Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Abc Book :: Free Essay Writer
ABC Book Agatha Christie, the creator of "And then there were None" is known as the Queen of Mystery by the individuals who have perused her books. Notwithstanding, "And then there were None", Agatha Christie has composed numerous books, which incorporate "ABC Murders", "Body in the Library", Easy to Kill" and "Towards Zero". Brent, the family name of Emily, the multi year old little girl of a Colonel, and certainly not content with the manner in which the world is going at this point. She enjoyed everything as it was 45 years back, when youngsters did what their folks advised them to and at the point when everybody regarded their older folks, yet now †¦.. Coroner's examination having flipped around her life, Vera Claythorne has had unfortunate turn of events so far in her life. She doesn't have a great deal of cash, and has had inconvenience getting a new line of work after the examination. Despite the fact that she had been cleared, individuals despite everything take a gander at her amusing when she strolls down the road. Specialist Armstrong, a previous specialist who preferences time to think. At whatever point he thinks about the previous one of the main things to fly into his psyche is the reality liquor destroyed his life. On the off chance that solitary he hadn't had several beverages before working on his patient, he probably won't have unintentionally executed him. Everybody was dead when the police got to the Island. No one could make sense of what occurred. The police didn't discover any self destruction notes and looked the island two or multiple times. The police found nobody sequestered from everything and were left open- mouthed and dumbfounded. Fred Narracott was the boatman who took everybody to the island on his vessel. As he told the police, the extent that he realized he was the one in particular who had taken anybody over to the Island. General Macarthur, adored war and was frustrated when he needed to quit battling on the fight grounds. War was his life. He adored the smell, the sounds and the vibe of fight. Truth be told he hungered for to execute once more. Powerless, the visitors on the island were prey to the executioner, they couldn't get off the island in light of the fact that there was no pontoon. Stowing away was not feasible due to the awful tempest, and they didn't have the foggiest idea who the executioner was, so everybody was under doubt. Indian Island was bought under the name U.N. Owen and no one knew what it's identity was. All the sensationalist newspapers were stating sovereignty had purchased the island or some erratic mogul, however no one truly knew what it's identity was. Equity Wargrave, was an appointed authority. You could state he was a killer, despite the fact that he Abc Book :: Free Essay Writer ABC Book Agatha Christie, the creator of "And then there were None" is known as the Queen of Mystery by the individuals who have perused her books. Notwithstanding, "And then there were None", Agatha Christie has composed numerous books, which incorporate "ABC Murders", "Body in the Library", Easy to Kill" and "Towards Zero". Brent, the family name of Emily, the multi year old little girl of a Colonel, and certainly not content with the manner in which the world is going at this point. She enjoyed everything as it was 45 years prior, when youngsters did what their folks advised them to and at the point when everybody regarded their seniors, yet now †¦.. Coroner's investigation having flipped around her life, Vera Claythorne has had turn for the worst so far in her life. She doesn't have a great deal of cash, and has had inconvenience getting a new line of work after the investigation. Despite the fact that she had been absolved, individuals despite everything take a gander at her amusing when she strolls down the road. Specialist Armstrong, a previous specialist who preferences time to think. At whatever point he thinks about the previous one of the principal things to fly into his psyche is the reality liquor destroyed his life. On the off chance that lone he hadn't had two or three beverages before working on his patient, he probably won't have coincidentally murdered him. Everybody was dead when the police got to the Island. No one could make sense of what occurred. The police didn't discover any self destruction notes and looked the island two or multiple times. The police found nobody secluded from everything and were left open- mouthed and dumbfounded. Fred Narracott was the boatman who took everybody to the island on his vessel. As he told the police, the extent that he realized he was the one in particular who had taken anybody over to the Island. General Macarthur, cherished war and was baffled when he needed to quit battling on the fight grounds. War was his life. He cherished the smell, the sounds and the vibe of fight. Indeed he pined for to slaughter once more. Vulnerable, the visitors on the island were prey to the executioner, they couldn't get off the island on the grounds that there was no pontoon. Stowing away was impossible due to the awful tempest, and they didn't have the foggiest idea who the executioner was, so everybody was under doubt. Indian Island was bought under the name U.N. Owen and no one knew what it's identity was. All the sensationalist newspapers were stating sovereignty had purchased the island or some flighty tycoon, however no one truly knew what it's identity was. Equity Wargrave, was an appointed authority. You could state he was a killer, despite the fact that he
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Inditex Report Essay Essay Example
Inditex Report Essay IntroductionThe reason and points of forming this examination is to break down the worry plans or hypothetical records embraced by the Inditex Group and to reevaluate whether this plans will back up its activity in convey throughing their future obligation. Besides. it expects to quantify the vital choice of the association in either from a corporate plan position or key concern unit ( SBU ) point of view that could be received by the Inditex Group. This investigation will other than frontal area the vision. crucial points of the Inditex Group Company. In add-on. the examination will travel more distant by getting to the gathering HR and heading so as to unmistakably nail any bearing adjustments in the association. on the off chance that there is any. what's more, to cognize who the course are and their place in the assurance doing strategy of the organization. So as to achieve the standard points of this examination. the investigation will be sorted into Internal and External examin ation. This is done so as to the full examine the present spot of Inditex Group in the market from all positions. other than to dish if Inditex is a solid organization to place in. furthermore getting to the current key received by the organization. We will compose a custom exposition test on Inditex Report Essay explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom article test on Inditex Report Essay explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on Inditex Report Essay explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer The organization Internal investigation will be founded on the adherents ; Fiscal Analysis: This will focus on all the financial aspect of the organization. HR and Management Analysis: point of convergence on the course arrangement of the organization. Market Analysis: This will focus on the company’s current commercial center. Tasks Analysis: This will focus on how and where the organization execute it every day exercises. Organized Strength: This will investigate the qualities of the organization inside. Organized Failing: This will break down the inside coming up short of the organization that can block them from achieving their finishes. The organization External examination will be founded on the devotees ; Pestel Analysis: this will break down the conceivable impact of the disappointment or accomplishment of the organization methodologies. Watchman 5 powers: this will help with breaking down the way of fascination of the Clothing Industry. Basic Success Factors ( CSF’s ) : This will focus on some alone assets that make the organization fruitful. Organized Opportunity: Organized Menace: Organization: Inditex Group.The Inditex Group Company. a texture structure Industries is a Spanish Multinational vesture organization. Inditex have its headquartered situated in Arteixo. Galicia in Spain. The Inditex Group was established and made by Amancio Ortega Gaona the wealthiest grown-up male in Spain and third most extravagant grown-up male known to mankind in 1985 and by 2001 they opened up to the world and recorded on the Bolsa de Madrid stock trade market1. The Inditex Group which is presently considered as the world’s biggest vesture dress organization in footings of gross incomes is comprised of more than 100 organizations runing in texture structures. manufacture. what's more, appropriations. Inditex by and by have 8 vital concern units runing in four geological market segments2 which incorporates Spain. These key concern units incorporates ; Bershka. Massimo Dutti. Oysho. Pull A ; Bear. Stradivarius. Uterque. Zara. what's more, Zara Home. Inditex key concern uni ts mutually involved around 6249 shops in 86 markets. Organization Vision: Good Faith. Exchange. what's more, Transparency. Organization Mission: Is to respond with legerity to the requests of the market. This implies Inditex focus amazingly on the customers’ requests and consolidates these requests with high evaluation of opposite incorporating over the entirety of their anxiety nation. Interior AnalysisFiscal Analysis:The cardinal total compensation driver for Inditex Group Company is Zara. loaning 66. 11 % of the whole net gross incomes and 68. 5 % per square meter in 2012. while Bershka comes second with 9. 31 % of whole net gross incomes in 2012. In footings of land part. the Europe ( aside from Spain ) . what's more, Spain represented 45 % and 21 % of the whole net gross incomes severally. While the Americas and Asia ( Including rest of the universe ) speaks to a significant lower total of 14 % and 20 % severally. In 2012 saw Inditex Group shops increments enormously from 4264 shops in 2008 to 6009 shops in 2012. This shows an expansion of 40. 92 % in shops from 2008 to 2012. Inditex Group Profitability. Liquidity and EfficiencyNet net incomes increments twelvemonth over twelvemonth from 2008 to 2012. This shows an expansion of 10. 3 % from 2007-2008. 6. 2 % expansion from 2008-2009. 13. 40 % from 2009-2010. 10. 2 % from 2010-2011. what's more, 15. 61 % from 2011-2012. This is supported by the expansion of gross incomes. higher total compensations edge and Numberss of new shops opened3. Generally speaking. net gross incomes show an expansion of 53. 22 % . While the net gain took off by a solid 87. 26 % between 2008-2012. Before this. Inditex developing rate has kept up a standard of 16 % net incomes developing and net gain of 12 % for as far back as 10 mature ages. The reducing type of ROCE from 2008-2009. furthermore in 2011 is because of a proportionate expansion of working disbursals. The Gross Profit Margin ( GP % ) has seen a moderate expansion from 2008-2012. This is expected to the more slow expansion of cost of gross incomes ( COS ) . EBITDA augme ntations by 20 % when contrasted with the old mature ages and EBIT other than expanded by 24 % when contrasted with the old mature ages. DebtsA truly low outfitted organization. as Inditex Group Company figured out how to take care of some huge aggregate of obligations through hard cash local armies. The Group has 0. 08 % of obligation to capital proportion which implies that the organization pay little going to with regards to using obligations to back endeavors. Financial specialists Related Market Capitalization of 66. 883 bn euro.Share money related worth 106 euro as at 06/03/14Net earnings per divide has been expanding significant from 2008-2012. Profit per parcel expanded by 12. 5 % from 2011 to 2012.Inditex Group Company has a moderate expansion of gross incomes volumes over the mature ages ; while a portion of the cardinal proportions revealed a reduction structure during some period. Inditex to a great extent relies upon the Europe aside from Spain and Spain advertise. by and by. with an idealistic from now on developing in the Asia showcase. The organization other than has a low geartrain proportion which gives them increasingly financial fringe in footings of future broadening. Backing Inditex Group Company financess for its organization through the issue of normal bit value. obligation subsidizing. acknowledgment establishments and self-financing. The organization have been productive over the twelvemonth which makes them expected reasonable obligation of non acquiring sufficient obligation to back its activities. So thus. in footings of liquidness. the organization is non presented to any significant liquidness risk as it keeps up adequate hard cash and hard money proportionate which meet the getaways of its everyday tasks. All the more so. the gathering are non as worried about acknowledgment risk as they have a strategy in topographic point that spread any gross incomes establishments and as their heft of gross is produced using retail net incomes. so they make use of hard cash collections or acknowledgment installment. Inditex Group Company other than financess its anxiety by puting in attractive protections which incorporates short and long haul obligations w ith an adulthood of 90 yearss and a year severally. This helps the Group in run intoing its momentary obligations. The gathering other than have close to 50 % wagers in every one of the five Economic Interest Groups they put resources into. these gatherings are includes in renting of advantages. HR and ManagementInditex is a multi-social and multi-racial organization with 120. 314 representatives furthermore made around 10. 802 occupations in 2012. 82 % of Inditex staffs works under an inconclusive agreement. In footings of its multi-social ancestry. Inditex representatives are of more than 130 nationalities and 45 working phonetic correspondences. Inditex has a youthful work power with a mean age of 31 mature ages old and 78. 7 % of its representatives are females. Pablo Isla Alvarez de Tejera is the Chairman and Chief Executive Chairman of Inditex Group Company alongside his Deputy Jose Amau Sierra has changed the way business and made the world’s biggest vesture and dress organization in footings of gross. also, the other than built up a solid dissemination hypothetical record which helped the gathering to downplay their plan to dispersion strategy inside a hebdomad. Generally speaking. the Inditex board comprise of 9 supervisors which incorporate 4 executives’ chiefs and 5 non-administrators directors. Inditex Group Company works a multidivisional development which causes them in back uping their planetary tasks. At Inditex. the leading body of chiefs are the most noteworthy assurance shaper ; they oversee and control the natural structure of the organization separated from the undertakings that were held to the regular gathering of the investors. Inditex leading group of supervisors are other than intrusting with way. removal. course and agent of the organization and heading of the every day exercises of the organization to the officials. They other than deal with the crew and focusing its endeavors on general oversight map which incorporate coordinating Inditex approach. doing applicable conclusions and moving as a nexus with the investors of the organization. Market AnalysisMarkets and sectionMost appealing business sector area is Asia marketMarket segment by age. Youthful and in the middle old enough group.MerchandisesInditex have constant adjustments to its stocks lines.They have vague stocks in all market sections.Inditex keep up health and security merchand
Thursday, August 20, 2020
Book Report Why We Buy, the Science of Shopping by Paco Underhill
Book Report Why We Buy, the Science of Shopping by Paco Underhill Why We Buy, the Science of Shopping by Paco Underhill Dec 26, 2019 in Book Report Introduction Why We Buy, the Science of Shopping by Paco Underhill is a book about science of shopping. The authors intention was to help retailers understand what draws customers to their stores and what they have to do to improve their sales. This book is mainly about a store, from the consumers perspective implying that it provides a thorough insight based on researches conducted by the author and his team over time. This book report will consider both its content and context in order to establish its significance to the targeted audience. Structure Analysis The book is divided into four sections, where the first section seeks to introduce the reader to the idea of shopping as a science. This section comprises of two chapters, one taking on the shoppers perspective and the second one taking on the retailers perspective on shopping. This section is intended to introduce the concept of shopping, the shoppers experiences, and the retailers expectations and assumptions both being discussed. The second section of the book contains five chapters, each of which is about some elements of customers needs and the fact that retailers are oblivious to these needs. The author explains things like the need for dynamic product assortment, proper signs, enough space to move around, a place to rest their personal items and free their hands so as to shop comfortably having enough room to adjust into the store (twilight zone) and the need to be attended to as fast as possible given that customers generally do not enjoy shopping in stores, which take up too much of their time. The third section of the book covers the subject of shoppers in their different demographic groups as well as their needs and expectations and how these must be considered by the retailers if they are to improve their sales. In this section Underhill (2007) analyses women, men and kids shopping trends. The book highlights what they need and how meeting these needs can improve a stores performance in terms of sales. The last section provides insight into the shopping and retailing experience as a whole, with chapters on sensual shopping, time management, product promotion, self-examination as a retailer, as well as the big three of retailing, namely design, merchandizing, and operations (Evans, Jamal, Foxall, 2009). The book ends with the authors final thoughts, in which he encourages retailers to understand their consumers and look at their operations with customers needs and expectations in mind to serve them to the best of their ability. The book is arranged in such a way that the reader is able to not only grow in terms of his knowledge but also relate every aspect provided by the author to the previous chapters or sections. The author first enlightens the reader on the concept of shopping as a science to get him to understand how the evidence being used throughout the book comes about. Considering that the author often uses experiences from the tracked shoppers, the first chapter is a basis for understanding how all this information comes about. It can thus be stated that the book is systematically structured to ensure not only a good read but also a thoroughly informative content that can be easily understood. Summary of Content In the book, the author starts by analyzing the concept of shopping regarding it as a science and comparing it to anthropology. Pradeep (2010) also notes that understanding of shoppers is seen as a great way to improve the services that they get to have them coming back. By providing the reader with a clear analysis of the shopper through the findings of a research on the Science of Shopping, Underhill (2007) manages to bring out the idea that shopping is not as random as previously imagined, but rather it has some element of consistency that can be studied by tracking shoppers, so as to establish their patterns before, during, and after the shopping exercise. The second chapter is a transition from the shoppers perspective into that of the retailer, enabling the reader to change from looking at the store as a shopper to being the retailer. This chapter is important given that the first chapter puts a lot of attention on the shopping experience that one may be confused into thinking that the book is meant for shoppers. These two chapters are the introductory section of the book and they provide enough background information to get the reader right into the rest of the book. The rest of chapters cover various issues within the retailing discipline, which involve understanding the customers and being able to meet their respective needs and expectations. Regardless of how one looks at it, the author provides very thorough information in this book that would benefit any retailer who needs to improve his sales. Conclusion Why We Buy, the Science of Shopping by Paco Underhill is a book that critically examines retailing and buying habits. The author does not shy away from tackling the retail industry, bringing its shortcomings to light and engaging retailers in how to improve their sales by looking at what matters with a keen eye. Considering the depth of his coverage, the author is seen to meet his objectives in the book by helping to build a dependable understanding that is evidence-based with respect to the needs of shoppers. It can thus be stated that the book is indeed commendable for retailers and marketers in general.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Great Depression By Franklin D. Roosevelt - 1653 Words
The longest, deepest, and most pervasive depression in American history was this that lasted from 1929 to 1939.This depression was one of the greatest economic catastrophes in history; in fact, the real per capita gross domestic product was still below its 1929 level a decade later in comparison of the other depressions who had adjusted their GDP by then. The Great Depression was able to spread its effects and influence into every aspect of the lives of the people that were unfortunate to experience the depression, from the economic facet to our social life as well. The depression was mainly caused by over speculation of the stock market, overproduction in industry and agriculture, and the stock market crash. Franklin D. Roosevelt was a big element of the actions taken to get out of this depression: The New Deal. The important question is: what did he contribute to the American society? Before the great depression, mass production problems and World War I in the economy accumulated with each other and finally caused the depression. These problems were already existing factors since the roaring twenties. Yes, the roaring twenties were years of success, however they were built over a thick brick of glitches. The main problems were that world war I was extremely expensive and turned out as a setback to the economy of the United States; also people could not sustain themselves anymore, so they started using what was called â€Å"credit†, very similar to our credit cards, and mostShow MoreRelatedFranklin D. Roosevelt And The Great Depression1337 Words  | 6 Pages1930’s is known as the Great Depression. Throughout this period, millions of citizens placed their hope and security in the election of Franklin D. Roosevelt as president. Amidst Franklin’s term, he was able to enhance the nation’s hopes and morale with the invention of the New De al. The New Deal was able to reconstruct America’s economy and instill new programs and policies for the American people, but it lacked the potential to put a forceful end to the Great Depression, due to staggering unemploymentRead MoreThe Great Depression Of Franklin D. Roosevelt1616 Words  | 7 Pagesperiod commonly known as the Great Depression. Beginning around the 1930s, the Great Depression is probably one of the most significant economic downfalls in America that also ended up affecting the global economy. Around 1933, about 14 millions American citizens saw unemployment, the national income was over 50 percent down, and production of industrial goods dropped to one third of what it was in 1929. In response to this time of devastation, Franklin D. Roosevelt took over from Herbert HooverRead MoreThe Great Depression By Franklin D. Roosevelt1179 Words  | 5 PagesThe Great Depression is described as: â€Å"the deepest and longest-lasting economic downturn in the history of the Western industrialized world. In the United States, it began soon after the stock market crash of October 1929, which sent Wall Street into a panic and wiped out millions of investors.†1 This is known as an extremely dark time in the history of the world, as the economic system that was supposed to be a fair playing ground for the masses, showed the amount of damage it could have upon livesRead MoreFranklin D. Roosevelt And The Great Depression Essay2145 Words  | 9 PagesStates. In this essay Franklin D. Roosevelt and Obama both got re-elected and did the best they could to make America great again. A speech is power, it is to persuade, convert, and compel. These presidential acceptance speeches were inspiring, effective, and galvanizing. Franklin D. Roosevelt was president of the United States from 1933 to 1945. He is viewed as one of the best presidents since he effectively led the United States through two substantial crisis: the Great Depression in the 1930s, andRead MoreFranklin D. Roosevelt. During The Great Depression In The1745 Words  | 7 Pages Franklin D. Roosevelt During The Great Depression in the United States, 13 million people and the country were in an economic crisis. The nation blamed the Republican party for the economic crisis and for their inability to fix it by the 1932 election.Thus, the election resulted in a win for Democratic Party and the former governor of New York, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. On March 4 1933, Roosevelt was inaugurated president by a nation in need of hope. FDR took action immediately to deal withRead MoreThe Great Depression By President Franklin D. Roosevelt1304 Words  | 6 PagesCONTENTS PRINT CITE The Great Depression (1929-39) was the deepest and longest-lasting economic downturn in the history of the Western industrialized world. In the United States, the Great Depression began soon after the stock market crash of October 1929, which sent Wall Street into a panic and wiped out millions of investors. Over the next several years, consumer spending and investment dropped, causing steep declines in industrial output and rising levels of unemployment as failing companies laidRead MoreFixing the Great Depression with Franklin D. Roosevelt1432 Words  | 6 Pages When Franklin D. Roosevelt’s administration was tasked with fixing the issues of the Great Depression the first step they took was creating programs to assist those in need. Although his programs pulled the United States out of the Great Depression they would prove to be a Pandora’s Box. Once the country was out of the depression these relief programs remained even when they were not needed. These progra ms would drain money from the Government and eventually lead to the bulk of the economic issuesRead MorePresident Franklin D. Roosevelt And The Great Depression Essay704 Words  | 3 Pagesamid the New Deal, President Franklin D. Roosevelt s reaction to the Great Depression. Amid this period in the 1930s, the United States persevered through the most noticeably awful business emergency and the most noteworthy rate of unemployment in its history. Numerous Americans presumed that free private enterprise had fizzled. So they looked to government to straightforwardness hardships and lessen what had all the earmarks of being self-dangerous rivalry. Roosevelt and the Congress institutedRead MoreThe Great Depression By President Franklin D. Roosevelt Essay1931 Words  | 8 PagesThe Great Depression was one of the about important milestones in American history. The Great Depression (1929-1939) was the deepest and also the longest-lasting economic downturn in the history of the indust rialized world. In the United States, the Great Depression began trailing the straw hat circuit market have a go at each other on October 1929, which sent Wall Street facing a spasm and wiped on the wrong track millions of investors. Over the eventually ten forever and ever, consumer purchasingRead MoreThe Great Depression By President Franklin D. Roosevelt2478 Words  | 10 Pageshumans grow to learn fear: fear of clowns, spiders, heights, water, insects, et cetera. In 1933, President Franklin D. Roosevelt gave his first inaugural address, in which he spoke those famous words that would be heard for decades to come: â€Å"the only thing we have to fear is fear itselfâ€â€nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Roosevelt). While these words were referencing the Great Depression, they can apply to the nation’s reaction to 9/11. After the attack on the Twin Towers on September 11,
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
A Brief Overview of Taiwans National History
Located 100 miles off the coast of China, Taiwan has had a complicated history and relationship with China. Early History For thousands of years, Taiwan had been home to nine plains tribes. The island has attracted explorers for centuries that have come to mine sulfur, gold, and other natural resources. Han Chinese began crossing the Taiwan Strait during the 15th century. Then, the Spanish invaded Taiwan in 1626 and, with the help of the Ketagalan (one of the plains tribes), discovered sulfur, a main ingredient in gunpowder, in Yangmingshan, a mountain range that overlooks Taipei. After the Spanish and Dutch were forced out of Taiwan, Mainland Chinese returned in 1697 to mine sulfur after a huge fire in China destroyed 300 tons of sulfur. Prospectors looking for gold started arriving in the late Qing Dynasty after railroad workers found gold while washing their lunch boxes in the Keelung River, 45 minutes northeast of Taipei. During this age of maritime discovery, legends claimed there was a treasure island full of gold. Explorers headed to Formosa in search of gold. A rumor in 1636 that gold dust was found in today’s Pingtung in southern Taiwan led to the arrival of the Dutch in 1624. Unsuccessful at finding gold, the Dutch attacked the Spanish who were searching for gold in Keelung on Taiwan’s northeastern coast, but they still didn’t find anything. When gold was later discovered in Jinguashi, a hamlet on Taiwan’s east coast, it was a few hundred meters from where the Dutch had searched in vain. Entering the Modern Era After the Manchus overthrew the Ming Dynasty on the Chinese mainland, the rebel Ming loyalist Koxinga retreated to Taiwan in 1662 and drove out the Dutch, establishing ethnic Chinese control over the island. Koxinga’s forces were defeated by the Manchu Qing Dynasty’s forces in 1683 and parts of Taiwan began to come under the control of the Qing empire. During this time, many aborigines retreated to the mountains where many remain to this day. During the Sino-French War (1884-1885), Chinese forces routed French troops in battles in northeastern Taiwan. In 1885, the Qing empire designated Taiwan as China’s 22nd province. The Japanese, who had had their eye on Taiwan since the late 16th century, succeeded in gaining control of the island after China was defeated in the First Sino-Japanese War (1894-1895). When China lost the war with Japan in 1895, Taiwan was ceded to Japan as a colony and the Japanese occupied Taiwan from 1895 to 1945. After Japan’s defeat in World War II, Japan relinquished control of Taiwan and the government of the Republic of China (ROC), led by Chiang Kai-shek’s Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT), re-established Chinese control over the island. After the Chinese Communists defeated ROC government forces in the Chinese Civil War (1945-1949), the KMT-led ROC regime retreated to Taiwan and established the island as a base of operations to fight back to the Chinese mainland. The new People’s Republic of China (PRC) government on the mainland, led by Mao Zedong, began preparations to â€Å"liberate†Taiwan by military force. This began a period of Taiwan’s de facto political independence from the Chinese mainland which continues today. The Cold War Period When the Korean War broke out in 1950, the United States, seeking to prevent the further spread of communism in Asia, sent the Seventh Fleet to patrol the Taiwan Strait and deter Communist China from invading Taiwan. US military intervention forced Mao’s government to delay its plan to invade Taiwan. At the same time, with US backing, the ROC regime on Taiwan continued to hold China’s seat in the United Nations. Aid from the US and a successful land reform program helped the ROC government solidify its control over the island and modernize the economy. However, under the pretext of ongoing civil war, Chiang Kai-shek continued to suspend the ROC constitution and Taiwan remained under martial law. Chiang’s government began allowing local elections in the 1950s, but the central government remained under authoritarian one-party rule by the KMT. Chiang promised to fight back and recover the mainland and built up troops on islands off the Chinese coast still under ROC control. In 1954, an attack by Chinese Communist forces on those islands led the US to sign a Mutual Defense Treaty with Chiang’s government. When a second military crisis over the ROC-held offshore islands in 1958 led the US to the brink of war with Communist China, Washington forced Chiang Kai-shek to officially abandon his policy of fighting back to the mainland. Chiang remained committed to recovering the mainland through an anti-communist propaganda war based on Sun Yat-sen’s Three Principles of the People (ä ¸â€°Ã¦ °â€˜Ã¤ ¸ »Ã§ ¾ ©). After Chiang Kai-shek’s death in 1975, his son Chiang Ching-kuo led Taiwan through a period of political, diplomatic and economic transition and rapid economic growth. In 1972, the ROC lost its seat in the United Nations to the People’s Republic of China (PRC). In 1979, the United States switched diplomatic recognition from Taipei to Beijing and ended it military alliance with the ROC on Taiwan. That same year, the US Congress passed the Taiwan Relations Act, which commits the U.S. to help Taiwan defend itself from attack by the PRC. Meanwhile, on the Chinese mainland, the Communist Party regime in Beijing began a period of â€Å"reform and opening†after Deng Xiao-ping took power in 1978. Beijing changed its Taiwan policy from armed â€Å"liberation†to â€Å"peaceful unification†under the â€Å"one country, two systems†framework. At the same time, the PRC refused to renounce the possible use of force against Taiwan. Despite Deng’s political reforms, Chiang Ching-kuo continued a policy of â€Å"no contact, no negotiation, no compromise†toward the Communist Party regime in Beijing. The younger Chiang’s strategy for recovering the mainland focused on making Taiwan into a â€Å"model province†that would demonstrate the shortcomings of the communist system in mainland China. Through government investment in high-tech, export-oriented industries, Taiwan experienced an â€Å"economic miracle†and its economy became one of Asia’s ‘four little dragons.’ In 1987, shortly before his death, Chiang Ching-kuo lifted martial law in Taiwan, ending the 40-year suspension of the ROC constitution and allowing political liberalization to begin. In the same year, Chiang also allowed people in Taiwan to visit relatives on the mainland for the first time since the end of the Chinese Civil War. Democratization and the Unification-Independence Question Under Lee Teng-hui, the ROC’s first Taiwan-born president, Taiwan experienced a transition to democracy and a Taiwanese identity distinct from China emerged among the island’s people. Through a series of constitutional reforms, the ROC government went through a process of ‘Taiwanization.’ While officially continuing to claim sovereignty over all of China, the ROC recognized PRC control over the mainland and declared that the ROC government currently represents only the people of Taiwan and the ROC-controlled offshore islands of Penghu, Jinmen, and Mazu. The ban on opposition parties was lifted, allowing the pro-independence Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) to compete with the KMT in local and national elections. Internationally, the ROC recognized the PRC while campaigning for the ROC to regain its seat in the United Nations and other international organizations. In the 1990s, the ROC government maintained an official commitment to Taiwan’s eventual unification with the mainland but declared that in the current stage the PRC and ROC were independent sovereign states. The Taipei government also made democratization in mainland China a condition for future unification talks. The number of people in Taiwan who viewed themselves as â€Å"Taiwanese†rather than â€Å"Chinese†rose dramatically during the 1990s and a growing minority advocated eventual independence for the island. In 1996, Taiwan witnessed its first direct presidential election, won by incumbent president Lee Teng-hui of the KMT. Prior to the election, the PRC launched missiles into the Taiwan Strait as a warning that it would use force to prevent Taiwan’s independence from China. In response, the US sent two aircraft carriers to the area to signal its commitment to defend Taiwan from a PRC attack. In 2000, Taiwan’s government experienced its first party turnover when the candidate of the pro-independence Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), Chen Shui-bian, won the presidential election. During the eight years of Chen’s administration, relations between Taiwan and China were very tense. Chen adopted policies that emphasized Taiwan’s de facto political independence from China, including unsuccessful campaigns to replace the 1947 ROC constitution with a new constitution and to apply for membership in the United Nations under the name Taiwan. The Communist Party regime in Beijing worried that Chen was moving Taiwan toward legal independence from China and in 2005 passed the Anti-Secession Law authorizing the use of force against Taiwan to prevent its legal separation from the mainland. Tensions across the Taiwan Strait and slow economic growth helped the KMT return to power in the 2008 presidential election, won by Ma Ying-jeou. Ma promised to improve relations with Beijing and promote cross-Strait economic exchange while maintaining the political status. On the basis of the so-called â€Å"92 consensus,†Ma’s government held historic rounds of economic negotiations with the mainland which opened direct postal, communication and navigation links across the Taiwan Strait, established the ECFA framework for a cross-Strait free trade area, and opened Taiwan to tourism from mainland China. Despite this thawing in relations between Taipei and Beijing and increased economic integration across the Taiwan Strait, there has been little sign in Taiwan of increased support for political unification with the mainland. While the independence movement has lost some momentum, the vast majority of Taiwan’s citizens support a continuation of the status quo of de facto independence from China.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Every End Is a New Beginning Free Essays
Every end is a new Beginning They say old habits die hard but what if they never died? What if they were buried under our sub-consciousness? It had been a month since I left rehab. I still remember being confined within the cold stone grey concrete walls going through hours of mental and physical therapy. The sessions seemed long, painful and torturous but the most devastating ache of all was time. We will write a custom essay sample on Every End Is a New Beginning or any similar topic only for you Order Now The nights spent were mostly sleepless and uncomfortable and at times the chronic insomnia left my body weak and sore. I missed my house, my family and friends at work but change is the only constant in life and life itself is very unpredictable indeed. Never in a thousand years would I have ever imagined myself a prisoner of what seemed like sniffing harmless white powder and inhaling the smoke of a burning herb. I recalled the first time I experimented with my college friends before attending a concert. The night that I termed then as â€Å"the best night of my life†was now the night I would remember as my downfall. It had been five years since college ended and five years of continuous substance abuse that made me fall from grace and I couldn’t do anything about it. I was helpless and utterly dependant. That is when I checked myself in a rehabilitation centre just a block away from my house. People can judge all they like but we all have a few skeletons hiding in our closets and none of us have a clean slate. No one can relate to the problems of others as long as they do not go through the same kind of hurdles themselves and me being the person I am generally disregarded any act of sympathy or spurious attempts of concern directed at me. I got myself in this mess and I was determined and adamant to get myself out of it. After spending three months in rehab I discovered that the treatment did not abide by the cookie-cutter approach, as the quality of treatment consisted of an individualized treatment plan. It not only encouraged me to explore the causes of my addiction but also made sure that I was provided with the emotional and mental tools to strengthen my resolve to stay sober. Therapy, though it seemed challenging and agonizing at first, helped me find meaning in life and in the end lifted the dark veil of misery I was hiding under to reveal a stronger and a morally sound ‘me’. I had learned not to give up on life but more importantly taking accountability of my own actions and being more responsible. At the end of it all, life presents us with certain challenges and obstacles. It tests us with hurdles that we need to overcome in order to learn and make progress as human beings but what we must never forget is that there is always light at the end of the tunnel and that every end has a new beginning. How to cite Every End Is a New Beginning, Papers
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Cats Make the Perfect Pet free essay sample
Cats make the perfect pet I have heard the old saying that dogs are man’s best friend. I don’t know much about dogs, but I do know a lot about cats. I have had a cat as a pet for at least 30 years. They are wonderful and I know I will always have one in my life. I think cats make the perfect pet because they are self sufficient, intelligent, and good companions. The first reason I think that cats make the perfect pet is because they are self sufficient. Cats can take care of themselves. When we take cats into our homes as pets, they don’t require much attention. Another good example of why cats are self sufficient is because they are clean animals and they bathe themselves quite often. Cats also have a built in deodorizer in their saliva and this deodorizer always makes their fur smell nice and fresh. We will write a custom essay sample on Cats Make the Perfect Pet or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page One more good reason that cats are self sufficient is because they do not have to be let outdoors to go the bathroom. That is because cats almost instinctively know how to use the indoor litter box. All we have to do is show them where the litter box is and they will automatically go to it every time they have to use the bathroom.Another example of how cats are self sufficient is the fact that we don’t have to play with them when they are bored. Cat’s can amuse themselves for endless hours by watching the birds play in the yard or chasing a shadow on the wall. Another reason that cats are self sufficient is because even though indoor cats depend on us for food and water, we can leave a cat alone indoors for a few days. All that is needed to leave a cat alone is food, fresh water, and a litter box. My cat has been known to feed himself if he runs out of food.He knows where the cat food is kept, and if he is hungry he will help himself. Cats are very self sufficient and I think that this is one of the traits that make a cat the perfect pet. The second reason that cats make the perfect pets is because they are intelligent. Cats are very inquisitive and inventive creaturesAnother example of a cat’s intelligence is that some cats have a sixth sense. They can tell if someone is sick or upset. My mother told me the story of a cat living in a nursing home that could sense death. The cat would go around and visit the patients in the nursing home. If the cat stopped and stayed in a patient’s room death was imminent. The nursing staff would contact the patient’s family and inform them of the situation. Within a few hours the patient would be dead. The cat has accurately predicted seven deaths. It is obvious that cats are very intelligent animals. The third reason I think that cats make the perfect pet is because they are good companions. When we feel down, frustrated, or irritated a cat can come up to us and wrap around our leg or curl up in our lap and we instantly feel better. These acts of kindness seem to melt away the stress of the day. One good example of why cats make good companions is because petting and nuzzling cats has been known to lower blood pressure in humans, and a cat’s sweet soft purr can lull an insomniac to sleep in an instant.Cats also make good companions because they like to curl up next to us for a good long nap, and there is no better sleeping partner than a cat. Cats don’t care what we look like, they don’t expect anything in return, and they will always keep our feet warm! Another example of why a cat makes a good companion is because at the end of the day they will not come running up to us at the door and lick us to death like a dog. They are just glad to see us. A meow and a flip of the tail is all that is needed to say hello. One more reason cats make good companions is because they can live long lives.If they are taken care of properly it is not uncommon for them to live into their teens or twenties. Also cats are good companions because they are soft and cuddly and easy to love. When looking for a good companion, a cat will make a wonderful choice and a lifelong friend. My love for cats goes back a long time. In a few years I will probably become the crazy cat lady. Cats are independent and self sufficient. They are very intelligent animals and they make good companions. I think these things make the cat a perfect pet.
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Free Essays on Homelessness Cause And Effect
Homelessness has taken a toll in many peoples lives in this world. Whether you’re a child or an adult you may experience these gruesome situations. Homelessness is having no home or haven or people without homes considered as a group (Webster 1). Homelessness is no permanent address. There are many causes to homelessness, some extremely sad, others just being selfish then ending up in awful situations which are serious problems. Such things as a missed paycheck, a health crisis, or an unpaid bill push the poor over the edge into homelessness. Homeless population is diverse. Here is a breakdown of homelessness 25%-40% is work, 37% are families with children, 25% are children, 25%-30% are mentally disabled, 30% are veterans and 40% are drug or alcohol dependent. These homeless people live in abandoned buildings, areas under bridges, bus stations, cheap hotels, emergency shelters, subways, and the streets. There are 100 million people homeless worldwide. Some people start on the street and are stranded for a short time. Others are permanently out there for the rest of their life. Sometimes people that go out on the street do get homes but end up back on the street. They say homelessness persists because the growing economy and low unemployment. These reasons include stagnant or falling incomes and less secure jobs which offer fewer benefits. Over the past fifteen to twenty years’ homelessness has risen largely. The reasons for the rise are a growing shortage of affordable rental housing and a simultaneous increase in poverty. Poor people are often unable to pay for housing, food, childcare, and education. Many people have to make difficult choices when they have limited resources and have to cover some necessities. The first thing they choose is housing which absorbs a high proportion of income, which must be dropped. Being poor is the next step of an illness, an accident, or a paycheck away from living on ... Free Essays on Homelessness Cause And Effect Free Essays on Homelessness Cause And Effect Homelessness has taken a toll in many peoples lives in this world. Whether you’re a child or an adult you may experience these gruesome situations. Homelessness is having no home or haven or people without homes considered as a group (Webster 1). Homelessness is no permanent address. There are many causes to homelessness, some extremely sad, others just being selfish then ending up in awful situations which are serious problems. Such things as a missed paycheck, a health crisis, or an unpaid bill push the poor over the edge into homelessness. Homeless population is diverse. Here is a breakdown of homelessness 25%-40% is work, 37% are families with children, 25% are children, 25%-30% are mentally disabled, 30% are veterans and 40% are drug or alcohol dependent. These homeless people live in abandoned buildings, areas under bridges, bus stations, cheap hotels, emergency shelters, subways, and the streets. There are 100 million people homeless worldwide. Some people start on the street and are stranded for a short time. Others are permanently out there for the rest of their life. Sometimes people that go out on the street do get homes but end up back on the street. They say homelessness persists because the growing economy and low unemployment. These reasons include stagnant or falling incomes and less secure jobs which offer fewer benefits. Over the past fifteen to twenty years’ homelessness has risen largely. The reasons for the rise are a growing shortage of affordable rental housing and a simultaneous increase in poverty. Poor people are often unable to pay for housing, food, childcare, and education. Many people have to make difficult choices when they have limited resources and have to cover some necessities. The first thing they choose is housing which absorbs a high proportion of income, which must be dropped. Being poor is the next step of an illness, an accident, or a paycheck away from living on ...
Thursday, February 20, 2020
( HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT) ;Managing people and organizations in Essay
( HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT) ;Managing people and organizations in changing contexts; - Essay Example According to Sparrow (2009) employees in a company are the most valuable assets and their interests should therefore be in the forefront while devising policies and in their implementation. This paper will at discussing human resource management and management of organisations in changing contexts. The paper will elaborate this by discussing issues related to HR management and in Tata Consultancy Services. This discussion will aim at uncovering specific challenges in HRM faced by the company as it spreads its operations globally and the underlying issues of compensation policies. Tata CS is one of the leading companies offering consulting services and a wide range of software related services in the world. The company boasts of being the market leader in these services and more so in IT and outsourcing services in Asia. The company opened its doors in 1968 as a consultancy firm from the outset (TCS 2010). It actually started as a computer centre for the Tata Group. As time went by the management saw it to be prudent to extend the portfolio in offering solutions as well. The company expanded operations quickly and by 1970 it was the first one of its kind and in the area of operation to expand to the American market. This was after conquering the Indian market that had various challenges like the one of License Raj being an unfavourable government regulation. The 1990s saw the company grow tremendously with the rise in the spread of IT, the time of Y2K bug and the emergence of the Euro currency (TCS 2010). The same decade saw the company expand to outsourcing by developing an E-business section which within half a decade later was already giving more than five hundred million dollars to TSC. The company has many subsidiaries it owns the world over some partly while others fully. Its operations span over 40 countries with recorded revenue of about 6 billion US dollars (TCS 2010). The
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Refugee Crisis in Europe Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Refugee Crisis in Europe - Essay Example From this paper it is clear that the division like treatment and differing opinions on the acceptance of the refugees has led the countries to take a different stance on the refugee policies. The situation threatens to compromise the strength of the European countries’ unity and derail the ambience that was enjoyed by the countries before the crisis greatly hit the continent. As the discussion stresses Germany had initially thrown free its borders to the refugees that were trying to enter the country through Hungary, the Balkans and Greece and introduced passport-free travel to the country. The twenty-eight-nation bloc had agreed to share the responsibility of forty thousand of the refugees that were to access the burden Italy and Greece. As a result of the reluctance of other member countries, Germany, Netherlands, Austria and Slovakia have all introduced border controls in a bid to have a record of the thousands of people who arrive from Middle East, Africa and Asia. The once open German borders have now had police on the borders and trains in a bid to control the huge number of migrants who are trying to access the European Union heavyweight. The strict controls introduced as a result of lack of commitment and cooperation from other member states. Hungary has taken a great stand against the refugees who are trying to enter its borders. The nation has warned those trying to enter the country that they risk great rejection and possibly being deported back to their homelands.Â
Monday, January 27, 2020
The History Of Public Relations Worldwide Media Essay
The History Of Public Relations Worldwide Media Essay Public Relations have come a long way all around the world (Lee Johnson, 2005). The term public relations was first used by Dorman Eaton in 1882 (Smith, 2010), when he addressed Yale Law school graduates on the The Public Relations of the legal profession. He used the term to refer to an organisations role in serving the public welfare. But actually, public relations go back even further. It is believed that it has existed in the Antiquity. The Greeks called it semantikos meaning semantics which they defined as how to make people believe things and do things. Another example of public relations is in the Ancient Rome when Julius Caesar wrote the first campaign biography, to convince the Roman he would make the best head of state. Certainly during the early of the twentieth century public relations became more significant. In fact, in 1903 Ivy Lee distinguished himself as the first public relations counselor. Wikipedia states that he is among the founding fathers of public relations. He was a counselor to governments and railroads. One of his famous clients was D.Rockefeller (Smith, 2010). Lee believed that public relations should be about: Telling the truth Providing accurate fact The public relations director must have access to top management and must be able to influence decisions Another founding father that marked the history of Public relations is Edward Bernays, student and nephew of Sigmund Freud ( Wikipedia).In 1918, he advised the President of Czechoslovakia to announce Independence on a Monday rather than on a Sunday, to get maximum press coverage. In 1923, Bernays published Crystallizing Public Opinion, (Smith, 2010) in which he established several public relations principles. He said that public relations had these functions include: To interpret the client to the public, which means promoting the client To interpret the public to the client, which means operating the company in such a way as to gain the approval of the public He also advised public relations professionals to seek out group leaders and other key communicators (opinion leaders), who would be able to pass along ideas to other members of the public. Other Bernays concepts were: Public relations is a public service It should promote new ideas and progress Public relations should build a public conscience Some other public relation pioneers are Elmer Davis, who was a former journalist during World War 2. He coordinated public information from the military and also mobilized public support for the war effort in order to decrease the enemys moral. Pendleton Dudhey was also a pioneer of public relations consultant. In 1909, he opened an agency. He emphasized a lot of the public information model of public relations (Smith, 2010) Later in 1957, Anne Willian Wheaton became the associate press secretary to American President Dwight Eisenhower. Her appointment called attention on the growing role of women in public relations (Smith, 2010). Definition of Public Relations Public relations is defined as being aspect of communications that involves promoting a desirable image for a person or group seeking public attention in the Britannica Concise Encyclopedia. It also states that the purpose of Public relations is to generate good news, be cautious about what to print or to broadcast, to forestall bad news and analyse the situation, minimize the damage and provide the media with information in moments of crisis. The Barrons Marketing Dictionarys definition goes further by adding that apart from seeking understanding, Public relations also seek acceptance from the public and is about building a sympathetic relationship with the latter, and that it is more concerned about issues rather than products or services. The Marketing Dictionary also states that employees, investors, voters are not to be forgotten when building relationships. Grunig and Hunt support these statements by saying that PR is the management of communication between an organization and the public. Rubel (2007), further elaborates that some of the PR activities are to speak at conferences, to deal with the media, to defend the reputation of an organization, to communicate to the employees, and to engage in social media. Phillips and Young (2009), agree with the fact that the engagement in social media forms part of Public relations since they say that communication tools like personal computers, mobile phones, video game consoles can be used for interactive communication and can thus be used for Interactive Public Relations. In contrast to these statements, the World Assembly of Public Relations Associations perceives PR as an art and a social-science which analyse trends, forecast their consequences, provide organizational leaders with advice, and implement planned programs of action which will be beneficial to the organization and the public. Objectives of Public relations As per the statement in the Reference of Business, to bring forth, sustain and defend the image and reputation of a company, are some of the main objectives of Public relations. It also claims that a companys reputation does have an effect on the consumers buying behaviour and consequently affects the sales and revenue. Other goals which it puts forward are, to generate relationships with the employees, the stockholders and investors, the media and the community. Furthermore, there is the aspect of providing the publics with information about a company or its new legislations, or even educating them about the uses of a product. These points are elaborated in where it is said that PR tools such as newsletters, websites and so on can be used to educate the audiences about products and services and that the objective of Public relations can also be to reinforce a brand by building positive relationships with the publics and enhance the image of the company, because this can prove to be helpful especially in moments of crises. Moreover, it supports the idea that Public relations can help increase sales by stating that a good news release can stimulate demand, thus increasing sales. Advantages of Public relations When it comes to the advantages of Public relations, it can be noticed that credibility is a recurrent word. In an article on Drypen, it is said that one of the advantages of Public relations is that it nurtures credibility, unlike advertising. Which implies that the publics are apt to believe in a news release published in the newspaper or in a magazine but, on the other hand, will be quite sceptical about the advertisement of a product in the newspaper or in a magazine. On top of that, PR messages are viewed as news providing detailed information about a product and are more likely to attract the audiences attention. It is also mentioned that Public relations cost much less than advertising and can be more effective, in the sense that, it can be used to reach small market segments, especially for companies with financial problems. Another advantage is that it helps an organization establish a good image which can be of great help to the latter in case of crisis. furthe r adds that it may happen that other media pick up an article about a company and contributes in spreading the news to different locations. Disadvantages of Public relations One of the disadvantages stated on is that there may be distortion of information, in the sense that, the company may be deceived with the end result due to the fact that some information written in the draft have been modified in order to suit the news story and other features in the newspaper. Another disadvantage is that, there is the possibility of the public not being interested in the news release because of some other, more serious news such as war, disasters, crime and so on. On, it is also mentioned that, PR campaigns may not necessarily bring high return on promotional expense, especially if the news media does not consider it important or worth running a story brought forth by a company. Moreover, the fact that the impact of traditional news outlets is decreasing, professionals in the Public relations field are compelled to look for new means to attain the target markets. Advantages of In-House Public relations In a research on the Public relations industry, it is said that, some advantages of in-house PR are that it operates on a full-time basis. Thus the PR officer and other staffs in the PR department are able to dedicate much time working on a PR campaign unlike agencies which have to deal with different clients. Another advantage is that the PR officer can be quickly informed about changes or any other information regarding Public relations since the latter is an integral part of the organization. Moreover, there is the aspect of value for money, in the sense that, the PRO can easily have access to research materials, videos, photographic library of the company, which can be used when working on the house journal or even when dealing with the media, thus working economically. PR department initially cost a lot as compared with consultancy fees, but in the long term, it is greater value for money. Disadvantages of In-House Public relations As stated in the study on the Public relations industry, one of the main disadvantages of in-house PR is the lack of impartiality, training and experience. In an article on, it is said that, when it comes to in-house PR, there is the risk of the PR manager bringing some elements of bias in favour of the company. It also adds that it is difficult for managers to train employees from different branches if ever a company has many branches, thus resulting in lack of training. According to Jefkins (1993), PR managers being considered as experts in their field, consequently possess a limited public relations experience, that is, they do not have much knowledge of the general public relations practices. Advantages of Public relations Consultancy On, it is said that, one of the advantages of PR consultancy is that it cost less. In addition to that, PR consultancy organizations have a wider experience of the general public relations practices and on top of that, they are more familiar with the media and have good media relations, The article on the Public relations industry also includes the fact that external PR consultancy being an independent organization, will not bring elements of bias. Disadvantages of Public relations Consultancy The disadvantage which is stated on is that PR agencies deal with several different clients and not only one client and is therefore not available full time. They may also find it difficult to cope with the companys internal culture. In the Public relations industry study, the disadvantage which is stated is the lack of relationship intimacy and that they have to be loyal to different companies at the same time. The article on, also include the issue of remoteness of the agency from the company. Definition of Litigation PR Litigation public relations is the management of the announcement process during the course of any legal dispute so as to influence the outcome or its impact on the clients overall reputation (Haggerty, 2003). Background study Petitioners and prosecutors have extensively used mass media to get their part of the story out to the public, but the formal practice of litigation PR, a sub-specialty of crisis communication, first appeared in the early 1980s. Since then, the need for litigation PR has grown immensely as media exposure of court cases and the law has increased. Most parties to a lawsuit have important interests that expand beyond legal concerns. Negative publicity about a litigant can cause damage to an individuals reputation that a courtroom win years later may not salvage. Thus, parties to cases, whether civil or criminal, cannot disregard the impact of negative publicity on public opinion (Reber, Gower, Robinson, 2006). Basic Concepts of Litigation Public Relations- The First Concept-Litigation PR is to influence the outcome of the court case by encouraging early or favorable arrangement or by pressuring the tribunal into bringing lesser or no chargers (Haggerty, 2003). The Second Concept-Litigation PR is to protect the clients reputation before and during the trail. In this regard, litigation PR is similar to reputation management. Reputation management is about managing public opinion of an organization or individual. It is about attitude toward the individual and not knowledge itself. An essential aspect of reputation management is influencing attitude about the individual and corporation, which can encourage positive foundation to the benefit of the organization (Haywood, 2002). Litigation PR and Media Coverage Litigation PR on the part of defendants is needed, especially in high-profile cases because the media have unnatural bias in favor of plaintiffs and prosecutors. When allegations are made public, the media tend to cast the lawsuit in terms of victim versus villain. News stories regularly lead with the plaintiff or prosecutors allegations. If the defendants responses are included at all, they appear well into the story. Thus, the defendant is forced on the defensive from the outset. In such situation, working with the media to create more balanced, accurate, and less sensational coverage of a lawsuit is necessary element in defending high profile defendants (Hantler, Schwartz, Goldberg, 2004, p. 8). Fitzpatricks Six Objectives of Litigation Public Relations 1. Counteracting negative publicity. 2. Making a clients viewpoint known. 3. Ensuring balanced media coverage. 4. Helping the media and the public understand complex legal issues. 5. Defusing a hostile environment. 6. Helping resolve the conflict (Fitzpatrick, 1996). To achieve those objectives, the first step is to establish reliability with the media as an information source. The next step is to manage the flow of information to the media so that the right message gets out. The third step is to develop a message that supports the clients position and get that message out to the media and the public (Fitzpatrick, 1996, Haggerty, 2003, Reber, Gower, Robinson, 2006). Differences between Litigation PR and Other PR Practices Litigation PR is highly dependent on the media. Although the practice of PR involves far more than just mediated communication, litigation PR remains dependent on the media. It is because of the medias increased attention to lawsuits that litigation PR has become a necessity for many high profile clients (Gibson, 1998). Because typical public relations campaign strategies and tactics may not be appropriate and may even be harmful at certain times during a lawsuit, the legal tactic must take procedure (Schweitzer, 2003). Litigation PR is more regulated than regular public relations because of the potential to prejudice the legal process (Gibson, 1998). Litigation PR is directed with the emphasis of one-way, irregular communication. Because the law is adversarial in nature, creating a win-lose situation, the goal of litigation PR is to strengthen the legal strategy and theory of the case to make sure a win and to diminish damage to the organizations credibility and reputation (Reber, Gower, Robinson, 2006). Public Relations (PR) Strategies Public Relations involve an array of programs designed to maintain or augment a companys image and the products and services it offers. Successful implementation of an effective public relations strategy can be a vital element to a marketing plan (Berry and Wilson, 2000). In public relations practice, strategy typically refers to the overall concept, approach, or general plan for the program designed to achieve a goal (Cutlip, 2006). A public relations (PR) strategy may play a key role in an organizations promotional strategy. A planned approach to leveraging public relations opportunities can be just as important as advertising and sales promotions (Berry and Wilson, 2000). According to Lages and Simkin (2003), plans give focus and direction to every strategy. Smith (2008) highlighted the point that careful planning leads to programs that are proactive and preventative, rather than to activities that are merely reactive and remedial. So, in order to ensure the success of Strategic Public Relations Planning, Cutlip et al (2003) proposed the four-step problem solving process. PUBLIC RELATIONS STRATEGIC PLANNING PROCESS Four-step Process Strategic Planning Steps and Program Outline ______________________________________________________________________________ Defining the Problem 1. The Problem, Concern, or Opportunity Whats happening now? 2. Situation Analysis (Internal and External) What positive and negative forces are operating? Who is involved and/or affected? How are they involved and/or affected? ______________________________________________________________________________ Planning and Programming 3. Program Goal What is the desired solution? 4. Target Publics Who-internal and external-must the program respond to, reach, and affect? 5. Objectives What must be achieved with each public to accomplish the program goal? ______________________________________________________________________________ Taking Action and Communicating 6. Action Strategies What changes must be made to achieve the outcomes stated in the objectives? 7. Communication Strategies What message content must be communicated to achieve the outcomes stated in the objectives? What media best deliver that content to the target publics? 8. Program Implementation Plans Who will be responsible for implementing each of the action and communication tactics? What is the sequence of events and the schedule? How much will the program cost? ______________________________________________________________________________ Evaluating the Program 9. Evaluation Plans How will the outcomes specified in the program goal and objectives be measured? 10. Feedback and Program Adjustment How will the results of the evaluations be reported to program managers and used to make program changes? Major Public Relations Tools According to Kotler and Armstrong (2007), there exist various tools that can be used in the practice of public relations. One of the major tools is news whereby PR professionals find or create favourable news about the company and its products or people. They argued that news stories can sometimes occur naturally, and at times the PR person can suggest events or activities that would create news. They mentioned that Speeches can also create product and company publicity and that increasingly, companies are giving talks and speeches at trade associations or meetings for building companys image. Another common PR tool is special events which ranges from news conferences, press tours, grand openings, star-studded spectaculars, or educational programs designed to reach and interest target publics (Kotler and Armstrong, 2007). Also, public relations people prepare written materials to reach and influence their target markets. These materials include annual reports, brochures, articles, and company newsletters and magazines. Audiovisual materials, such as films, slide-and-sound programs, DVDs, and online videos are being used increasingly as communication tools. Corporate identity materials can also help create corporate identity that the public immediately recognizes. Logos, stationery, brochures, signs, business forms, business cards, buildings, uniforms, and company cars and trucks all become marketing tools when they are attractive, distinctive, and memorable (Kotler and Armstrong, 2007). Trends in Public Relations Interactive public relations use internet technologies and tools such as search engine, Web 2.0 social bookmarking, new media relations and social media marketing to allow firms circulate information without relying only on conventional publications and communicate directly with the public, existing and potential customers. It is sometimes called social PR which comprises of a combination of search-optimizing press releases, creating social media releases through tools like Pitch Engine and blogger outreach to promote company news and announcements. Even though press releases were distributed online for more than a decade, its only in the last few years that tools and techniques for combining PR with social media have really emerged, and they continue to evolve. It incorporates all forms of communication and is not solely limited to online press releases and bloggers, but instead uses every element of building relationships while maintaining the significance of the spoken word. Social Media It is mostly talked trend in the public relations industry. PR professionals are communications specialists, and blogs, forums, online video and social networking offer the ability to communicate more affordably and efficiently than ever before. Social media channels give PR expert the possibility to gain access to consumer opinions and behavior. Online Press Releases Newsrooms Press release purpose is changing and it is written with keyword-rich content and distributed with the only aim of better optimizing sites for search engines. The formatting and functionality of press releases and online newsrooms are evolving to integrate social bookmarking, video, blogs, podcasts and RSS feeds. Social Bookmarking Social bookmarking is a method for Internet users to organize, store, manage and search for bookmarks of resources online. Basically the file is not shared but they are bookmarked to refer later on. Social bookmarking sites such as Digg, and Reddit have changed the way PR consume and share news. Search Engine Optimisation Search engine optimisation has aim to guide and improve website rankings on search engines such as Google, Yahoo, or MSN Search. In order to optimise web pages, different methods can be used such as using keywords in the HTML coding, Meta and Title tags, and also Alt tags on images. Good design and easy navigation in the website also helps to optimise it for search engines. However it could be argued that there are some flaws with SEO. There is always the chance of getting too much business. A company with a highly successful website may find that business is moving faster than they can cope. With something such as pay per click advertising, it would be easy to turn off or remove the advertisements, but it wouldnt be as simple to remove a whole website in order to slow down sales. Social networking Social networks are websites that enable individuals to interact with one another via the internet. It allows its users to use this platform to gain interest from web users on a professional or social basis. These websites allow people to not only get to know one another but to also share Photos, music, view TV clips, messages and blogs. In this way Social networks are used by companies in order to promote their brands or products to the public or for general use and as a way of making friends. Examples of social networking platforms are Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Foursquare, etc. These are all online tools companies can use to get more in touch with their customers, create a more personified brand image, and share information about the firm. Sending press releases. Though tied to PR for the past few decades, this is also used in marketing. Press releases are great ways to alert people of new things happening, and great ways to pitch the media. Having a blog. If companies would rather not pitch the media and communicate with their customers through this and social networking, blogs can be a great outlet for information sharing. Hosting forums, chats, chatrooms, etc. This is a means to provide a way for customers to contact you with complaints, concerns, questions, etc. Customers will talk about you anyways, and with the availability of places for them to do so, they have no reason not to. Being more personable. This can be hard to fake, so it takes actual effort, time, and energy. The company needs to utilize the tools above and actually be available and accessible. Going above and beyond expectations. This is something used in customer service, but in PR, you can do the same thing. Customers are used to companies doing the minimum to satisfy their needs, but satisfying and creating loyal customers are very different tasks. RSS Feeds RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds, is a family of web feed formats used to publish frequently updated works-such as blog entries, news headlines, audio, and video-in a standardized format. They are very efficient tool to monitor regularly updated online content, such as: blogs, news headlines, forum posts and podcasts. RSS feeds give PR specialist the ability to consume and filter massive amounts of information and news from mainstream and social media sites. Its reader checks the users subscribed feeds regularly for new work, downloads any updates that it finds, and provides a user interface to monitor and read the feeds. RSS allows users to avoid manually inspecting all of the websites they are interested in, and instead subscribe to websites such that all new content is pushed onto their browsers when it becomes available. PR 2.0 PR 2.0 makes use of a combination of social media tools that are available to communications expert to attain and better communicate directly with consumer audiences and influencers. Social Media is a way that allows audiences to drive the communication in their communities. PR expert are starting to incorporate PR 2.0 into their strategy and planning as an effective way to communicate directly to Web 2.0 audiences so as to raise awareness and increase brand awareness. Nowadays these tools are available to reach the audiences who want to control their own communication to know about different brands. Web 2.0 technology combined with an audiences desire to build and share content has transformed the PR industry. PR Podcasts, Vidcasts and Webcasts Podcasts, vidcasts and webcasts are three effective tools available to PR professional whose job is to get the company news to the targeted audiences. Podcasting involves recording to a digital file that can be distributed over the net using syndication feeds for playback on a computer, MP3 player or iPod. Vidcasting is a video-on-demand video clip delivered to computers and can be downloaded and watched at the viewers convenience. Webcasts differ from podcasts and vidcasts in that they can either be live or recorded. Webcasting can be thought of as broadcasting via the Internet.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
because I like them but just because these products are advertised. :: essays papers
How does media influence the male and female body Media is the most important factor that influences us on how we view our body’s image. Throughout time, we saw how many famous singers and actors were role models for our society. It is an unpleasant fact, that we see these perfect figures as our role models, and struggle to have a perfect body as they do. Advertisements also show models that have perfect figures and they use these models to sell products that unfortunately damage our bodies. We take every necessary action to achieve that goal of having a perfect body. Personally, the media also influences me and I buy certain products, not because I like them but just because these products are advertised. Initially, many famous singers and actors have perfect figures and as they appear in the society, they show us that this is how we should look. For example, if I see a singer or an actor on TV or in a magazine, I look at them and then I start comparing my body to theirs. I feel like I need to change my body and wear clothes that the celebrities are wearing, so I could become more like them. Moreover, when I see myself in the mirror, I get a negative view of myself and I start feeling very uncomfortable about the way I look. Luckily, I do not go too far to change my body but there are people who take drugs, change their eating habits, or even go through painful surgeries to change their body. If we present our society with actors and singers who are more like an average person then we might save many men from taking certain drugs and women from getting breast implants. Advertisements also influence our society on how we view ourselves. We see so many advertisements where models are smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages. All of these advertisements presented to adults and children are spreading a negative message; these advertisements are proving that smoking and drinking is all right for our bodies. None of these advertisements expose how these products will damage our bodies. These advertisements do not care about our health; they are more concerned about their profits. Many teenagers start smoking because of these advertisements and most of them keep smoking until the day this poison kills them.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
How does the relationship between salt concentration
How does the relationship between salt concentration effect osmosis in the aquatic plant Elodea? Quantitative data From observing the cells under a microscope, we see that they are continuously moving and therefore are alive. We have observed that when the cells are in the 10% sodium chloride, the chloroplasts are positioned to the sides of the cell wall and the cytoplasm is more expanded. Cells in the distilled water are slightly smaller than the cells in the sodium chloride solution and the chloroplasts have begun moving to the same.Finally, cells in the isotonic water are very small and equally spread out through out the cells. Conclusion From observing the Elodea in different concentration of water, we can see that the more concentrated the solution is, the more osmosis occurs. This can be seen from the change from observing the plant in isotonic water, distilled water and a 10% sodium chloride solution. As the concentration of the solution increases, the cytoplasm and chloroplas t was pushed to the edges of the cell membrane instead of being spread out like in the isotonic water.This observation is especially visible for he 10% sodium chloride solution; where all of its chloroplast was on the boundary and pressure of the cytoplasm is more. This occurs because of osmosis where water molecules move in the sodium chloride solution as osmosis works from a region of lower solute concentration to a region of higher solute concentration across a partially permeable membrane. The sodium chloride molecules moves across the membrane so the net is in equilibrium, due to this the elodea contain more water and therefore becomes larger.At some cells, we can see that they look very weak and ull, these are the cells which are reaching the maximum capacity of water they can obtain. If we were to leave the elodea in higher concentration solution they may burst due too much water flowing and pressure inside the cells. There was only a gradual change between the cell in the is otonic water and distilled water since the salt concentration to the distilled water was not very strong. Also, because the solution is less solute is due to less molecules held up so they move more freely across the membrane. Thus, a smaller net movement of water is evident.However, we can still ee some small changes such as the some of the chloroplasts have been moved the side, as while as the cell has expanded slightly, especially the cytoplasm. When place in isotonic solution, the cell does not experience any changes since there is an equal exchange of water. The reason for this is the solution and cell has the same concentration, therefore water moves in the same direction so osmosis does not occur. There is no pressure inside the cell so the cytoplasm is not pressed against happens better in concentrated solutions where the cytoplasm and chloroplast are ainly affected.Although I only did the experiment once, my results may not be completely accurate; however, because of our kn owledge of osmosis, we can infer that the results are to a large extend reliable and can be use to Justify our conclusion. Evaluation Limitation How it affected the results How to improve it The slide where the cell was put on to be observed under the microscope may have contained traces of previous concentration of solutions. Because the solutions were mixed (for instance, some traces of isotonic water on slide when the cell was put in istilled water) it could weaken the concentration of the solution.The weaker solution may create a barrier to how much of the stronger solution could enter the cell. Therefore, the cell could contain more of the weaker solution than the stronger. Due to more of the weaker solution, osmosis may not occur as effectively as it would with a pure solution. After observing the elodea, cleanse it thoroughly so excess water comes off. When wanting to observe the next elodea in a different concentration take a new slide each time so there is the cell is on a completely clean surface. The harsh ight of the microscope created heat, which was aimed towards the cell.The heat would have made the cell drier by drying the water that the cell contained. This would have made the cell flaccid as the cell loses water and has lack of firmness. Therefore the cells' structure would be altered, giving false results. Decrease the amount of light shined on the cell. Also, only switch off the microscope when not using to observe to ensure that extra light will not shine. The time the leaf is left in the solution is not consistent. – Sometimes the leaf was left for 5 minutes sometimes onger. The time needs to be consistent since the effects of osmosis may be more visible if there is longer time.The cell in a particular concentration may be less â€Å"developed†compared to the cell in another concentration, which was in the solution for a longer period of time. Have a fix time for the elodea cell to be in each of the solutions. (10 minutes w ould be a good time) The experiment was only done once This may not have given very accurate results as the one trial we did may have been flawed. Therefore it is not very reliable to assume that our results will always give the ame conclusions that concentration effect osmosis.Do the experiment at least fives times to compare the results to make sure they are all similar. This way you can ensure that your results are more accurate and have no anomalies. Different leaves were used for each of the three solutions. and how everything is placed. Because of this, we do not know if the changes we see are due to osmosis or if the leaves are different from each other. It makes comparison between the concentration of solutions harder as we need to be more cautious in what we assume are the effects of osmosis.Use the same leaf whenever changing into a different solution. However make sure to fully cleanse the leaf after putting in each concentration to ensure there is no traces of old concen tration. Limitation by use of sketching to collecting information There might be human error when sketching since we cannot locate the same part of the plant and also there is different amount of cells within each part. Humans may also produce error when drawing the shapes, so when comparing, it is difficult to know whether the shapes produce are caused by human error or osmosis.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Cause of Lack of Self Confidence - 6982 Words
Safety Management Safety Management Improving Business Outcomes Behavior-based safety techniques can influence organizational performance By Treasa M. Turnbeaugh O ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE is an important consideration in managing a firm’s overall success. Management can set goals and objectives, assign responsibilities and accountabilities, and monitor business outcomes and processes, but it must also consider the context in which all of these initiatives occur. Organizational culture is difficult to define and cannot be measured in a direct manner as it is a soft social science issue rather than a standardized quantitative measure. To confound matters, subcultures often exist within organizations that may or may not be†¦show more content†¦accomplish goals. It may be important for the feeling of affiliation, motivation and job satisfaction. However, a strong culture can also be a deterrent to change. Studies have suggested that great companies cannot remain stagnant and still be great; they need to â€Å"change culture over the life cycle of the organization†if they want to continue to succeed (Baker, 2008, p. 8). Changing culture is a far more difficult task than trying Treasa M. Turnbeaugh, Ph.D., M.B.A., CSP, is to understand culture. Know- client services/risk control manager for Safety ing what to aim for is one of the National, an excess insurance carrier based in first steps in moving toward a St. Louis, MO. She has more than 20 years’ change initiative. Organiza- experience in the safety profession and has tional culture evolves over time extensive experience in workers’ compensation and can be (and should be) a cost reduction, ergonomics, industrial hygiene, managed process. Westrum indoor air quality, behavior-based safety, cultural (1993) (as cited in Bergersen, assessments, diagnostics and metrics, injury 2003, p. 12) suggests that treat- management and safety process improvement. ment of information is the cata- Turnbeaugh holds a Ph.D. in Health Services lyst for moving a firm along his Research with a minor in Epidemiology and an cultural maturity continuum of M.P.H. from Saint Louis University. In addition, â€Å"pathological, bureaucratic or she holds a B.S. and an M.S. inShow MoreRelatedBuilding Self Esteem1574 Words  | 7 PagesRunning Head: SELF-CONFIDENCE Building Self-esteem Abstract A lot of people suffer from the lack of self-confidence and often they don’t know the real reason. They unconsciously show this reason, low self-esteem. It’s very difficult for them to reach the goal they set and often they think the reason is their dis-abilities. They don’t trust in their skills. 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