Dampen aspirations, this leads to frustration and resulting to crime - Dependence, increase dependence lower savings rate and as result low level of investment
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
An Interpretation of Langston Hughes Early Autumn
An Interpretation of Langston Hughes Early Autumn Langston Hughes (1902-1967) is best known for writing poems like The Negro Speaks of Rivers or Harlem. Hughes has also written plays, nonfiction, and short stories such as Early Autumn. The latter originally appeared in the Chicago Defender on September 30, 1950, and was later included in his 1963 collection, Something in Common and Other Stories. It has also been featured in a collection called The Short Stories of Langston Hughes, edited by Akiba Sullivan Harper. What Flash Fiction Is At fewer than 500 words, Early Autumn is yet another example of flash fiction written before anyone was using the term flash fiction. Flash fiction is a very short and brief version of fiction that is generally a few hundred words or less as a whole. These types of stories are also known as sudden, micro, or quick fiction and can include elements of poetry or narrative. Writing flash fiction can be done by using just a few characters, shortening a story, or starting in the middle of a plot. With this analysis of the plot, a point of view, and other aspects of the story, the following will lead to a better understanding of Early Autumn. A Plot Involving Exes Two former lovers, Bill and Mary, cross paths in Washington Square in New York. Years have passed since they last saw each other. They exchange pleasantries about their jobs and their children, each of them perfunctorily inviting the others family to visit. When Marys bus arrives, she boards and is overwhelmed by all the things she has failed to say to Bill, both in the present moment (her address, for instance), and presumably, in life. The Story Begins With a Point of View of the Characters The narrative starts with a brief, neutral history of Bill and Marys relationship. Then, it moves to their current reunion, and the omniscient narrator gives us some details from each characters point of view. Almost the only thing Bill can think about is how old Mary looks. The audience is told, At first he did not recognize her, to him she looked so old. Later, Bill struggles to find something complimentary to say about Mary with, Youre looking very ... (he wanted to say old) well. Bill seems uncomfortable (a little frown came quickly between his eyes) to learn that Mary is living in New York now. Readers get the impression that he hasnt thought much about her in recent years and is not enthusiastic about having her back in his life in any way. Mary, on the other hand, seems to harbor affection for Bill, even though she was the one who left him and married a man she thought she loved. When she greets him, she lifts her face, as if wanting a kiss, but he just extends his hand. She seems disappointed to learn that Bill is married. Finally, in the last line of the story, readers learn that her youngest child is also named Bill, which indicates the extent of her regret for ever having left him. The Symbolism of the Early Autumn Title in the Story At first, it seems obvious that Mary is the one who is in her autumn. She looks noticeably old, and in fact, she is older than Bill. Autumn represents a time of loss, and Mary clearly feels a sense of loss as she desperately reach[es] back into the past. Her emotional loss is emphasized by the setting of the story. The day is almost over and its getting cold. Leaves fall inevitably from the trees, and throngs of strangers pass Bill and Mary as they talk. Hughes writes, A great many people went past them through the park. People they didnt know. Later, as Mary boards the bus, Hughes re-emphasizes the idea that Bill is irrevocably lost to Mary, just as the falling leaves are irrevocably lost to the trees from which they have fallen. People came between them outside, people crossing the street, people they didnt know. Space and people. She lost sight of Bill. The word early in the title is tricky. Bill too will be old one day, even if he cant see it at this moment. If Mary is undeniably in her autumn, Bill might not even recognize that he is in his early autumn. and he is the one most shocked by Marys aging. She takes him by surprise at a time in his life when he might have imagined himself immune to winter. A Spark of Hope and Meaning in a Turning Point of the Story Overall, Early Autumn feels sparse, like a tree nearly bare of leaves. The characters are at a loss for words, and readers can feel it. There is one moment in the story that feels noticeably different from the rest: Suddenly the lights came on up the whole length of Fifth Avenue, chains of misty brilliance in the blue air. This sentence marks a turning point in many ways: First, it signals the end of Bill and Marys attempt at conversation, startling Mary into the present.If the lights symbolize truth or revelation, then their sudden brightness represents the irrefutable passage of time and the impossibility of ever recovering or re-doing the past. That the lights run the whole length of Fifth Avenue further emphasizes the completeness of this truth; there is no way to escape the passage of time.Its worth noting that the lights turn on right after Bill says, You ought to see my kids and grins. Its a surprisingly unguarded moment, and its the only expression of genuine warmth in the story. Its possible that his and Marys children might represent those lights, being the brilliant chains that link the past with an ever-hopeful future.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Compassionate Care in Cancer Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Compassionate Care in Cancer Management - Essay Example Compassionate care is an approach to treatment that aims to address the various issues affecting the lives of terminally ill individuals by improving their quality of life. Medical physicians and other healthcare personnel work to reduce any pain and discomfort and to make any other specific symptoms affecting these patients more manageable. This care is provided within an environment that the patients feels the most comfortable though they may be taken to hospital in the event any serious medical crisis occurs requiring specialized treatment. An important aspect of compassionate care is the provision of spiritual and psychological support to the terminally ill patients. These people have terminal diseases that are incurable and therefore have a limited time to live. As such, they suffer many psychological problems such as the feelings of grief, anger, anxiety, and sorrow because of the various diseases they have and the changes that have occurred in their lives because of those illnesses. In addition, they might feel a sense of guilt due to the feeling they are placing a large burden on their families, especially financial burden as the treatment of these diseases is very costly. Providing psychological and spiritual support to these patients is very important as it helps to address the various questions and concerns that they might have and to offer comfort as their lives draw closer to an end. It also helps those left behind to cope with the loss of the loved ones who have passed on. Erving Goffman established an important perspective to understand further the symbolic interaction perspective through the dramaturgical approach (Ditton, 78).
Friday, November 1, 2019
Essentials of Organisational Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Essentials of Organisational Behavior - Essay Example For a company to survive in the current economic climate it is therefore imperative that it creates good organizational behavior policies that will enable it to increase employee productivity, company survival and increase profitability. The two principal outcomes of organizational behavior are job performance and employee organizational commitment. Since most employees want to perform their jobs well and remain in the organizational for a long time; improving their working conditions and creating a feeling of commitment to the company can greatly improve business performance (Nair, 2010). Aspects of organisational mechanisms including organisational culture and structure, group mechanisms constituting teams and leaders interact with individual characteristics such as personality and ability together with individual mechanisms such as job satisfaction ,motivation ,learning and decision making and also stress at workplace to influence an employee’s job performance and organisational commitment (Mullins, 2006). One way of improving business performance is by hiring creative talented and outgoing individuals. This can only be achieved through an intensive interviewing and screening process that allows the management to assess the personality traits and cultural aspects of the potential employees that are values that might affect the way they will act once hired, the type of tasks they will be interested in and how they will potentially react to events that happen at the place of work (Glynn, 1995). This intensive screening and interviewing process is also very important in assessing the cognitive abilities of the potential employees. This includes both verbal and qualitative abilities. Emotional skills including emotional regulation and awareness of others are also assessed. There is also need to assess the physical abilities such as strength and endurance. This way the management ensures they hire the best possible employees and this greatly improves business performance (Schermerhorn, 1996).
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